Please ban denmark from Sup Forums

i hate denmark so fucking much
they are very obnoxious
please rangeban them from Sup Forums

hey fuck you indiseasia

There are maybe 2 danes on Sup Forums




Apparently some of their athletesused to train in Indonesia for several years. Just like Malaysia back then, we got cuked once again.

I hate Denmark just for that fucking 7 Years song


thanks, me too

stop polan

>denmark in charge of city names

What did he mean by this?

Mads and Mikkel are alright lads, leave 'em alone.

don bane deemark

Indonesian got BTFO'd by Denmark in Thomas cup final (world cup for badminton), just now.
So, don't take this too seriously, Danes.

Denmark's proficiency in Badminton is fucking odd 2bh, it's a good thing but it's unexpected. Sweden used to have this with Table Tennis, we literally beat China in championships several times even though China had more professionals in the sport than our entire population. Not anymore though, the old guard all retired and the new """" talent"""" sucks.



Wait indonesia is actually good at something??

Well, sort of. Our gold medal in Olympic mostly from badminton


if dennmark is banned then norway goes too!!

Same with badminton, tho.
China is too dominant in badminton in the recent years.

I don't know m8, looks like their slanted eyes are very suitable with these kind of sports (badminton & table tennis).