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International #597
I laugh @ you poorfags
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
If Trump wins the election I'm planning on moving to the US
What country is gonna be the first to go socialist?
ÖSTERHAHNREICH, ehemals /deutsch/
/deutsch/ und /grün/
Is Mexico City a nice place?
Why do Americans HATE Muslims so much?
Sverigetråden - Överraskat tvivel-upplagan
Balt + ausnz
If finns aren't white then WHAT are they?
/divers und grün/ ehemals /ÖSTERHAHNREICH/ ehemals /deutsch/
500 million dollars tram project for the 2014 World Cup
So I wonder
What are people in your countries opinion on interracial couples?
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Where do you see your nation in 15 years? Try to be as realistic as possible
Norway vs Sweden
/fr/ - le fil de la /fr/ancologie
Europeans, how could you manage to stay virgins? Like...
What's your favorite sexual fetishes int?
I never understood why people get so upset about flag burning. Would you get angry if you saw someone burning your flag...
Trip to kiev!
Why do non-Australian countries struggle with this? It's very simple
ÖSTERHAHNREICH, ehemals /deutsch/
Ask an American living in Russia anything. I'm coming up on the end of a 3 month stay in Volgograd
Edition édition
Why french(white) people have big nose
What's a typical street name in your country?
Why are Korean and Finnish girls so beautiful?
/carib/ - IT'S FUCKING HOT edition
He doesn't live in Finland
British Autism
I will always be British
Mommy made me top-tier food again
/grün/ ehemals /deutsch/
What is difficult language than korean?
One chance at life
Help needed for presentation
This confuses and enrages the European
How exactly are cute transgender girls treated in your country?
When choosing a nation, get a tripcode and post your nation name, starting location and color, details below
What happened to Paris? I thought it was supposed to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world
What happens?
Map of how white countries are
How is graffiti looked upon in your country Sup Forums?
Netflix and Amazon could be forced to make French, German and even Estonian films and TV shows by the EU...
Seriously, we need to stop Finland
If you could merge your country with another, which would it be? (Stay realist)
"There is a special bond between the UK and the US because of shared history"
Europe wants to ban this
Have Germanic peoples always been this GAY?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Spanish humor ladies and gentlemen
Share jokes about any country beside your own
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Russian kids
I honestly believe I was born in the greatest country on Earth
India launches first space shuttle
Kadyrov looks like a cool guy, I hope he finds his cat
Sup Forums would you visit Iran?
Post in this thread and you get a map (like pic related for Finland) of where your fellow countrymen have immigrated in...
Europe r8
Be American
How do we save Sweden?
Why the fuck are all Poles bald
/esp - hilo español/
"""""Japanese""""" cuisine
Are the Russians in eastern Russia basically Asians?
/asean/- 3 American druggie sex tourist kill
She got a point
Is Poland becoming a dictatorship?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
European military power
How racist are you Sup Forums ?
Are you wearing adidas pants?
/norge tråden/
White women belong to black men
I'm looking to have mixed children
Asean three ducks
There are countries that aren't in America
Americans are finally fucking off to bed
Japs BTFO'd
He's never kissed, hugged and/or fucked a girl
/Samaale/ =/Som/gen
Thoughts on turanism
A fucking union jack
Why are black people so genetically superior to all other races??
North Korean Forced Laborers Are Working to Their Death in Poland
Is this nation cucked?
Alright Sup Forums, it's official: ill be visiting north korea in august
Russian speakers I have a question
this triggers the German
/ita/ - il filo
Is race mixing frowned upon in your cuntry?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Ask an 19 years old israeli serving in the COGAT unit in the city of jericho anything
Sorry user, I only date practicing Catholic men
Guys what is happening on the west right now? recently in my neighbourhood 3 French familys bought houses
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Fuck you Sup Forums. Why does this board even exist? International fucking discussion about dicks BY dicks
Not a big fan of this new bullying canada meme, lads
Just seen this fellow whilst driving down the motorway
Has the AM/WF Spammer moved on or his he still shilling here?
How would a transgender be treated if they were to come out to their parents, friends and workplace in your country?
Daily Reminder that Canadians can't handle the bantz
What does Sup Forums think of Mexican people?
