/bored/ general

What's up bros?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate my parents and myself for not being italian.

where are you from?

(Or what are you ethnically)

Harassing /cute boys/ for bicz as I'm stuck at my parents house



Hey. Bored as well, mind if I pop in?

how's Scandinavia weather? it was really sunny here today!

It was sort of sunny today. Personally I'd rather have it rain.
Last night's humidity was also pretty horrible, it was like 93% if I remember right.

That frog when can't go outside because it's rainy


reporting in

You're not that different from us then

rainy weather is pretty GOAT for deepcore philosophical evenings, great mood for writing stories. slow jazz is bretty good for that kind of ambience as well (fedora-tier comment I know but its true lol)

No hard feelings, I hate myself for being black.

Post rare LeLs

Pic related

I agree. I personally just love the sound of rain hitting the steel on my balcony.
I've tried to find videos that replicate it but the closest was a tin roof, which doesn't produce the same kind of "deep" clang.


I don't know about all that but rainy weather is the best time for snacks and pre-downloaded movies since the internet's all haywire during the 5 days out of the year it rains here.

fuck off

Modern art

i once met a properly cool black guy with rastafarian kinda dreadlocks on a plane to Iceland once, and he was telling me all about the spirituality and folk tales of Iceland and it's natural springs and fjords

pretty nice guy. I don't see many black people


Lo so ma mi fa comunque sentire male.
African-americans are cool.

you've probably heard of this but in case you haven't, take a listen at this:


it's been so long since I've sat down and watched a movie, I procrastinate way too much for even the littlest things


Perché gli altri ti dicono che devi farlo? La vedi nel modo sbagliato, io sono terrone e nessun polentone di merda potrà mai rendermi meno orgoglioso di essere siciliano anziché uno di loro.


anyone staying up to watch GoT tonight or will you watch it tomorrow? (If you're a fan of the series ofc)

Gonna watch it tomorrow, it won't be on any torrent sites until like 7 AM for me.

I need to get out of bed


Who /Sunday roast/ here? Had myself a lovely bit of pork with lovely crackling, stuffing and apple sauce. Also had some crumble for afters which is a real plus, and now there's lovely soft rain outside. Have to get up at half 5 tomorrow though, simply cba

ayy nice

i hope they don't fuck up the kingsmoot, but idk. the writers seem to get half of the show to be GOAT and the other half to be utterly pleb dogshit so i don't know how things will go

i usually do, cause dad is a chef. today we had a nice BBQ out on the balcony though, he cooked up some homemade burgers that were a pork and beef mix. then had a tasty salad afterwards.


Watched a few movies featuring Alfie Allen recently btw, John Wick and Pandemic. Both were alright, Pandemic might need some alcohol to get through it but John Wick was pretty gud.

Alfie is the smug bastard in the pic if you never bothered learning their names, or Theon/Reek.

i like the guy, I think him and Lena Headey are the best actors on GoT now that Stannis is gone (rip King) and I'd like to see him do more work, he reminds me of Paul Dano

Watch Green Room

Lena looks a lot hotter with the short hair desu



What's the comfiest drink do you think lads?

I think it's a cinnamon or vanilla spiced tea


long-hair fetishist pole?


watermelon juice



Why is it always brits who make these retarded blog threads

you are a nigger

we're chatty and lonely

Peach Ice-Tea

>mfw i'm very high, warm in bed and the rain is hitting my window

I am super comfy

Here have some ass, boys

olive bum

very nice

can't imagine myself fucking a girl like that, i seem to only fuck pale short girls with petite tits but chunky thighs and bums

>tfw you'll never colonize other planets

Plae skinned girls are also on the top of my boat

I thought you were supposed to leave the boat after your first welfare check

Is this your attempt at """""""bantz""""""

banana milkshake
lemon iced tea
or just plain flippin iced water

OH and this mexican shit called horchata
havent had that in a while

>go on date with qt
>goes well, schedule another date
>she bails
>see pic on fb of her hanging out with a pajeet instead

Shut the fuck up you coastal coon, You make this kind of shitty country even worse.

Alcohol is ruining my life but I'm scared to get off it

Horchata is the comfiest cold drink, 10/10

Listening to....this.



I don't want to go through withdrawal and/or severe lifestyle changes

I hate this song because it talks about me

bump of boredom i s'pose.





i'm more like the gondola on the right

do you know how many people live in my region?
around 120,000.

brazil has a much bigger population than my country and i assume you live in a more populous region as well

go and meet people

>turning gondola into /r9k/ shit
This is a crime