Probably an idiotic question but:

Probably an idiotic question but:
How do I stop the hard drive indicator light on my case from blinking? It's bright as fuck and annoys me at night, and I don't want to have to cover it because that's the pedestrian route.
I doubt there's any way to do it within the OS, so are there any hardware-based solutions beyond "break the fucking thing"? I don't care if it stops working altogether.

install gentoo

Unplug the cable
Install everything on an external USB HDD, then the light never turns on

The cable is for the entire front panel, including USB ports and headphone jack, I'm almost certain

Unplug the hdd led jumper from the motherboard

>buying garbage

place a piece of tape over the light.

You're welcome. Mods, please close the thread.

Corsair 500R and Gigabyte Z77-DS3H. Had no idea what I was doing when I bought the thing (clearly still the case now)

my quick google search confirms that you should RTFM

seconded, small square of black electrical tape. jobs a good en

Even better, put the tape on the inside.

>I don't want to have to cover it

electrical tape of turn it off with powertop

Why the fuck not? It's the simplest and therefore best solution.


OP here, turns out I'm literally an idiot
The USB 3 header cables were all on one plug, but the lights and shit were individuals. Yanked the HD indicator LED and power button LED connectors and life is good

Either you put a small piece of tape over it or you go inside the computer and unplug the cable.

>can't be done from the os
don't be a pleb. you can mount the os itself in a tmpfs. also get a backup power supply of you decide to go this route.


Of course the lights were individual. Did you really think there was only one led for the entire little panel?

you're joking right? there are separate connectors for each specific lights on all non custom built motherboards

Don't be a retard, unplug the led cable from the motherboard. Really easy. If you are uaing linux just disable that from software so you can turn it on whenever you want.

Can someone help me? My Ubuntu 16.04 LTS always starts up muted. Every fucking time I want to watch a video or listen to music I have to manually type alsamixer in the terminal and unmute it, this shit is really bugging me. Help me out, fellow Sup Forumsentoomen.


meant to start a new thread....oh well
i just did that, hope it works this time

Install Windows

lol is this ironic

Sticky tape you halfwit


find the wires on the header for the HDD light, cut them.

Snip snip

Who doesnotplugintheirannoyingassbluepowerLED here?

I use literally none of my case headers, they are all garbage

Fucking blue LEDs. I miss the good ol red ones

disassamble and cover it from inside.

unplug it

spray a flammable aerosol into the case and light it.

face it somewhere else