You can buy beer from 7-11 in Hong Kong

>You can buy beer from 7-11 in Hong Kong
>You can buy beer from mcdonalds in Germany

>Have to go to a bottle-o or pub here

Dumb dumbfrog poster

Tell me about it m8. Here the liquor stores close at 11 or midnight on the weekday, and they aren't open on Sunday.

Can buy beer from 7-11 here too friend

Some of them even sell firearms

alcohol in restaurants tends to be really expensive thought

You can buy a beer in McDonald's and KFC here too.
It's worse than shit

Yeah, well you live in a nanny state.

That's why you pregame before you go out.

> bottle-o

What the fuck is one of those?

At least we can drink in public

I'm having a hard time finding a retail food shop not selling beer here.
For example, you can buy some beer in most bakeries.

>he doesn't know what a bottle-o is

thats because you live in the flyover shit states, bible child fucking white people.

white people ruined all freedoms.

>You can buy beer from mcdonalds in Germany

not true, but you can buy beer at Subway

>The country of """"""""""Freedom""""""""""""

>not living within walking distance of a petrol station that sells alcohol 24/7/365
Comfy feels

>You can buy beer from mcdonalds in Germany
You'll be send out, if you have any alcohol with you.

>24 hours a day
>7 days a week
>365 weeks a ?


>no beer even in grocery stores
>only licensed beer shops can exist

>all liquor/wine stores are owned by the state government and have shit locations out of the way


bottle shop aka alcohol shop

You can still buy beer at McDonalds

>Thanks the troops for defending our """"""""Freedom"""""""""

AND you have to be 21

you literally can't make this shit up

No, you can buy beer at McDonalds too



I mean we can buy liquor at gas stations and just about any grocery store so... yeah.

So, who was it that founded this country again?

Never seen that lol

It depends on the state, as I said in my Pennsylvania post, there is literally no alcohol sold at grocery stores. Beer shops can only have beer, and the state sells all the liquor and wine, no one else can

9-11 is THE liquor store here.
