Why do Americans HATE Muslims so much?

Why do Americans HATE Muslims so much?

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Maybe they deserve it

>Made in Canada

Just ignorant retards who repeats the delusions of ignorant retards

Reminder that everytime a eathquake happen in Japan they will say they deserved it for Pearl Harbor

People are animals, that's why.

Why do you say this?

Maybe if you guys would stop exploding people would like you

>fake laughter
>fake surprise
>pretending not to know what an IED is

Americans are often retarded cunts, that's established, but this show is cringy as fuck.

By "Americans" you mean "the whole world"?

Why would anyone not hate muslims

Well maybe if you guys stopped bombing Muslims' home countries nobody would explode themselves in your countries.

I'll give you two guesses.

maybe if your religion did not spread itself like a plague perhaps you would not be hated

they needs your oil. We need it too tho

Why does the idea of Islam spreading trigger you so much? :)

Obvious bait dod.

The Problem with Islam is that it is a Religion that actually deserves disdain.
Sorry, I get that you are just normal people mostly, going about your day and whatever,
but Islam and its procreation is a Problem.

Most chrisitans are neo-christians who believe they are "Atheists" But still use word God in many phrases, they dont go to church etc. But most of muslims still follow religion as it was 1000 years ago. Thats the main problem is. (atleast i think so)

that and they come into countries illegally and demand changes and when they don't get thier way they riot

I think they just riot, cuz the imagine of West is completely unrealistic. Middle-east portrais that the west is Free, everyone can believe what they want and live how they want, but that isint true. The rules of that only applies to natives, cuz they all agree on most of the things they fellow country men do. AS for muslims they do how they were doing back in their countries cuz they believe they have a right to do so. (If i phrased some words wrong or you didnt get something please tell me ill try to explain.)

Hmm.. Maybe because they worship a warmongering pedophile.. Willingly... If you live in an educated first world country and choose to be muslim, you're a bad person.

Yes, you are right, mostly.
The Christian cultural sphere had something called the enlightenment, which positively changed the face of how Christianity is lived.
Still the biggest difference between Christianity and Islam lies in the very core of those Religions.
Islam, as lived by Muhammad, and as taught in the Koran is fashistoid, and most of the Muslim cultural sphere openly accepts that.
This is not a problem in itself, as in my opinion they have the right to govern themselves how they wish.
But the problem comes when our cultures clash,
when immigrants don't accept the fact that they should integrate, when islamists want to spread their vision into our countries, and so on.
The Natural reaction for us is to hate Islam, as it's Ideas and Visions are completely different from ours. And as a natural consequence some people begin to hate muslims too.

Because your ideas of Islam include kidnapping and enslaving 300 children, murdering nearly a hundred people by drowning them in acid. Blowing up countless airplanes and blowing up people while they do random shit int heir daily lives.
Also the fact that your countries are such shit that you flood to better ones like rats, you're literal beggars on an immigration stage that gives nothing good to the world, infact Muslims are actively making the world a much worse place. Quite the feat desu.

I just said it as an example with one of the problems there are many more, but some everything up.

They are showed how west is Free and you can do w/e And countries are much better than a shithole they live in. So they come they do as they please cuz they think they can. But that only applies to your own countrymen cuz you all agree on same values. Their values are much diffrent from ours. And some leaders tend to believe that this will be towards globalization that we will live in one world as one race. But thats not true until all the shitskins will want to do it too.

Do you really think the vast majority of Muslims follow these ideas?
Prophet Muhammed says “I advise you ten things: Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.”
Kidnapping and enslaving women and children in war is haram. So is blowing yourself up and killing innocents.
FYI: Most Muslims despise ISIS and all the these terrorist organizarions and they see that they ruin the image of Islam.
Our countries are only shitholes because of Western involvement, and ESPEACIALLY US involvement. Nobody would be fleeing to anywhere if you weren't so obsessed with murdering innocents for NOTHING but oil and money.

