Lazy latins edition
Other urls found in this thread:
crayon pop
eating a bana
>I'm a student
literally translated as
>I'm a pretentious nonce who paid the government £30,000 for a piece of paper which says i can do thing
"excuse me please mate", me, telling you to move whilst you're queuing outside the job centre
decided i like this edition more
t. authority on the matter
>They don't even cause cancer
you fucked it up
Im Jin-ah
miss this gimmick
got the internship lads
It was supposed to be a Yeri thread...
think I hate British people. Wat do?
In desperate need of an 18 year old to hire in a call centre for £50000
me at 7:30 lads
thanks to who ever suggested disabling 4 chan x
>it's 20 to 13 already
da fuq 0.o
her name is nana
favourite gimmick
I make over 65k a year as the manager of JD sports (Billericay branch)
Uni cunts will never reach such lofty heights
experience is experience
plus it's something to do in summer and the money will be nice too
lazy northumbrians amirite?
Update it you mong, it's fixed
feel like a bender listening to female vocalists
>paid the governmant
>tfw I'm only attracted to boyish looking lesbians
kill me
is it paid or >for free
seeing things written with hashtags makes me irrationally angry, especially when written for humour
Nana is her stage name tho
I think someone said if you update it they've put a fix in
if not add
to the custom css under advanced
You sound jealous 2bh.
Work is just about making as much money as you can with the least amount of effort. You'll quickly run out of "ambition" when you leave education.
i still prefer to call her nana
I like nana posting
t. graduated at the university of life
Wanted to go to the shop to purchase some ethanol but they're closed now. Can't do anything right.
As coroner, I must aver
I thoroughly examined her
And she's not only merely dead
She's really, most sincerely dead!
Most internships here are paid unlike yank and leafland
paid but the money's not amazing
still waiting on word about a higher paid and more interesting one but always got this one to fall back on
nanananana nana na
America was the chosen one. Why have they failed us?
>I'm a janitor
literally translated as
>I'm an unemployable lard arse who "patrols" an anime imageboard all day for free and deletes threads that don't meet my autistic criteria
"excuse me please mate", me, trying to squeeze past you as you're stuck in the security scanner in the door of asda with a bag full of chicken sandwich rustlers in your fat sweaty sausage hand
Her face looks non human, like a plastic mask
Here in Scotland the government pays you straight out of the pockets of the English
Cheers lads
Sex case sex case hang him hang him hang him
These should unironically have been aborted.
Apart from I've got a job (contracts signed, etc. before you call me arrogant) that pays £32k and doing something which I love
haha sorry that i havent created a new gimmick in a while boys
*rubs hands on forhead*
its been a rather stressful week to be honest
*drinks glass of milk to try and relax*
ill come up with something soon
*takes another sip of my glass of milk*
I'm sorry...
Nah. "Nana" conjures up images of your gran — it's not nice
sorry lad, won't be enough to pay rent and bills
how do you update? I thought it did that automatically
Just give me a good film you useless fucking cunts
>The so called "United King"dom
that was my cum
Are you struggling to get by?
That's just common sense.
not a huge fan of the swedish poster, if I'm being brutally honest
his (You) rate is shockingly low
right above your arsehole there's what appears to be a small hole at the base of your spine.
it's because our predesessors has tails
>I'm on Fox Island
>random tiny island with nothing on it
how would the ambulance get there? airlift or boat?
it's just the korean makeup style
>he isn't on minimum wage
billionaires GET THE FUCK OUT
another nana disappeared
Not sure actually
think if you got it from chrome store it should do it automatically
>yeri instead of seulgi
>didn't evev post it first
just end it lad
M8 I work part time at Tesco and even I make £8 an hour
They were seduced by the jew side.
psst nothen personel kid... *steps over mountain of corpses* i made this mound.... your next...
If the Tories were really serious they'd tax the maths the Cambridge to 90%
Is there any information on the type of degree the "educated" students and post graduates who are more likely to be pro EU do?
I wonder if, upon actually looking at what sort of courses are taken by each camp you'd find that all the students doing actual degrees worth a damn are in favour of leaving.
Makes me think of bananas, i won't lie
fuck off retarded povvo
who /corbyn2020/ here?
who /fingering rosaria/ here?
yeah it usually updates automatically
shall just use this custom CSS thingy you have kindly provided
Ah yes, I am definitely jealous of someone who manages a call centre
even wendy is better than that spastic
not an argument
That's where your penile gland is
Harry Brown.
this is definitely real
you sound like a posh faggot saying shit like that
click the update all button
or if you're using a user script then go to the options page for it and find the update button in there
>maths degree
>100k starting
>will pay off student loan in record time
why didn't you lads do this?
What if you got issued a munt though?
I'll pass, I'm afraid
don't you need a cambridge maths degree to manage a call centre?
i'm satisfied as the machine operations manager at jjb thank you very much
*comes in with 8 full tesco bags for life*
ahh im back lads ive got the grocer--wocer--wooaaaAAAHHHHHHHRRRGGGGG!!!! *trips over a quran* WAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEYYAAAAAAHHHHGGG!!!! *topples from the weight of the bags* GERONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIMOWOWOWOAAAAHHHHHHHHHH *does 3 somersaults, groceries flying everywhere* HHHHHHHWOOOORRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGXXXXXXXZZZZZZZZBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHNNCVKVV!!!!!!!!!!!! *lands on my feet* *notices a muffled "POP"* *looks down* HAHA UH OH *camera pans down to show ive just landed on your bollocks* aha did i do that?? *faces camera, winks and shrugs*
sunbro :-)
*tips sunlight shield*
>pcucks will never the bucketbro feel
*raises cane* FOR THE LEAGUE *crushes centipede*
dae r/ps4
>why didn't you lads do this?
im only 18
>I studied X at Y so I will make Z
Not so fast arrogant students