Show them builds!
Speccy Thread
Who here has built a pc for gaming then lost interest in games? idk how i feel.
got my r5 1600, ax370 gaming 5, and ddr4-3000 coming in by the end of the week. too bad i cant build till i return from the 'easter' festivities i got invited to all weekend
Is that a 285 and a 380 xfire?
b-brother, is that you
You come too son, stay away from that Vishera Black edition, they will lead you down a dark path.
Based on the programs you run, is anyone guilty of buying more computing power than needed? What specs would be enough vs what you actually have?
That's like saying you feel guilty for getting a car that has more trunk room than you absolutely need. If you have the money and aren't breaking the bank, go crazy.
>TFW have 32GB of ddr4 and a 1TB 960 Evo m.2 but even when video editing, I've only seen the drive at 1/3 max speed and 12GB of ram used
Can't say I'll HAVE to upgrade any time soon.
Holy budget box Batman. I'm assuming you don't do much gaming. Or anything intensive at all really
first for Ryzen
i am fairly content with the performance of this build.
So what you're saying is as long as you can run all the needed programs, you should buy hardware at the best value as far as performance per dollar?
ITX build.
not sure what's wrong with motherboard thermister.
Recommend me a 2TB+ Hard drive to stick all my movies and weeb shit on.
HGST NAS rated. go for the 3TB
4790K is at 4.5 ghz
Are 3TB drives still kind of funky? I remember them being less reliable on average.
that was a long time ago. HGST NAS are some of the most reliable drives you can get
Anything higher than that? I know HGST drives are good but the WD Purple are about 132 for 4TB, while HGST is 160.
That's the idle temp? My 6600K is OCed to 4.5GHz and is idling at 32 C right now.
Yeah don't know what causes that, I have cryorig r1 ultimate cooler as well
I finally get to post in this thread without a ghetto machine.
i built this about 5 years ago lol
Nope it's just a spare pc right now not sure what to do Whit it.
The motherboard came with a free cooler and game.
Remove the video card, underclock the CPU as much as you can, and turn it into a file server.
Not that user but why not? 270 improves upon some of the problems and shortcomings that 170 had. Plus 170 boards aren't as easily available in local stores compared to 270. Add in that their prices aren't even that much better. Why buy an older chipset if the newest, latest, and greatest is at most $20 more for the same line?
That's a good idea
What problems with the z170's?
Some 170s didn't take certain memory kits at higher frequencies even if the motherboard said it had support. Some didn't include LLC capabilities in their UEFI. UEFI from 170 to 270 overall got updated.
Nothing crazy really, just minor tweaks and changes. But like I said, price isn't even all that different between the 2 so there is really no reason to not buy the 270 chipset. I'm happy with my Asus ROG ranger z170. But for someone buying a Skylake chip right now because of a sale or hand me down type deal, 170 boards of quality are far and few between.
Oh, I see. I got a ASUS Z170-AR board several months ago, but that's not too awful. It seems like an okay board to me.
The i7 is delidded and binned at 4.9ghz from silicon lottery.
Even with the delid 4.9ghz is all it will do.
Nice drives
Why does Speccy only report an "i7" without the "7700k" or such for the Kaby Lake cpu? Does Speccy need updating?
I should really replace my stock cooler
You should replace that monitor first. 1440x900 must be rough.
My cpu goes up to 80 in some games, not bothered about my monitor atm
What do you score on cinebench?
OpenGL: 95 FPS
CPU: 476 cb
Ranked 7th
Why 24gb of ram?
Pic is of my Desktop. I don't really game anymore just play older titles (1999-2004 era). My Server specs is below (No speccy for it, sorry)
OS: Windows Home Server 2011 (Does the job)
CPU: FX 8300
HDD: 1TB (OS/Client PC Backups)
9TB (4x3TB, Raid-5) Data,Porn,Movies,Music,etc
Server data is backed up to 8tb nas and 3tb external drive
How well does that run 10?
