Travelling hobbies

I'm considering picking up travelling as a new hobby. Do you think it would be practical to travel one of these two paths by means of row boat, hot air balloon or maybe motorboat?
Anyone with experience similar to this?

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epic meta post breh

Hey Kafirs,
My name is Barry Al-Britani, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, western, imperialists who spend every second of their day looking at blasphemous ass pictures of the Prophet (P.B.U.H). You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I have on my recent trips to Rotherham and Cologne. I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own lack of taqwa, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than Israel.
Don’t be a stranger. Just blow me up with your best Jihad. Like Allah, I’m pretty much perfect. I established the Islamic State of Twickenham, and voted for Sadiq Khan 6 times during the Londonistan mayoral elections and I've smuggled over 9 thousand ISIS agents into Europe. What have you done, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also got straight A’s in Islamic theology, and have a banging hot goat girlfriend which my Algerian brother gifted me as a reward for entry into Europe (She just blew me up; Shit was SO halal). You are all infidels who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me

Greece is way too mainstream desu.
Italy is your best bet.

I'm not metaposting, though.
Do you have experience sailing?

But I like Greece more. I want to try the Greek cuisine during my trip this summer.

>I am so funny posting with a proxy :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
kill yourself


Make Libya Greek again so you can always have Greek food.

I do. I used to work in the merchant navy however the ships I worked on where giant commercial transport ships not rickerdy piss poor rafts or sail boats. Best bet getting into Europe wouldn't be sailing from Libya or Algeria. Go over the border to Morocco if that's possible and smuggle yourself that way.

There are human rights laws preventing places like Spain to forcefully reject migrants you'll probably get deported within the legal means but maybe you can make something up like your parents were killed or you are being persecuted I don't know.

Or you could even go through the legal processes of immigrating to Europe rather than risking your life to ultimately make Europe a shittier place.

Hopefully, you won't succeed in your endeavours I don't wish you to die but if you did it wouldn't bother me. I wish you bad luck and a good day.

do it fgt

>I am so retarded assuming shit :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
I'm literally Libyan, m8.
That's why I should visit Greece and try the food first. What if I don't like it?
Why would I make Europe a shittier place? I'd just be spending tourism monies and probably a fee to park my boat.
Are all Europeans this xenophobic?

You know the mediterranean is patrolled by warships and obese sharks that kill Lybians on sight?

I don't think I'd be wasting my precious savings to go and clash with lgbt activists in Europe. I'm mostly interested in historical sights and trying the cuisine.
Besides, I'm an atheist so I don't really mind what the LGBT activists do.

>What if I don't like it?
kek there is so much you would need a whole life to eat yourself through the cuisine.

you should probably have some experience sailing until you try something like that

Current and wind would make it hard to go that distance as an amatuer.

Wooden or plastic boats shouldn't be detectable by Radar. Plus, warships aren't authorized to sink tiny boats on sight. If they capture me, it will just make for a holiday to remember.
Great, then I should go there to explore the prospects and investigate how I can set up some organization meant to regreekify eastern Libya.
Is it very risky? I thought maybe if I had a knowledgeable sailor user to guide me, I could go it from the first try.

if you're stuck out there and you don't know what you're doing, then you will die
the sea is a vast and (for the most part) empty place

It's just a 300 kilometer trip. I can check the weather forecast first and make sure nothing will go wrong. What's life without a bit of adventure?

>navigating over the Mediterranean in a plastic or wooden boat
There is a 9 out of 11 chance that you will most certainly perish from the waves

Yes and we should help Sudan-user too. Russians and chinks sucked the country dry.

Then there is a 2/11 chance I'll have a great time sailing and exploring Greek culture in all its aspects, including dangerous sailing.
But you'd be surprised how durable rubber lifeboats are. They're meant to save your life in case a cruiser sinks after all.
But Sudan was never Greek???
Historical accuracy is important.

300km in these kinds of seas is not to play with

especially in a cheap, shit boat
especially if you're inexperienced

there's a reason a lot of ships used to go missing

But it's not always like that. I'd pic a calm nice day. ):
I'm just bored and want to explore new cultures.

Sudan user hates the Islamist party and wouldn't mind a Greek state. One single world language and culture and we will have forever peace on earth.

Do you mean Mouaid? Where do you know him from?
Can him and I come to Germany as a gay couple?

yes go- guy, I highly suggest you make the effort to go to europe, they need diversity and their culture could do with some enrichment

I don't know he wasn't here for long. Just some minutes. Do you want to come here? Maybe we can bring you to Germany with the help of some anons here.

shoo shoo yahudi

Alhamdulillah, Europe is great nation

You will enjoy it there, and you should make the effort to make Hijra to Europe

>hot air balloon
please do this so i laugh my ass off when your wreck is found in the shores of Tunis, Egypt or Israel
do it for the epic lulz mah boi

Are you a refugee? Why would you want more brown people in your country?
>Posts the head of a monarch the colonized blacks and enslaved them.

Why would it be found there when the winds are always blowing the north in Summer?

I am a Greek

Aha, mutual benefit for both of us.
So, do you know any fishers in Greece? I promise to go to Germany right away!

because there aren't. they blow south most of the time

They literally blow towards the south in the winter and towards the north in the summer.
But okay.

No but other Greek anons can help you and I could do the rest in Germany. Do you want to live here?

A-are you being serious in my bait thread?
I mean, sure why not. But I wouldn't be ruining it or raping women if that's your plan. Tbh, I'm in love with German philosophy and whatnot and wouldn't mind living there instead of in sharia land. *shrugs*

Refugees fuck off

Germany is not really Germany anymore. They are like autistic Americans who speak German. They don't have so much culture and most foreigners don't like them. I want to move out here anyway.

How often are you on this site? It would probably need some time to plan something.


Gibraltar bridge when?


Sounds like paradise on earth

These are too dangerous,, if you come here I can give you a better boat and a safer way through the mediterranean.

gibraltar dam, when?

Ok I will ask some people here tomorrow who work for this refugee shit.

"I'm from an ultra conservative (islamic) country and the fact that I'll never find a mistress to dominate me is starting to get to me. I can't even consult a psychiatrist in this hellhole. :("

email me at tnx

Herman Sörgel, pls go.

That wouldn't have worked
Flooding the Sahara would've. Maybe Italians are better engineers than the Germans.

I know this is bait, but just incase:
You can't just boat into Europe from Africa uninvited. Theor border guards will shoo you away and possibly shoot at you.

They can close their eyes with enough money.

Unless you're an Islamist try coming to America

post passport timestamp or I call bulshit

he's real, check his reddit acc

The thing is.. I live in Libya but I don't have Libyan citizenship. I can prove I live in Libya maybe a juice bottle with made in Libya on it?