Is race mixing frowned upon in your cuntry?

is race mixing frowned upon in your cuntry?

pic related

Of course it is.

No, because we're not a third world shithole.

BM/WF is frowned upon

otherwise nobody really cares except for militant asian betas who blame their lack of romantic success on everyone but themselves

>BM/WF is frowned upon

Only with blacks honestly, but I think that's common everywhere except Brazil or something

It should have been.

Usually because it's only the trashiest whites and the ghettoest blacks that partake in it. And the stereotype of absent black fathers often is exemplified in these relationships. It's seen as very low class. Hollywood shills it a lot but outside of an extremely small group of black celebrities, it's very much looked down upon.


nobody cares and it's very unusual

I can't recall the last time I saw an example of it

No. But I want to have racemixing with her.

>can't recall the last time I saw an example of it

post Emma's asian bf

>No. But I want to have racemixing with her.

She is dating an Asian guy

Mixed with whites? No.
Mixed with southeast asians or blacks? Yes.

We so racist

Not really. Most people have a bit of Greek in them.

Who is she?


>I lovve the Finnish peeple :3

Doesn't happen enough for people to care, but i remember when a journalist from the worst of our blatantly leftist talk shows married an Arab and converted to Islam the pages on the socials were full of enraged people of all age and genders.

Is the guy on the right finnish?

Ethnic(?) mixing is rare even between Arabs from different countries/ethnicities let alone race mixing but most of our race mixed kids are usually half-Jordanian (from father's side)/half-slavic (from mother's side)
I don't think they're any looked down upon
Also my teacher from 5th grade was half Chinese half Jordanian, only Arab/Asian I've seen in person. She was really gorgeous.

>tfw seen all the videos about Finland where she is in


err. who is this npc, what game is that

Unusual races mixing have a high chance of producing really good looking children I wonder why is that

>I wonder why is that
its just a point of view. They just look different. There is no rule here. Pic related.

eh, have you ever seen an indian/fijian or asian/black?

they're weird looking

pic is poly/white

Not frowned upon but unless you live in a good area, being a halfie is true suffering.

post Emma's asian bf

besides mixing with blacks obviously

lol looks like a chink dipped in shit

I don't know. Does a tanned white-ish woman with an almost-black man count as race mixing?


Nobody seems to give a shit. most couples I see in my city stick to their own race, but I do see a lot of white and hispanic and some white and asian. Almost zero white and black, despite the shilling in movies and TV.