Be a moderately attractive Japanese pop idol
Manifest destiny
A fucking leaf?
旭日旗 (Rising Sun Flag)
What does this usually signify when a girl does this in your country?
Americans will defend this
Europeans are waking up
I wanna know why Americans love pick up track so much
Why can't Yuropoors afford shower shoes?
Have you ever been hated and discriminated against based on your flag?
How many people were shot in your city this weekend?
Japanese ubermenshc
Italian """pizza"""
How do you say "hold the door" in your language?
1. Your cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Language Acquisition
How does it feel knowing romania will be a super power within the next decade?
1. country
Hi Portugal, how difficult is your language?
What's the best asian country for white people in 2016?
Wow rude
You'll never be american
You can only post here if you are blue countries
/flag/tism - meme maps edition
I really don't understand how people from tropical shitholes live knowing there's scary shit close to them
This was posted on Sup Forums a few hours ago. Wanted to get your two cents
Europeans will still use English in their official documents and parliamentary sessions even if the UK leaves the EU
Thank you for buying us lunch Mr Foreigner!
How do we fix North America, Sup Forums?
/nachtschicht/ LOIDE - enttäuschende bergzigeuner edition
Traveling to ukraine
Canada is now universally disliked on Sup Forums
Pan-American Love/Hate thread
Why America have third world windows?
8 in 10 Americans believe in angels
27% of Americans would offer a spare room to refugees
Thoughts on black girls ?
Am I white?
Your country
Do you ever wonder what they do in North Korea all day?
What are women from your country like?
Happy St Elliot's day, Sup Forums
Your cunt
Why do Americans like tongueing anuses...?
How do we save paris
What the fuck, Scotland?
Your Cunt
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Who will die first, and why?
ITT: Countries no one will miss if they stopped existing
America has the most powerful and brave army in the world
Why do Romance-speaking countries inject location names with cults of personality...
Hilo latino
Which nation is better to live in: France, Germany, or Italy?
Memes aside, how would you treat an ethnic German migrant in your country?
Would you ever consider betraying your race...
1. Your cunt
So I've gone on like four dates with this chick in the course of three weeks. I think it's going pretty well. We text...
Why can't yanks into banter?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Amerifats will never know the feeling of good looking cities
There were 53 major conflicts in Europe. France has been a belligerent in 49 of them, and the United Kingdom in 43
It blows my mind how Americans think they are free and make such a big deal about "freedom" when they
Crime in your city
Wtf i love palestine now
Why doesn't the Mexican government just let the Mexican military destroy the cartels with overwhelming force?
Is your country's general as cringy as the Italian one?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Say "what's up" to an American
What do you imagine the poster above you to look like?
Stereotypes about your country that are actually true
Europe rate thread
Post the best bands from your country
Green = civilized
Why do people take Sup Forums so seriously?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
English is the universal language of communication
Yuropoors will never know the feeling of boating on a hot summer day
Angola removes kebab
This is a German woman
Canada still burning
Be finland
Sup Forums-tråden - Finland på självmordsvaktupplagan
How can we claim to represent our countries when most of us are losers and outcasts amongst our own people?
So what am I missing?
It was a good game, Finland
Americans won't defend this
Witch - In your language
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
/ita/ il filo
Based Canada
/schweiz/ ehemals /deutsch/
Reminder that Americans literally believe that American states have less in common with each other than European...
/brit/ - Asuka edition
/esp/ Hilo español
English discussion thread
How QT are grills in your city/region/cuntry?
International /insults/
Spaniards are subhuman shitskin Cucks
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Tell me more about Greece
ITT: we try to provoke Switzerland into ending their neutrality
/urban/ + /architecture/
REALLY wish I grew up in Finland and had 3-5 awesome jonne friends and irl shitpost all dark winter
Why do Finnish people always say "This." on Sup Forums? They agree with opinions a lot
His country is below 2nd place on the human development index
What does Sup Forums know about my country Lebanon
/fr/ - Le fil des Français
Faces of /brit/
Why are white girls so eager to act as toilets for Dubai Muslims for money?
What stereotype about your country fits you personally?
What are you looking at, user
"american style" redneck loser hillbilly trailer trash people. Do you have them in your country?
