Nations are a joke. They are imaginary boundries some old and bitter men set up centuries ago...

Nations are a joke. They are imaginary boundries some old and bitter men set up centuries ago. The idea of a nation state is a dead concept. Multiculturalism is not the problem, but has evolved to be one after countless years of people thinking their imaginary border somehow seperates them from their direct neighbours. The idea of different human sub-species is a joke. We are all one race, we are the human race living under one earth. The seperation caused by nations and states will ultimately lead to our downfall and extinction.



I disagree with you

>Multiculturalism is not the problem

lol yes it is, even frau merkel agrees that multiculturalism has failed

multi-ethnicity is totally obtainable, but western nations are too weak to make any of the necessary policies that would actually lead to that

Yeah, just like how the walls to my house arbitrarily restrict people from getting in.

nationstates are indeed the wrong level of compartmentalization by now, but borders are not a joke.

Fuck off Hitler.

Germans are the Niggers of Europe

They need to be sent back to africa

be like russia and annex everything

>The idea of different human sub-species is a joke
You yourself are a shining example.

Well we were in there, but the fucking Brits kicked us out.

Okay Abdul

Who let fatima out of the muslim cage?

This. Bravo Germany!

Small autonomous city states are ultimate form of government. If you want a population to remain prosperous, strong and motivated, make sure they are in control of their own destiny.

>localized government never loses sight of its citizens
>citizens can easily purge malicious rulers, making rulers extra motivated to act in their city's best interest
>can actually be a successful democracy
>decentralisation kills the power of large government, and since national/continental/global government require universalism to gain support, decentralisation will trash universal principles like equality or human rights

Fuck Rousseau. Praise Athens.

So organizing in some kind of communities ?

Hofer ist mir zu links uezs

Races are a joke. Human is one race.

>It is a German post.

What you describe is bureaucracy of nightmarish proportions. Each cottage with its own legislative process and constitution, international treaties signed to borrow a cup of salt.

Athens was a long long time ago, the days of spending our lives within the city walls are long gone.

silly kids

>“The State was the superstructural authority of capitalist repression. This is why Marx denounces it. But today, with globalisation, the inversion is total. Whereas the state-nation could be the means of oppression of a class by another, it becomes the means of resisting globalisation. It is a dialectical process."

dont you know nationalism is the new socialism?

It's always the inferior races that say this

I am german and I think we should open our borders for the refugees.

Finally someone who thinks the same thing as me.

The thought of all the peoples of the world uniting as a singular humanity sounds great but it just makes megacorporations stronger and doesn't eliminate the problem of competing sets of rules and laws as those don't need nation states to exist.

Agreed with you until
>The seperation caused by (..) states will ultimately lead to our downfall and extinction
dude anarchism lmao

I agree with the whole post except that "Multiculturalism is not the problem".

I don't believe in nations either and i don't think that multiple mixed cultures in one place are the problem, but some mixed religious / ideological differences might be a problem.

So, it's not really multiculturalism that is the problem imho, it's multi-ideologism / multi-religionism.

But this part strongly resonates with me

>Nations are a joke. They are imaginary boundries some old and bitter men set up centuries ago.

Its not anarchism. Deep down, we are all the same. There is no difference between us, we all feel, we laugh, we cry, we are all humans. As children, we are most innocent. We don't care what religion, what skincolor, what nationality somebody hails from. We just play catch and have a fun time together. The old and bitter divide us because of conflicts that happened hundreds of years ago. It makes me sad to see so much destruction, death, mistrust and misery all over the world. Why can't we all just get along and respect each other? Its because nations seperate us, they make us different. The only reason people wage war or don't like each other is because the anchestor of this person did this and that a few hundred years ago. Who cares?

This makes me really sad to be honest, imagine what we could achieve together, the wonders, the art, all of this will never happen because nations will always exist.

And maybe it is a childish thought, but I desire world peace above all else.

Even if that means giving up your nationality and culture.