How powerful can a .txt file be....?

How powerful can a .txt file be....?

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One single .txt file can bring down the entire Internet... that's how powerful it is

I think you mean .bat user

Not very, but that we can read text files from the 70s with minimal difficulty while other formats far more recent are pretty much lost shows that it has its place.

To be honest, I like puretext.


Because this is the simplest format ?

Now make it replicate itself atleast a 100 times and you can get into an Ivy League school.

.txt files are turing complete when interpreted by most given programming languages

so not only are they extremely powerful, but there is nothing more powerful

Sick reference bro

cat sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root > niggers.txt; `cat niggers.txt`

I pretty much am 70 % sold on keeping all my data in .txt files. I keep them on dropbox for easy storage and access, as well as local copies. They upload pretty much instantly and download instantly. Plus you don't need other programs to read it.

How do you plan on saving your porn though?

Behold the true power of .txt

>Go borrow a Windows computer
>Create a new txt file
>Type .LOG at the top and save it
>Close it
>Reopen it

Yer a programmer now Harry

Much, depending on the beholder..

Since I've been typing so much, I'm rather good at transcribing. So now I just write out a detailed description of what's going on. At the top I'll say who the actors are(if they're professional) and a brief physical description. Then I'll use a screenplay format to describe how the scenes go.

But sometimes I like to be naughty and I'll record a .wav of the audio from the original porn video and compress it down to an Opus .ogg file. That way I can at pretend I'm reading an audiobook.

In Unix everything is a file so very powerful.

it'll easily do over 100 times :)

what wizardry is this

yes "black lives matter" >> stanford_application.txt

you can change a windows command so it loads any malware instead of fucking explorer.exe...
or preload any program before explorer.exe starts.
thank you m$crosoft for this epic addon.
the chinese exploit this to the max when it comes to their adware programs.

Fucking Chinese malware artists

A-are you a wizard?

I read the news too


Fuck this gay Earth

Ask Stallman, he knows a lot about notepads.

why is notepad executing this


Holy fucking shit what

ASCII porn.

The wizardry of reading the docs: