What do you guys think of the Caucasus?

What do you guys think of the Caucasus?

I think it's pretty based

Very interesting place in my opinion. Non-Indo-European languages and DNA tests show Georgians having a unique dominant Y-DNA group. Also didn't know there were so few speakers of the Georgian language.

Georgia is the best neighbor country ever
Would not invade

seems like a scary place and I am a balkanigger, I would feel uncomfortable going in there alone


Don't say that too loud, the Azeris might hear you.

like an even worse version of the balkans

like an even better version of the balkans

You don't really have to try to be better than the Balkans though.

The real Caucasians desu

Yeah, so many isolated language families in this tiny region.
Caucasus has seen some shit

Azeris also have good relationship with Georgia

I didn't know they existed desu

A third world shithole that is cucked by Turks, Russians and Persians

you mean was
Persians got no power here for 2 centuries already
we're cucked by USA/EU(Georgia), Russia (north caucasus + Armenia) and by Turkey (Azerbaijan)

i visited there very weird place. like because of some reason they left in 1970s-1980s(apart from communism)
people were weird too. i tried to speak english (apart from azerbaijan) with them but most of times they replied with me turkish. i literally felt like american while visiting there.
but it is comfy as fuck

Pretty much no Georgian speaks Turkish here. You probably met azeris, we've got like 200k of them

nope, i visited batum most of casino and cafe personel knew better turkish than english.
also how the fuck your beer is so cheap ?

It's where I was born.

It's alright, apart from the cave men memetalities.

Batumi is an exception.
Batumi is like the #1 tourist city. Most of the tourists there are from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia and Turkey. So people speak some words from all of those langs there. Also cafes are full of azeris.
Also, Casinos there mostly operate for Turks who come there to play.

By our you mean Georgian beer? It's piss
but i guess it just does not get taxed that much

It's very illogical desu
Why would any Gürcü knows Turkish?
I mean not Russian not English not even Azeri but Turkish.

>It's alright, apart from the cave men memetalities.
By that you most probably mean things you don't agree with?

It tastes like piss but it is so cheap you can drink it like milk and get drunk rapidly.
i remember buying like 5 liters of that piss and drinking rapidly.
he explains it in top post

I don't trust him he could be mountain Jew

Well, for the most part, yes.
Grew up with the mentality and grew out of it eventually.

A lot of people there new grow out of it.

Nice place, but unfortunately full of dirty mudslims and armenians

Never grow out of it*

Bring back the Transcaucasian federation


And russians too, unfortunately

Return Artvin.

well, for that purpose it's good
Such a childish mentality.

It's not true.

Don't bully


Underrated place I think, but it looks like it's a mess

great folk music and Georgian wines are nice

An area of ancient civilization and tough as nails muslims, in fact the only muslims i respect (other than Iranians/Persians)

Fill it in lads

only if it has all the regions as the one in the op


nature is god tier but people on the other hand...

Are here any Chechens? I'm looking for my fellow countrymen to make a skype group where we could gather and talk about different topics, practice our language, shitpost, etc.

Vuy quzaẋ cẋaə noxçi? So vey maxkaxoyş löxuş vu skypäẋ grupp ya vey cigaẋ gullaə dell cẋac ǩamelaş day, vey mettan peyda eca, şitpostş ya va iştta dja qin ə.

Pretty much this

my map is the only map that matters