Web browsing is OK. Video playback is really slow due to lack of video drivers and forget about games. Once you select "Adjust for best performance" in the performance thing, it's quite usable for Word and Excel and email (PowerPoint won't work).
Probably. 1.30.730 was released 16 Nov 2016
Please be gentle.
You poor son of a bitch.
looks good except I would of went for a 1070 or a 1080 / Ti.
>be gentle
So then apparently you are aware of the buffoonery that is combining an i7-7700k and a Z170 moboard. And surely you are aware of the absurdity that is combining 64 gigs of ram with a GTX 1060. I gather you are not a gamer. Music maker, perhaps? Video editor?
>I would of went
>would of
The word you are looking for is "would've", which is the contraction of "would have".
i think i need more space
Besides web browsing what else can that handle?
I just lucked out, yesterday i got cucked cause GTX1080TIs (non-reference) sold out almost instantly w/in 10 minutes. while i was taking a dump.. but today i find a vendor with stock and got what? a Strix GTX1080ti OC edition?! whoowhhwwhwhowhowhwohwodkajfa;dkjf I'm so hype right now. i got a nice X99 setup all black themed can't wait to slip that bad boy in my ATX case. it'll be like putting the sprinkles and the cherry on top of the ice cream.
Folding@home, about 100 points per day.
>not BOINC
Folding@home is more universally known and bigger, backed by Stanford. But their software interface sucks ass.
>backed by Stanford
And BOINC's backed by Berkeley. Biggest plus is you actually choose what your computing power goes to instead of just folding proteins. SETI, Enigma@Home, and Collatz conjecture for me
F@h let's you choose what types of proteins you fold, though, and what type of research your results go to.
It's still just protein folding though, BOINC's much more diverse, you can donate your power to creating a map of the galaxy, searching for extraterrestrial life, pulsars, hook sensors like geiger counters and seismographs up to contribute to a global map, etc.
Is there a website like F@h that lets you compare performance and form teams? If so, hook me up, where do i sign up
There's a few, I use
It actually works for managing your computer(s) too, you can add or remove projects remotely and other neat stuff
Thanks. Let's see what I can come up with.
Aye. I've been out of the loop from PC building for more than a few years, so I kind of just jumped in with this one.
I'll most likely just upgrade to 1080 since I feel embarrassed I spent that much on other parts and I kind of want to complete it.
Yeah, it's been helping me with renders lately. I like my build, but outside of Sup Forums, I don't really feel as silly.
However, I will say I'm not aware of the 7700k and Z170 thing. Can you enlighten me? I know the 7700k is a bit pricey, but I got it for a discount.
real shit nigga
Wrong CPU temp tho, speccy is retarted
what was your idle/stress temps before deliding? Also what cooler?
Just curious, what's the point of the 1080Ti if all you have is a 1080p/60Hz monitor?
Unless of course, you didn't buy it for gaming.
Post your shit then
Put Windows 10 on it
Test performance, benchmarks, just for fun. You don't actually use that piece of shit, do you?
Nope its my shit posting machine and space heater. I might do that later.
>that one autist that has to quote every post for an ebin maymay
Go drink some bleach, you mouth breathing mongoloid.
>the 7700k and Z170 thing
Z170 motherboards need a bios update to use kaby lake cpu's. In order to do the update, you need a skylake cpu. Or so the thinking goes for new builds. Thus, better to start with a Z270 if going with a kaby lake. You, apparently, already had the motherboard and skylake cpu and therefore you have no need to concern yourself with the 7700k and Z170 snafu.
You have a 1060 now. If it is a 6gb edition, no need to upgrade to a 1080 just yet. If your 1060 is of the 3gb variety, there is no reason to wait to upgrade to a 1080. If you do, I recommend this -
I own that card and I can attest to its high quality and extraordinary performance.
>you mouth breathing mongoloid
I usually call anyone who uses the phrase "THIS NIGGA WOKE AF" an illiterate knuckle-dragging neanderthal. I like "mouth breathing mongoloid" a lot. I might steal that.