Can someone explain to me why the vast majority of servers running websites and webservices on the internet are Linux based but the vast majority of IT solutions in a business LAN are Windows?
Can someone explain to me why the vast majority of servers running websites and webservices on the internet are Linux...
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I mean you know she's a slut, but she has the glutes that tell you she's a champion in bed.
Why would those things normally be contrary to one another?
Why not? She could be a modest girl who exercises or plays a sport and has muscles from that.
My implication is that normally you stay away from sluts but this is worthy of the pump and dump perky because of DAT ASS
Ready for BBC.
nope, enterprise uses either cloud or on-prem UNIX/linux with occasional windows if there's an app that requires it, at least in my local IT ecosystem
desktops/laptops are switching to macos slowly but surely since hardly anything is run outside browsers nowadays
We have a mixed environment of Linux and Windows at work.
All of our web and application servers are Windows, but our database servers are Red Hat.
>My implication is that normally you stay away from sluts
Not if you actually want to have actual good sex. Fucking modest girls is the most boring shit in the world. I'd rather jack off honestly. Sluts are fucking awesome.
Kill yourself cucks
t. user Mc'Cuck
Fucking someone that actually likes sex and has experience makes me a cuck?
>Not fucking used up roasties and dreaming of black cocks makes me a cuck
Kill yourself Reddit
Yep. Enjoy your 47 dicked Cheerios you man whore fag.
>in a business LAN are Windows?
Active Directory.
Large businesses are addicted to it.
I'm going to assume you're just an assmad incel hanging on to this completely self-manufactured fantasy of what female sexuality is like, because in the real world it doesn't work the way you think it does.
But whatever right? I'm sure you'll find your precious untainted flower one day user.
Could you be any more Tumblr than that? I don't think so.
Not really an argument. Not surprised that rational thought isn't your best trait.
Yes because thinking rationally results in chasing after whores who have been with countless men. It isn't like relationships are proven to be less stable when the participants have had loads of partners or anything.
Who says I care about having a relationship?
Are you an arab?
AD, group policy, sccm and kms licensing, MDT... It's a great eco system. Makes running a 2k+ client environment cake.
Ah I see. You're a real winner bud.
Can someone explain who these turbo-sloots are
I'm happy. That's all I care about.
Random girls someone creepily took a picture of.
Says the paedophile.
Being attracted to fat asses is nigger-tier degeneracy.
I'm guessing you like women who resemble children huh? Or your penis is too small to slide past those asses?
End your life immediately
>Posts stupid nigger board nigger meme
Wow you sure showed him
business people literally too dumb to use anything else than Winblows
Go back to syria you mudslime
Yes I thought we already established that?
>servers running websites and webservices on the internet
Are used by people who know how to use a computer
>business LAN
Are used by people who don't know how to use a computer
>It's an assblasted weeb virgins who have cartoon """"waifus"""" pretend they dislike top tier sluts
lmao love these reruns
>H-h-he the weebs actually care if a woman has taken dozens of dicks before h-h-ha losers.
>They aren't true alpha Chad's like me! I l-l-love fucking sloppy seconds!
>bra showing
You can't ask a bunch of 16 year olds that kind of question they have nfi.
The answer is Active Directory. It's not going to go away either as Azure has the ability to sync AD, and microsoft has ensured that anyone with an enterprise license is getting some free Azure credits to get them hooked.
Unix is cheaper. That's the only answer
If that's the case then why not use it on LAN.
You browse Sup Forums too???
I like both, what now?
Same here.
I enjoy both anime and sluts
Only because I'm range banned from my other boards ;)
Why do you do it to yourself man?
I just can't help it.
When I get range banned before the blacked spammers on Sup Forums it really makes me want to quit this site for good.
Please do. You won't be missed.
You'll be happier and the quality of the site will increase.
Please go and stay go.
Yeah, I feel you man. It's either allow both, or allow neither, but mods/jannies don't seem to think so. They love to be selective.
Fucking cucks.
>Proprietary business software is written for a Windows backend (Accounting systems, inventory systems, etc.)
