
Romanov Edition

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based lenin taught them all a lesson lmao


mum's giving me the choice between an xbox, playstation 2, and a gamecube. which should I go for lads



Alright Sasha


Oh look, a commie in a pro-nationalist imageboard. How interesting you would come here seeking refuge from the other boards.

Did Sup Forums scare you off?

Decided to stop being a bus prole

Had my licence for years but never got a car
Finally gonna do it lads

What are cheap used cars with cheap insurance

Wtf Britain. Explain yourselves!

>Russia from 1700s-1800s
>full of art, ballet, opera, music, architecture, culture, literature
>St. Petersburg is compared to Venice as an artistic paradise
>cool royal family

>Russia in the 20th century
>commie shit hole



i want out of this planet already

Who are the two people they are comparing them to?

same lad it just makes u think doesnt it

>not a nationalist
While the Tsar destroyed his people, Lenin took Russia from a peasant society that was starving to the 2nd most powerful industrial nation in the world in a matter of decades.

Dumb right-wing pleb.

Quite nice walking down the main road with no one in sight and no cars driving past
Who /latenightwalker/ here

I can hear birdcucks outside chirping it's morning now laddie

I never wake up in time usually but sunrise is the best time. The air smells clean and there is no one about except those other few weirdos who woke up early enough too

>Lenin took Russia from a peasant society that was starving to the 2nd most powerful industrial nation in the world in a matter of decades.

everyone was starving during the 1800s. Also, lol.....of course. It was the 1930s and Russia was massive.

You can't blame someone living in the 1850s to not have the technology to extract it's natural resources

Russia without Lenin would have extracted them either way and become powerful.

when i worked i had to walk 30-35 minutes to get to my job
i started at 5:15-ish so I was outside at 4-5am 5 days a week
it was pretty cool
a bit weird because some days a lot of people were coming back from bars and such but cool nevertheless

The day changes at 6am lad
>not being up late enough

Behold my new gimmick, lads.

>Lenin took Russia from a peasant society that was starving
To do this Lenin and Stalin deliberately starved the peasants, stole their land and killed them. Then sold their food to other countries to buy factory parts. All in the aim of building an army to conquer western Europe and bring it communism.


By which I mean Russians were just a disposable means to an end for Lenin.

>The day changes at 6am lad
I disagree, the day changes when I say it does

Still don't know when I have to be at work tomorrow. Boss told me to call him in the AM.

If that fat bastard fires me for being out with a work related injury thursday afternoon and friday I'm going to tell him to suck my fat cock and send me his sister.

normie was used on /jp/ long before /r9k/ but /r9k/ made it something else


I'll fight you about this, meet me tomorrow and we'll settle it (in 2 hours time)

Awake for my exam in 3 hours
Still can't fucking sleep

you enjoying your sunday night, wageslaves? hahahahahhahahahahahaahahahaah

Literally no one cares about /jp/ though, only the lowest of the low in society, the real dregs, would ever visit there

Good luck, just be urself


Communism is nationalistic for communistic ideals, not the nation.

And Russia was always shit, the reason they were able to become industrious was because they focused on heavy industry while completely lacking in other resources since it was of course, a command economy.

I urge you to read more as you seem illiterate and incapable of distinguishing facts from opinions. And of course, you probably learn those opinions from your left-wing professor..

Easily brainfed left-wing simpleton, I might add.

>export driven growth
Every developing country has to do this to get the foreign exchange reserves necessary to purchase foreign capital goods.

People just hate based Lenin and based Stalin because they're taught too by their capitalist overlords. Without those men, you would be starving right now.

See you at grimsby arcade in 24 hours, better let A&E know you're coming

i'm a birduck guys
tweet tweeet
what will you do to me xx

Maybe if I could sleep

A sad end.

Just called in sick

Not worth going to work on 3 hours sleep

Pls respond

>tfw no plastic korean girlfriend

Roast you on a bed of carrot, onion, and parsnip, and make a nice pan sauce using your giblets, orange juice/zest, brandy, and chinese five spice.

posting 4 nice doggos

You can do that without starving people, for example exporting raw materials. They just wanted to do it as fast as possible in order to get to their retarded grand plan. Which meant taking the food away from people they needed to survive.

>Without those men, you would be starving right now.
If the economy had just kept modernisaing like it had under the Tsars we would be a normal country.

Bit of a shit sunrise
Think I missed the good bit



>tfw many plastic kgfs

haha xx



I would be starving because a recent political ideology dictates how much food I'm supposed to have even though back then before such an ideology was real, people have relied on capitalism and had food to eat?

I don't understand your leftist logic, please enlighten me more, O' Great, Young, and Arrogant Leftist Indoctrinated College Douchebag.


>And Russia was always shit
Yes before the Bolsheviks turned it around.
>they were able to become industrious was because they focused on heavy industry
Obviously you have to industrialise if you're still an agricultural economy. Russia did exactly what America, Britain, France etc. all did.

*rocks you to sleep*

That's it I'm coming over there RIGHT NOW


>Russia did exactly what America, Britain, France etc. all did.
With tens of millions of deaths on top.

Have you ever really thought about ancient civilizations, like the Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, Egyptians, etc?

All of them eventually were hidden under the sands of time...What did we have? We had the Bible tell us a general location of where they were. Some Greeks historians, too, but really only those trained in Ancient Greek could translate and understand.