Eagles of Death Metal Dropped From Festivals Over Terrorism Comments
Canadians WILL club this
Three in German: drei
/bored/ general
Why is Austria so rare? I havent seen any Austrian poster for a while now
Why is European candy so fucking good?
How do we stop Hadia Tajik from becoming the Prime Minister of Norway and, eventually, establishing the Caliphate?
The Mercosul in soon ending, how do you feel about this?
Is racemixing good, or bad in your homeland?
This baffles the American
Spanish learning from slav's standpoint
Is it exciting for you when your country is mentioned in American video games or movies...
/schweiz/ ehemals /deutsch/
Be American going to cook food
Choose one to spend the rest of your lives
Which country has the most depressing history?
Do this many people really get denied Visas for tourism to the United states...
Sverigetråden - Kärleksupplagan
1. your country
Wake up
/gtc/: Guess the Country
Language Learning General
Your country is now in charge of Israel-Palestine
Your thoughts on Poland?
Daily reminder that this image is objective truth
/BEST/ (Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Tunisia)
Didn't see a /voc/ thread in the catalog so I guess it falls on me to make one. Obligatory english:
According to genetics Europeans are evolving lighter skin, hair and eye colors even today due to strong sexual selection
If Russia did collapse, here would probably be the best outcome
Tfw no gf
/greece thread/
Are Americans seriously going to elect Donald Trump as president?
/cum/-frog edition
Why is European art degenerate as fuck compared with Middle Eastern or East Asian paintings...
Why are English women so beautiful bros ?
Nations are a joke. They are imaginary boundries some old and bitter men set up centuries ago...
We need to stop Finland
Which ethnicitys does your country hate?
Literally perfection
What's your IQ Sup Forums?
How do you get a gf in your country?
How is homosexuality viewed in your cunt?
Travelling hobbies
/hofer/ ehemals /deutsch/
What do the people of your country think of the British? (English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish)
Sverigetråden - Slutliga lösningen upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What will your country call its first aircraft carrier?
Greece is poorer than Poland
Helo finlan
Why are Americans so dumb?
/guess the country/
Why are turks so perfect?
Post your breakfast
Why can Spanish speakers and Portuguese speakers understand each other languages with non translation?
Post the most American picture that you have
/tfw no bf/
/urban/ + /architecture/
/hofer/ ehemals /deutsch/
1) Your country
/fr/ - Le fil francophone des tirets et ani-terro
What region in your cunt is most likely to start a civil war?
Do you like Germany?
Is it true, portugueses ?
Japanese are not Honorary Aryan when will this meme finally end?
Alcohol consumption by country
Going to Tokyo for a couple of weeks (and some other places)
Post your Passwort(s)
Why is american drinking culture so laughable and pathetic?
Can you go to jail for denying the holohoax in your cunt?
ITT: Say an unexpectedly nice thing about another country
/balt/ + le monke + /ausnz/
/ausnz/ and the /balt/
Would you vote for him?
Post yours
/Großdeutsch/ - Schlacht um Wien Ausgabe
Why does American Metal suck so hard?
/ita/ - Tomoko edition
Please ban denmark from Sup Forums
Do people in the US actually defend the legal drinking age of 21 or is it just a relic that no one has made his...
Android users
Today marks my first year on Sup Forums lads
Which country’s guys are officially prohibited to marry Cambodian, Vietnamese and Kirghiz girls? why?
Mexicans are not white
Are first world countries slowly regressing backwards as a society? Poverty is rising across the entire OECD...
I am (not) a greek
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド / ニャンコの手版
Why does holland get no shit here?
Why are slavic women the most beautiful women on the planet?
/ita/ - il filo
Mfw an american thanks an american soldier for his """service"""
Be me
Which colour line most accurately divides Europe and Asia?
How much of many is spain in to for being at your
Why is Germany so poor?
Maori soldiers perform a haka on the Western front during WWI
At what age is it normal/expected to move out in your country?
Hej Sup Forums
Mfw European countries will officially become colonies of their former colonies
Greeks and other non-whites of Sup Forums come to this thread. Let us organize to harm Germany and the West...
BREAKING Japanese Idol Dead
Wtf i hate britain now
You can only post ITT if your country has
You can buy beer from 7-11 in Hong Kong
/cu/ - canada & united states
Guess his ethnicity
NATO Thread - Mount Nigger edition
What statues are famous in your country?