Dont you see thats the main problem is here? You know your Holy book and you follow it, most of Europeans dont even know anything from their holy book. They are not used to ideologies like Religion.

You urself just showed the main problem. the main diffrence between us.

“I advise you ten things: Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.” AND YET THEY DO THESE THINGS ANYWAY enough of your taquiya i tire of hearing it

Christians ignore 7 commandments as well.

t. fedora

were we talking about christianity? nope

We were born to fight muslims.

From the Barbary Wars to drone strikes. We enjoy it.

All religious and """"religious"""" fags are the same tbqh.

none of the the thing you said "islamic" are islamic. geurilla warfare is not a communist act, and dropping atom bombs are not a liberal&conservative act.

Not just americans. Muslims refuse to assimilate and at any moment they can go joing ISIS or rape someone. They always travel in large groups and act threatening. Crime goes up in the neighbourhoods where muslims gather, which they always do.


Yeah, I sort of agree that this kind of multiculturalism wouldn't work very succesfully in the west. But that doesn't mean that people should alienate those who come from different backgrounds and treat them like outcasts like the people verbally attacking Muslims in the video. Also a lot of the Syrian youth that came to Europe are abandoning their religion, some whom I know personally. Ideas change overtime.
1. Taqiyya is exclusively a shia practice
2. Like I have said, the vast majority of Muslims despise ISIS and the ideas they hold. The loud 0.00000001% of Muslims =/= All Muslims.

In Poland if you're muslim or a muslims family, friend, person who he/she works with, you get visits from police before each mass event and you're asked questions regarding that person and his/her life.

a good muslim is a dead muslim

>ITT triggered amerifat

Ya akhi, why are you trying to argue with these people?

Maybe you should stop oppress and ignore them??
muslims see all the hatred from the "majority"

Even Muslims hate and kill other Muslims. Their religion makes them impossible to live side by side without being their specific brand of Muslim.

>do not steal from the booty
Dont what?

Islam is not a religion of peace. It is in dire need of revision. Also, Muslims never assimilate into their environment, they force the environment to accommodate to them. That, and they also worship a pedophile who encourages violence against all non-Muslims

There is a good reason why we remove kebab


The "booty" is the valuable stuff you gain in war. Swords, shields, etc.

Realistically, all niggers and muslims need to be bombed out of existence. THEN we can have peace

I think this thread is a good opportunity to ask a few question since there are obviously Muslims lurking. If you say that radical Muslims are in the extreme minority and normal Muslims hate them, why is it that poll after poll comes out that says non-radical Muslims approve of the crimes committed by radicals, or at the very least are complacent?


The website is obviously biased but the polls are sourced.

Like I said I really don't want to believe that all Muslims are violent, so how do I reconcile this?

Because you are subhuman scum faggot

Not a moslem but from my experience their religious unity comes first, despite liking or disliking those acts.

In case they a significant amount were suicidal monsters as you might believe, considering the amount of muslims,
we'd live in a very different world.

>Fat guy: I'm an American citizen
Like we needed confirmation
Anyway cause they are edgy and dont go outside enough

>arm some people to fight other people
>they kill some of us instead
>we kill them
>other people take their weapons and land and kill us
>what should we do? kill them

This. I remember talking to a guy that lived and worked all over the Middle East. He said a lot of guys told him most Muslims are not violent but when the time comes for the holy war, they will all follow Allan and kill all non Muslims. It's like a hive mind planted into them, without all of them knowing or ignoring it until the time comes.

>U.S involvement is the problem
no its not, maybe we should cut off foriegn aid to all Muslim and African countries and just let them starve.

>w-we dindu nuffin, a-all Murica's fault XD lol fatties XD

all religions are retarded. you know they are losing when their only reply is choosing a photo from their 1.5gb fedora folder

also all these mooslim countries were looking to become pretty non durka, but then intervention by both russia and usa fucked them up. mostly usa and the brits

keep killing them until people learn not to fuck with you, thats how Arab leaders usually establish themselves like saddam, if you didn't like Saddam i hope your family likes Mustard gas.