>OEMs sell Windows Server to SMBs, then they're put into a support contract to help them (without requiring a dedicated admin)
>MSPs are trained to deal with Windows due to marketshare, so they sell Windows devices
Take your pick
I stay because of redditors like you buddy
Ya faglord shill normie puts up an entirely unrelated sticky and shits up the board with his cuck shit and that's entirely okay apparently but someone posts a Dafne Keen thread and sperg away
>need to run a website?
use apache, linux
>need to run domain services?
use windows
Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, SQL etc
>posting a downscale
99% it's because of defacto software support requirements
Sweet Jesus...
I want her to kick me in the shins while laughing at me.
Cause linux is better for those situations and windows is easier for your average 9 to 5er.
None of you have ever been laid.
Some proprietary shit like Sage Accounting and Quickbooks and other common office shit require windows desktop/server. Good luck getting some vendors to ever build linux ports.
Excellent, but ultimately unfounded projection user.
I don't think that's even true. I've worked for 2 very big corporations and both of them primarily used Windows for email and networked user management and Linux for everything else. I guess a lot pleb tier employees use windows desktops, but that's about it. The tech employees typically use macbooks with a small percentage using Linux.
i wish i could dress like that ;-;
poortip: you can
>just do it!
>do it!
>can somebody answer my random tech question here's a pic of some underage girls to get your attention :^)
Fucking hate faggots like you. Leave here forever
Microsoft has presence in the world in the IT world for the same reasons they have presence in anything. Because they got there first and their presence snowballed afterwards.
Microsoft has never and will never be good at anything. The only people that would willingly subject themselves to using Microsoft's software are people that have no better alternative.
People use Linux for servers because their entire business depends on their product operating efficiently and not having catastrophic fuckups, and even the most apologetic contrarians can't find a way to justify using a Windows-based server.
That's it, honestly. I don't know how new you are to the technology scene but Microsoft is a monumentally awful software company and even in circles like Sup Forums in all their contrarianism the scales have really fallen from the eyes in recent years.
hahaha nigga what the fuck
they look like they've been pregnant 20 times over
fucking womanlets, when will they learn
but can also be used as a logical AND in plainspeak, so he's just saying both of those are true statements.
Ahahaha oh wow this is what Tumblr roasties actually believe
Fuck off kiddie diddler
Hello Sup Forums
What is the deal here?
Only thing I can think is that the icons are on the inside, but that's how converse high tops work if I remember right.
Windows and active directory are very good at managing users. You will find very few sizable companies not using active directory.
End users mostly use windows still, windows servers are needed to manage those client devices.
Lots of enterprise COTS software runs on windows, it's unavoidable at any good size company. I work for a major saas company that dog foods its own platform religiously. We also make heavy use of other saas providers as a matter of principle even for internal business operations. Yet we still have COTS software running on windows.
All this said, we have a lot more Linux than windows. Our production environment is massive and is all Linux, but if you leave those out and only include internal business IT systems, the ratio is something like 3 to 1 Linux to Windows.
Neckbeards desperately reaching for anything to make fun of a woman for. Nothing new really
1) buy jeans
2) sew LEDs into jeans
3) cut off leg parts of jeans
>Sup Forums - Technology
cats are technology
>muh pedo hierarchy
nobody is impressed
Never had a girl like OP thats for damn sure
>Whale can't handle cute little girls
What makes you so sure of this shit dude? The girl in OP's pic is damn sure hot as fuck, but honestly there's chicks like that swarming any college town, and I've fucked quite a few of them. Sex with someone like that isn't some magically difficult thing to obtain dude. You just have to be outgoing, fit and somewhat charming. You don't even really need all three of those things usually.
AD. That's seriously it.
I'm a 22 y.o. man with a normal BMI. I'm just saying, it's bullshit to post girls as bait on here and yet it is common practice, especially amongst people trying to get answers to their homework like OP.
people would use windows on everything if they could, only reason to use linux to host websites is because it doesn't require much to do so it's cheap
Why are the free alternatives shit?
Slut is a pro, not a con. I don't want ladies that are inexperienced in bed.
You're a pathetic excuse for a man. Funny you need to delude yourself like this to accept your shallow pathetic life of fucking fat used up whores.
Have you ever been with a virgin girl?
Because that user is 100% right
These anons are correct. Inexperienced girls are fucking lame as fuck in bed.
You can learn and grow with a virgin girl you can't unslut and unroastie some disgusting old roastie
Jesus Christ you redditors are pathetic.
Have you ever had sex user?
>he ties his shoelaces around his ankles
>Ha you must be a virgin