What region in your cunt is most likely to start a civil war?

What region in your cunt is most likely to start a civil war?
What are they butthurt about?
Which side would you support?



this desu

Everybody except p*risians
Corsicans are the most vocal currently

There already a civil war going on not really but practically.

Provinces near Iraq, Iran and Armenian border but mostly Iraq.

They are butthurt about Turks.

Of course I support the Turkish side. They will always win anyways.

>always win

Groningen but they can't because they have no proper infrastructure.

Either Flanders finally ridding itself of Walloon leeches or Brussels muslims/darkies starting a civil war against the supposed "evil racist whitey".

Flanders is rightfully butthurt about
>Walloons leeching our money through welfare (they're lazy as fuck)
>Walloons moving to Flanders, never learning dutch and demanding french services in our Flemish towns
>Any Flemish nationalism is immediately branded "nazi" by the Walloons

Fuck Wallonia. Also fuck Brussels, they can keep it.

oh boy,spain,you have alot to talk about

Probabily Texas, but that's very unluckily becuse they benefit by being in the usa.

States of Brasilia (capital of the cunt) and São Paulo

SP practically carries the country on its shoulders and we keep fucking up everything they do, like electing shitty presidents, wasting their money and shit

Brasilia is where the politics are at, so if people got a bit angry it would be easy to catch them

But things like this will never happen, Brazilian are actually pretty passive, nobody wants to take the risk of fucking themselves up

Basques tried and lost, and catalans are pussies.



something funny?

haha funny

Do Flemish nationalists lean more towards independence or reunification?

Fries, they just want fries

why not move to friesland then?

>What region in your cunt is most likely to start a civil war?
>What are they butthurt about?
Arabs and unemployment
>Which side would you support?

None. We are too homogenous and hiveminded :D

Oh, i don't know