How did Europeans do it? It couldn't have been anyone else other than Europeans who could have excavated them.

Think about this.. Europeans clung on to manuscripts for 3,000 years that told them where it was. Then they colonize the areas and actually dig them up.

It was mainly the British too

That's just crazy to me.

i just ate and this made me hungry again

aww i love these dogs
like it when their ears get dirty and kinda matted and they appreciate a nice scratch

> back then before such an ideology was real, people have relied on capitalism and had food to eat?
Russia was starving. Learn some history. The country didn't have the productivity to support it's population. It was a pre-industrial nation based on subsistence farming. Without rapid industrialisation under the Bolsheviks, today's Russians would be living like they do in Sub-Saharan Africa where many are still reliant on subsistence farming.

>Russia was starving
Because of WW1.

>The country didn't have the productivity to support it's population.
Yes it did. The war just messed up the economy.

>It was a pre-industrial nation based on subsistence farming.
Meme, Russia was already industrialising by this point quite rapidly. It was one of the reasons Germany wanted a war, because if they did not win a big war soon then Russia would be too strong when a war did break out.

Lying in the middle of a field lads

y tho?

seems pretty comfy

do a wank

looks nice

>tens of millions
Absurdly exaggerated. Also, given how big Russia was and where it was starting from, it's not a disaster. Look at China. Also you seem to forget that every country on the planet was hostile to Russia making their transition to a modern economy even harder. Western imperialism was to blame too.
Even before WW1, the country was going nowhere and their was huge disillusionment with the Tsar.


Jam Alert!!!


On a late night journey and taking a short rest
It is
Had one a few hours ago, don't feel like it atm

I'm not talking about Russia. Russia was always shit, it's a big fucking country that was fucked over by the Mongols and government decisions of the Tsar. Capitalism is not to blame in this.

In fact, everyone in Europe had a decent lifestyle but not Russia. Why's that? Just a shitty government, 'tis all. Get in a new Tsar and it would okay. Completely toppling the government, however, for a newer, shittier ideology just makes it worse.

You don't ever want to make the wound worse, Britbong.

And no, rapid industrialization only made it worse. Today's Russians would be living much like other European countries today if they had gone down the steady pace instead of hurrying things up and fucking everything else over some more in favor of heavy industry.

You're fucked in the head, and I am not having a discussion with a fucking youngling who's most likely my age and doesn't know shit about what communism really is.

Talk to any old person from the USSR, talk to an old Czech person from the days when their state was a Soviet satellite state.. They'll tell you what it fucking is, you piece of shit.

Don't ever talk to me or my wife's son EVER again.

>wanking under a full moon
isn't that how you turn into a werewolf

>Even before WW1, the country was going nowhere and their was huge disillusionment with the Tsar.
You are referencing another war, which was the Russo-Japanese war. It had nothing to do with economic performance.

>Absurdly exaggerated.
Simply put, no.

>Also, given how big Russia was and where it was starting from, it's not a disaster.
Yes it is. Millions of needless deaths from stupid economic policies. Communists talk of the suffering of the people and then argue that when they starve millions purposefully in order to make a profit it is fine.

>Also you seem to forget that every country on the planet was hostile to Russia making their transition to a modern economy even harder.
Stalin bought all sorts of things from the USA so not true.

British grass is soft and comfy :3

Keep in mind you're talking to a Russian, Britbong. He knows what he's saying about his OWN country, you don't.

Stop talking out of your ass as if you know them through and through, you know nothing of Russian history compared to a Russian.

>Western imperialism was to blame too.
>Western imperialism was to blame too.


can u cunts stop arguing about history shit and post dank arse memes ffs

love driving late at night with my window wide open, arm out and radio on full blast


It is I'm covered in it now though, was slightly damp too

No, fuck off Australia. The adults are talking.

Since you blame communism for needless deaths, I imagine you blame capitalism or the millions MORE needless deaths happening every year in countries which listen to Washington consensus policies? Of course you don't

Corporate shill.
I'm not saying I don't feel sorry for the people who died but there's no other way you could get that much export driven growth in such a short period of time. In the long run, they saved far more people.

>international trade = political friendship
You realise America and Russia trade today? You realise America is doing everything it can to destroy Russia regardless?
>being from a place means you know more about it's history
Nah. There's people in Russia who probably know more about Britain than me because they're academics in Universities who studied it in depth.


cooking up a nice runt tonight lads

Roasting on a bed of carrot, onion, and parsnip, and make a nice pan sauce using your giblets, orange juice/zest, brandy, and chinese five spice.



Water cooler is empty

NOT happy

>I'm not saying I don't feel sorry for the people who died but there's no other way you could get that much export driven growth in such a short period of time.
The only reason they needed the growth was to build their stupid army to invade the est and bring it communism. It had nothing to do with making Russia better. Russians were just disposable tools for the Bolsheviks in pursuing their ideological agenda. They saved nobody but themselves.

>You realise America and Russia trade today?
You ere talking about economics and Stalin trading extensively with the west.

Victoria Day tomorrow lads

I can't believe she actually went and bloody did it

>I imagine you blame capitalism or the millions MORE needless deaths
Communist regimes are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement, including Nazism

> You realise America is doing everything it can to destroy Russia regardless?
I didn't realize this

what shall I bring to the feast?

She looks healthy and I assume she totally doesn't like sex.

your children


got a big ol' flippin boner sportin in my pants chaps!!!!!!!!!!
