Why are Finnish girls so perfect?

Why are Finnish girls so perfect?

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looks like corpse

>liking finns over swedes

This girl is cuter than any Swede.

Well if you are into hijabs it's understandable then.

i don't know nor do i care one bit, all i do know is that i need one to be my waifu preferably embeded link related


norway has more immigrants than sweden. i like the young, white swedes.


>being attracted by mongol rape offsprings

>i like the young, white swedes.
Racist pedo.

>Says the non-native European and the Algerian colony

What's wrong with her eyebrows?

No girl with dark body hair can be perfect.

>implying you have a choice over who i find attractive

I'm American, studying abroad.

>Not Finnish girl singing in Portuguese with a Finnish accent


his statement still holds true then

>I'm American, studying abroad.

Enjoying Europe m8?

Yeah, it's great. I leave next week. Looking forward to seeing family & friends but sad.

I'm not racist, just typically don't find, say, black girls attractive. Asians are fine but not typically from Sweden so irrelevant.

>low saturation to make her whiter


>An American
That explains it all. Get out of my Turanian brother nation you morbidly obese fuck.

Not sure why you're confused...

>>Says the non-native European and the Algerian colony

>I'm American, studying abroad.

>his statement still holds true then

>I'm not racist, just typically don't find, say, black girls attractive. Asians are fine but not typically from Sweden so irrelevant.

yanks out

I'm underweight. Finland consistently manages to be the shithole of Scandinavia, a generally nice place. Fuck off.

Not finding certain people attractive isn't racist, you cuck. You don't control who you're attracted to, obviously. Kek.

i never once mentioned anything about any race or attractiveness

>american reading comprehension
>american calling anyone cuck

>you cuck

Amerilards never cease to amaze me.

You said "racist." Unless you were the other person. Then I care less.

>replies with image that makes no sense

Finland is in Scandinavia. Sweden is pretty great.

kek, someone's insecure

yes istván mcdonald, that flag is the same as mine

>Finland is in Scandinavia

>Finland is in Scandinavia
>Sweden is pretty great

EPIC reply!!!!!

>The clearest example of the use of the term "Scandinavia" as a political and societal construct is the unique position of Finland, based largely on the fact that most of modern-day Finland was part of the Swedish kingdom for hundreds of years, thus to much of the world associating Finland with all of Scandinavia.

Sorry for making scandinavia shit which we aren't even part of.

>istván mcdonald
??? ok

wasn't checking flags because, again, i don't care

this is why we need yanks to gtfo from yurop

>which we aren't even part of
The English-speaking world considers Finland a part of Scandinavia.

Look it up, retard.

you're from fucking slovakia. i'm sorry.

>Scandinavia[a] /ˌskændᵻˈneJviə/ is a historical and cultural region in Northern Europe characterized by a common ethno-cultural North Germanic heritage and mutually intelligible North Germanic languages.
>Germanic-speaking or culturally and ethnically Germanic
Holy fucking shit Ameritards are dense

>said while posting from worse version of Slovakia

>the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden
>the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland

The retardation of Anglos doesn't change its real definition, though. See

>The English-speaking world
You mean uneducated.

bratislava was shit

has nothing to do with language.

you're speaking english, retard.

It must be it then if you say so ! Those old stupid definitions made by people who live there must be wrong !

Can't you fucking read?

>bratislava was shit
how is it relevant tho

Enkä ole senkin vastenmielinen jenkki.

>I am retarded so everyone else must be too

fun fact, most euros read tolkien or some cultural shit like that, with ton of euro myths and so on, and so they know about various languages and ethnicities in europe
>what do you mean people read more than "usa usa usa usa burger freedom fries"

this is like the most american post of the week

>sometimes also
Sometimes comes when stupid hungary is trying to make invalid arguments about things he doesn't really understand.

He's an autistic Amerilard, not a Hungarian.

I'm not "hungary."
The "sometimes" case is applied by default when using American English. Which is what I am speaking.

At least I'm not Finnish.


How is what you said relevant?

I'm talking about the way it's used from my perspective, not how you define it. Fuck off.


aaaaaa. Nyt mie ymmärrän kaiken.

>eurofags being rude to everyone else for no reason

typical. worse than fucking africa

Because Asian girls >>>>> White girls

>look through thread
>no further images of finnish qts
fuck you Sup Forums, you useless fucking faggots

>At least I'm not Finnish.
American banter everybody

they arent you brainwashed retard

says the brown reggaeton shithole

Fuck off Dominica, your women loved my Turanian cock

Is pic related Finnish?

>I'm talking about the way it's used from my perspective, not how you define it. Fuck off.
You are just so stupid that my understanding is fading away to the final frontiers of observable universe. You just can't take a official term and make up some own defines for it.

this is the average finn

no she is korean

That's an American weeb

>Posts a model
>Average Finn

there are too many mongol qt's in finland

notice the dirt behind her nails, mongol savage genes persisted through thousands of years, khaganate will rise once again

l'insecurité intensifies

that's a mongol qt alright

This girl is white to me. Don't care.

>High Mongol cheekbones w/ chubby mongol cheeks
You mean Mongolian masterrace genes?


insecure? nah more like embracing our superior genes
but she's crealy finnish...

And ?

This is a weird combo
I don't dislike it though

this. Any thread that opens with a hot girl should be filled with hot girls, no one cares about your fag debate

This girl have so typical Russian face I'd fugg her


They're pretty white to me.

More than some Portuguese I see down south.

>Russian face
No, North-Western Russians are assimilated Finns
Even Putin is a fucking Vepsian

This is literally the average finn


You're redpilled. I salute you.


mad because i dont like your disgusting pigskinned germanic whores?

>grey eyes
>grey hair
not really, but other than that yes.
she posts here sometimes



>No, North-Western Russians are assimilated Finns
Not only North-Western.
Finnish tribes lived even in Moscow area, check out Mokshas.

she does?


you are all germanic that adopted a mongoloid language

are you really so stupid to think a mongoloid speaking people will have caucasian features and light hair and eyes?

why are samis under norwegians?



Is there a single ugly finn?

you are retarded bro, how exactly do you imagine it went down?

random germanic tribe just started speaking turanic language for no reason?

yes of course, but honestly there are way more qt's on average in finland than in most other european countries


Genghis had grey eyes and red hair btw :^)

>you are retarded bro, how exactly do you imagine it went down?
am i retarded?

>random germanic tribe just started speaking turanic language for no reason?

you see germanics people speaking romance language like spanish, french and italian

germanic tribes migrated to those land, adopted their language and some of them mixed with the few native that were left alive

its simple

post one then