R8 my homescreen and post yours, Sup Forums

r8 my homescreen and post yours, Sup Forums


From the Rocky Mountains with love.


normies get



this is a normie board

post pic so i can have

Idk it's probably somewhere on my faggot tumblr but it's full of aesthetik shit

nordenacht.tumblr.com go find it

In fact yeah it's one of the first pictures there

thanks lad, nice tumblr too

Used my whole month's bandwidth uploading this

very nice tumblr



very noice

apple ------------------> bin



>haha hey user! Ashley and I need to know what time it is let me check on your phone real qui- oh...ok, bye user

Can you post that wallpaper, i likes it

If someone else can't handle my political preference then I don't want to be associated with them anyways. Also where I am every young person I have talked to is either neutral or pro trump.

Finding a Canadian that supports Trump feels weirder than finding a Chinese Jew for some reason.

>Also where I am every young person I have talked to is either neutral or pro trump.

Damn shame you didn't die in those wildfires then

Build the wall nice and tall

Wrong province cuck, are you feeling the burn yet?

