

I am very angry right now

Watch out!!

good thread


One of these posters is me, but who?

You don't scare me, bear. I think I'll go wrestle you and die like a man unlike the rest of my beta-tier countrymen!

Told you it was a bad idea to arm bears

everything ok burgerbro?

hahahaha good one ;)

Very burgersis

Grr grr grr

i'm going to get you!

pls but sdfd BUTT HAHA how can i i i convince thats the worrrrrrrrrrrrrd


t. alex grandi





why can't I escape from you wankers

dumb bearposters



shut up

oh shit that nigga mad

>his army didn't hire a burr
lol faggots

>Wojtek usually spelled Voytek in English, was a Syrian brown bear found in Iran


literally Sarmatian bear

Gib back our bear plox

No. He's a awesome drinking buddy and great at poker.

polan gib back our bear PLS

>a group of Polish soldiers encountered a young Iranian boy who had found a bear cub after its mother had been shot by hunters. One of the civilian refugees in their midst, eighteen-year-old Irena Bokiewicz, was very taken with the cub, which prompted lieutenant Anatol Tarnowiecki to purchase the young bear, who spent the next three months in the Polish refugee camp that was established near Tehran, principally under the care of Irena.
you killed his momma and we purchased him fair and square fąm


this post would be really cute, but only if it were posted by a Finn