Faces of Sup Forums?
Why doesn't America bring freedom and democracy to North Korea?
/esp/ Hilo español
/um/ - US/Mex - Saturday night edition
Americans please explain this
I live in NYC and I only have 90 dollars left for the week after paying rent...
Lads what's the word for the tip of your penis?
Hilo latino
I genuinely keep forgetting this exists. They have some kind of Hogwarts spell over the landmass. Do NOT TRUST THEM
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Who here has taken a DNA test?
Would you?
R8 my homescreen and post yours, Sup Forums
1. Your cunt
Mfw Canadians think their relevant
Hilo omnicomprensivo hilo que respeta los derechos humanos
King of the hill from an Australian persective
Do you like British accent?
Europoors call gasoline "petrol"
Be American poster
Is this for real?
Faces of Sup Forums thread
/brit/ + /nz/
Is it true Colombians fuck donkeys?
Cool and underrated Flags Thread
He dreamt that his dad would get a job in America and he would end up going to an American High School
Are there any Aboriginal Australians here on Sup Forums?
California Love
What is the least hated country?
23andme thread
Sverigetråden - Autismupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /benelux/
Take a pic outside your home right now and post it
What happens on this country? for me this is really mysterious
Am I racist Sup Forums?
Why was the British empire so much more successful than all other European empires?
What happens here?
日本語スレッド / Japanese Thread
We wuz romans n shiet
Do you love australia and australian people
Hilo con stamina
Banter a Canadian
Why the British still believe they must invest in militarizing the Falklands?
What happens here and why do Slavs love it so much, tell me please?
Why do Euros want this banned?
Why do Europeans eat food off the floor?
Sissy white boys
I'm Scottish and drunk ask me anything (about Scotland)
Ask a spaniard anything
Be me, a Mexican guy in the US
Why is America and Japan the only countries that produce quality cartoons?
What type of women do you usually attract?
Waito piggu
/BEST/ (Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Tunisia)
What's this place like?
Why are Finnish girls so perfect?
Shitholes general
What are you looking at, user
ITT: Places you never want to visit
Muh second amendment
Why is british autism so hilarious?
Which country produces the best black girls for gf purposes?
Why do americans get three peoples?
Sverigetråden – För svenskar och brödrafolk
Sverigetråden - Nattlig 2dupplaga
First Czechen thread on 4chin
Im 18, when am i supposed to get some facial hair? Been waiting a while now, barely have any pubes either why
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Please tell me more about the former French Indochinese community in France
/esp - hilo español/ Nacio muerto pero con carisma
Do these hellish beasts exist in your country?
Tea vs Coffee
Hi America-kun
Is Germany a good country?
/flag/tism thread
Not Germanic nor even Indo-European
White "men" think this is gross
What happens in austria
OMG Europe are you even trying anymore? lol
Why can't white men look more like this Sup Forums?
Wtf I love poland now
Are you an immigrant?
There is literally nothing wrong with being a communist
Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?
What are women like in your country?
Doctor waiting times in Canada
Get ready for the final, Finland
Hilo latino
How is anabolic steroid usage regarded in your country?
Post your Cunts biggest Love
Ask a Pole anything
Why don't you have a girlfriend
What is this called in your country
What is the least hated country?
Sverigetråden - För trådhyfs och tradition
Which countries would you recommend? I was thinking about Czech Republic, Portugal or Iceland
Why are white ppl genes so weak?
Reminder that if you consider haploshits map on the Internet meaningful, you're retarded
What do you guys think of the Caucasus?
His country isn't a global leader in both goods AND services
We post how powerful is our passport
Is there any reason why Japs often defend t*rks here?
UK getting BTFO
Why so few posters from Africa here?
What is happening in France? What French Sup Forums can tell me?
Paintbucket the World!
Good day Wageslave. Hope you're having a great weekend - oh what's that? You're still at work?
Greeks of Sup Forums come to this thread. Let us organize and harm Germany...
Failed in the war for Korea
If it was a civilization game what country in real life leads to the victory now?
Human augmentation is the next step of human evolution
Prove me wrong
Do you ever feel you were born in the wrong country?
Guess the full name of the poster above you
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...