Your country

Your country
Age you lost your virginity



15, just before I turned 16.



A little embarrassing to admit this but since it's Sup Forums; 19.

I am Virgin

On my 18th birthday

17. I'm from here.

>Age you lost your virginity

>Idk, ask me later

How old are you guys?

again a thread where integrated people make you feeling like shit, exactly like IRL and haven't absolutly no fucking idea of your own difficulties.


>all from developed countries
>not a single virgin

>all from undeveloped countries
>all virgins





I had a gf for 3 months and nothing...


Finally was able to have a relationship when I stopped projecting past negatives experiences on new grills


>all from undeveloped countries
That's the worse, my 12 years old neighbors have had more gfs and sex than me.

ugly, weak, no friends, no job, anxiety disorder, inferiority complexe and paranoia.

and internet people are still implying all problems on your life are your own fault.



i wish i waited longer, was fucking god awful


what was so bad about it?

>all problems on your life are your own fault
Not all of course, but most are. Sure some of us have it more difficult, but it's still your responsibility to deal with the hand you've been dealt whether you like it or not.


I'm your age too, please.. Tell me everything about it. How you got over it, where was that final point that you just said fuck it and finally did it

>Open up the thread
>All the blank ">"s


yeah it's my fault if i have shitty parents, shitty genetics and people who make my life hell at school since during my entire younger years.

even massmedias constantly call people like me losers and make everything to put suicide ideas on your head.

>didn't, gonna go to the whorehouse if i don't make it before 20
cause we have to compete with ultra chads (aka alpha minuses)

>training my wizardry

Got a few bj in middle school but didn't go full p in v until high school.
It was pretty awkward thinking back.




Either 19 or 21, depending on whether you think you have to finish to lose it. First time I was so shit at sex the girl got bored and went to sleep. This is something only Sup Forums knows ;_;

>yeah it's my fault if i have shitty parents, shitty genetics and people who make my life hell at school since during my entire younger years.
I didn't say that. What I'm saying is that while it's very unfortunate that you had to endure that, it is still your responsibility to fix it and move on. I was bullied in school and that left me nervous wreck, but since I realized that it was my problem and my responsibility I've made progress in healing those wounds. It will take time, no one is expecting you to just turn your life around in heartbeat at least not if they knew the whole story. Thinking that society of the universe owes you something in return for those lost years is not a helpful attitude and it will get you nowhere but rock bottom.

It's unfair and shit at times, but that's the way life is.


I'm still holding it. I don't lose things, that's for loosers.

>New Zealand
She was 14 and was my second girlfriend. It was really romantic and sweet and it's an experience I treasure to this day. It was more foreplay than actual sex though. It's a shame things didn't work out between me and her and we broke up a couple years later. She'll always be the one that got away.

>Not drilling a hole in her skull and removing some of her brain so she would live with you forever.
Ya dun goofed.



b-better late than never r-right

I was 18, and she was 29


Kek, mesmo

I just realized something. Is that supposed to be Elliot Rodgers?

Uni was an absolute godsend.

getting my wizard powers soon

this and I wasn't her first

good job


At what age is it weird to still be a virgin? I'm 24

gay american
i'm 27 and it hasn't happened yet

should i just give up



Whenever you start asking that question to strangers on the internet


maybe someday

Never lost it.

>That's the worse, my 12 years old neighbors have had more gfs and sex than me.

>... 29


>At what age is it weird to still be a virgin? I'm 24
22 or 18 if your country is extra normie