/flag/tism - meme maps edition

Old thread: Get regional flags github.com/flaghunters/

Find flags whatisthisimnotgoodwithcomputers.com/#/flaghunter

Get regional map templates oplk.imgur.com/

Reminder to ignore Ottawa bait

r8 map

>MIT License


It's not botnet. You can look at the source code for the javascript if you still aren't convinced
t. dev

whats with guyana, dont they have any internets?

also does mali post often?

pls r8

guyana posted yesterday

This is probably a super newfag question but how do I get the international waters flag and the SENPAI flag?

The fug *SENPAI flag not senpai flag

what flag?

The second flag you mentioned is the flag of the guy who made the flag icons

Fug I am such a newfag I didn't know when you type f a m it comes out as senpai

internationals waters is a meme regional of the unknown flag so the only way to get that is with a proxy and the F A M flag is the company that made these flags

ah yep, i dont know how i missed it



So to get the international waters flag you just have to wait for pk or some other proxy fag. Is it the same for the f a m flag?

reminder to ignore all proxy posts in /flag/tism. including but not limited to equatorial guinea.

damn near uploaded porn instead of my map

i don't think the f a m flag is even possible, even with a proxy

yes one of the richest and most delevoped country in w.africa must be a proxy

then post proof

what he said.

and get regionals

You should know not to reply by now

>keeping flags and porn in the same folder
for what pvrpose


i don't, i just wasnt paying very close attention
it's gotten me banned before

Ottawa stop my sides can only take so much

Lad, get regionals and try again
I'm not Ottawa

I'm an amerifat too lazy to get regionals

w/e u want

then why don't you shitpost

Maldives if anyone needs it

that proves nothing. literally nothing at all. post a timestamped picture of passport, driver's licence, money. anything.

how about a photo of the view from your window with the date and time written on something in the frame

vocaroo. let's hear some african spanish.

o hasta por aqui mismo dime algo

speak the right language you colonial pig


nah im kidding man we love puerto rico over in the mainland


Meganewfag question: What are these threads about?

I see people asking for map ratings but their maps are pretty much the same as the others posted in the same thread.

Collecting country (and regional) flags that you've seen posted on Sup Forums. The more rare flags you have (mainly African countries and pacific islands), the better your map is.

basically hunting for flags to find an actual purpose in browsing Sup Forums


Habla en español, entonces

Does anybody have a good UK template?

Hello lads
Did I miss anything?

You're fucking bullshit mate. Equatorial Guinea is shit in terms of median GDP per capita. The only reason the mean is so high is because the government is hoarding oil money coupled with the low population. Most people don't even have access to running water.

Do your research before you proxyfag mate :^)


So my college wasn't permabanned, hooray.

oh, and here's what i've got so far

I'm assuming every county has its own flag here?
If so, this is exactly what I'm looking for

Pretty sure, yeah.

I just grabbed it from the template link in the OP, too. Lots of good maps in there.

>making west sahara indepensant from morroco

>in the air on intercontinental flight
>excited to see what flag I get on Sup Forums
>it's the fucking US flag

Okay, thanks!

>America owns the sky confirmed

The funny thing is that if I open google maps it tells me my location is in Toulouse, France. Maybe because it's the Airbus HQ or something.

Every ceremonial county, but you'll be missing spaces for things such as Middlesex. Can't complain though.

And if I try geolocator it says Georgia or California. My ISP is called PanAmSat.

Just started, and I was a bit confused where to put Edinburgh

Edinburgh et al are in the inset that's there. See

Where'd you get Cheshire?

I went through all the brit threads currently up, so probably in one of them
Let me find it again



I've got Chester, I was hoping for the county flag. Thanks anyway, though.

Both Chester and Cheshire are there if you use the flagzzzzzz plugin


does anyone have OG libya?


I guess it's the base station for the Satellite internet

Fucking Congo shitters too poor to have internet

>average IQ: 59

LMAO'ing @ your life, you are a genius with an IQ of 80 there.

rate map

>got the url v.ht/flag to redirect to feels good man

Good morning y'all. r8 or h8.


Shortest URL shortener I could find


>average IQ: 59
>tfw your litterally 70 IQ points higher than the average Equatorial Guinean

feels good man




R8 my map

I started it 3 days ago

Place your flags mate. Good start but you missed the Solomon Islands a while ago.

What flags are you guys really wanting?
Me DR Congo

Mayotte 2bh

i already have all the obtainable flags, so the only flags i really want are more dutch regionals


I just realised I've never seen Mali at all other than in this instance.

>Mayotte proof
Post that shit

This is the most recent Mayotte post. PK of course.

here you go fåm

> not fapping to flags

Normies out

Dude Nepals Flag is sooo hot ... those spikes man ....

Never mind

Or those trap flags

People will think its Indonesia, but its actually Monaco

Duuuuude so hot

Tfw wanted to repost with pic related, but you replied already

You don't need to mate, never mind