When did the US bomb Iran?

we shot down a civvie jetliner, maybe that's what it's talking about

We have a word for this on Sup Forums

dat ignorance

You're on Sup Forums, a site filled with uneducated parasites who know nothing of the world outside the four walls of their bedroom. And a lot of people on this board are from Sup Forums which is just the worst of the worst.

were gonna kill em and take the oil

no more Vietnam style "let's not kill them but try to make them like us", just glass the faggots and take their resources

But that's not the US policy
The US doesnt want them dead, but simply occupied with something else so they can take their resources easier

Maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved in a country that is thousands of miles away when your "help" was never needed. Your so-called "help" has only made things a thousand times worse than it ever was. Why haven't you spent all that money on helping the millions of homeless people in your own country? Or is it that helping homeless people won't give you oil like murdering innocents would?
If you hate Muslims living in the west so much don't destory their homelands.

you aren't gonna do shit lol

we should have helped the kurds gain independence they are the only decent group of people in the middle east.

>a site filled with uneducated parasites
the rate of people with higher education is much higher on Sup Forums than it is IRL

but why are you so buttbonged about it though?
none of those things effects you or likely ever will

trump wants to and we're gonna do what he wants

no it is, my brother was in Afghanistan, they go real soft on the civilians so that we may want the civilians to like us or some gay bullshit, we should just bomb the fuckers

That's a bit of a reach

the U.S doesn't target civilians, unlike every Muslim leader in existence save perhaps that one afghan the fact that a foreign army goes to greater lengths to preserve civilian life than your own governments says alot.

Blame the defense and petroleum industries, they love selling weapons and stealing oil

also the US """""finance""""" system because they need more central bank member states that trade in US dollars

we are allied with the afghan government you retard, the Russians tried what you said and they lost badly. besides tailban are actually a mostly Pakistani entity.

oh look another retarded trumpbot
inb4 liberual and other ad holmium. you guys are like wh40k space marines

the Russians were allied with the Afghan government too you retard

I don't support Trump you retard, learn to read

we never stole any oil, although we probably should have.

I was waiting for this


Even if they are moderates, peer pressure will do the rest.

>wants to glass the fuckers
>trumps want to glass the fuckers and we'll do what he wants to

sorry for making the connection lol

Saddam Hussein's reason for the invasion of Kuwait was that Kuwait was stealing oil from the border through slant drilling

except that we absolutely should.

after they murdered the afghan president.

i support Rand and so I guess via proxy support Trump since Rand said he'd support the Republican candidate

Trump beats Hillary in a few polls now so we'll see what happens

yeah he wast totally lying and trying to distract the iraqi people from the fact that he started a war that killed 1.5 million people bankrupted Iraq and had nothing to show for it. there is a reason that the Iraqi people rebelled in 1991.



>old man who has been incorrect on a ton of stuff gives an opinion but because it agrees with my viewpoints it must be correct this time XD

no one gives a fuck about Hayden since the Snowden debacle

This is a fucking trolling shitskin bait.

why the fuck are americans alwasy so stupid?

why do they always bite the bait?

shut the fuck up, you don't understand what it's like to live in the most hated country on Earth you pathetic leaf faggot and be constantly under attack both in person and real life

fuck you

We bite because it gives us a chance to practice our argument skills

was not just americans you leaf fucking cuck

shut up you dumb faggot, i bite the bait because I'm not American and want Americans to have a poor reputation on this board

Why are anglos so fucking retarded

gee I don't know

9/11 and many other attacks? How they treat their own people and those who do not follow their religion?

i'm not Anglo you retard I'm from Korea

holy fuck you're retarded

don't you have more bosnians to genocide

Curious question. Are you in the military

you're such a faggot riceman

I'm bound by these choices so hard to make
I'm bound by the feeling so easy to fake
None of this is real enough to take me from you

go shove a baguette up your asshole you frog faggot
vitun läski homo; painu vittuun