What country is gonna be the first to go socialist?

What country is gonna be the first to go socialist?

I'm guessing Russia but it might be Brazil or Syria

>Russia but it might be Brazil or Syria
Just why?
I believe in France at least we have the potential

Why us?

Venezuela is feeling the effects of socialist policies right now.

Tbh the French left seems so Muslim-friendly that legitimate socialism will probably never happen

Although I admit that most of my understanding of French politics comes from Houellebecq

It's not 1967 anymore
Current Russia is more capitalist than America

Things are getting worse, a leftist was just removed from power undemocratically, and you guys have a large and active Marxist community

Liberalism =\= leftism

>insults instead of arguments

because you are a fag

Impeachment is a democratic process. And at this point there is an increasing movement in favor of changing our system to parliamentarism, and the left never gets most of the parliament in this country, just the presidency because of weak opposition which then governs with a mercenary center.

Venezuela is feeling the effects of sanctions, collapsing oil prices, and drought if that's what you mean. Tbh the biggest actual policy error they made was relying too much on oil. The actual socialist policies they implemented went a long way to improving the standards of living.

And you're a retarded spic with shit in place of brain

Fuck off, Chavez and Maburro ruined the country


dale postea el pikachu y el snoopi


>implying there's any political force in these countries that seriously advocates the collectivization of the means of production

why not?

>socialists still exist in the 21th century


the croRAT

Tito frowns upon your shenanigans

Replicants in Mars colony 420 BLAZE under the Primary ED 209 ASIC will be the first to experience "true socialism"

National socialism is the only socialism that ever truly worked. Bud nobody is willing to try that out anymore because Nazis were evil etc.

it is well known that croats helped nazis during ww2


Soviet Union worked far longer than Germany

Prove me wrong you little shit.


>Soviet Union
Chose one.

more like feeling the effects of being a poor ass country

the arabs should look to them as an example of what's to come

filthy sureño spotted

germoney like garl marx said :-D

Tito was a Croat.

There were more Croats among Partisans than with the Ustashe.

sUrEñO sPotTed

and you hate tito...

I don't.

But socialism is still a meme.

Soviet Union was socialist and we see how that turned out.

thanks to that, today's russia is a superpower


But you see it wasn't the very specific kind that OP likes so it wasn't real socialism.

>today's Russia is a superpower

No. It's a regional power. But it would probably be a super power had it gone down the route that the united states did.

Greece – first country

se """""""arrecho"""""""" el chipanzuelANO.......

russian army went to crimea, and the entire NATO dindu nuffin against them

Because Ukraine is not part of NATO... It's a defensive alliance so why the fuck should they've acted?

Not at all.

Serbian army went to Croatia and the entire NATO dindu nuffin against them.

Except there are actually different kinds of socialism. The USSR implemented a very specific kind of socialism and it failed for specific reasons.

They have a flat tax rate, mate
Russia has wild capitalism

chicano mogolico, no volves MAS


It did, thats why so many people want it back

>It's a defensive alliance so why the fuck should they've acted?

I'm sure the Serbs thought the same thing. Try pulling your head out of your ass.

Maybe in the 90s, but modern Russia is statist

>Except there are actually different kinds of socialism.
And every single socialist state has been a failure or near failure. The only one that sort of worked was Tito's Yugoslavia and it still fell apart once he kicked the bucket.

The point is that every socialist thinks that their version of socialism is the correct one and split into numerous factions each supporting their own brand of "true" socialism, that make the whole movement essentially a joke.

It's basically a religion in how you have academics get butthurt over the smallest details in Das Kapital like Protestants get butthurt over the smallest details in Leviticus.

>Except there are actually different kinds of socialism
Yes, I am aware. It's just a bit of meme in circles that frequently debates/discuss with socialists and communists.

>The USSR implemented a very specific kind of socialism
It was more that the socialism that they tried to implement evolved as they implemented it. And while there are many reasons for its collapse that are not directly related to socialism in itself, there are certain issues that all forms of socialism suffer from (for instance the economic calculation problem).

hue hue hue go away coxinha

brazil is too deep in conservadorism and fascism ideologies to attempt a real comunist experience

Who are these people?
I don't know anyone who misses the Soviet Union and doesn't think a capitalist system isn't vastly superior.

Nostalgic Old Russians?


and i forgot to say, that NATO is training ukrainian hohol army....and those hohols are always getting BTFO by novorrosiya army
young people too

>And every single socialist state has been a failure or near failure

And yet socialist policies have been successfully implemented in most western countries.

The only thing you can say about the social experiment of the USSR is that authoritarian centralized state socialism doesn't work. That by no means is the only model of socialism, and the majority of them have never actually been implemented, at least for not more than a few years before something very bad happens (wild Franco appears, etc.)

>Venezuela is feeling the effects of sanctions,
The US is the only nation sanctioning Venezuela, why would that even have a significant effect?

Glorious Socialist Republic Of Canada when?

Imagine the collectivized shitposting farms.

cuba is still working despite poverty and embargoes, i hope they get better after globalization

Dafuq is this? "Não vai ter golpe" "Fica querida"?

Vão para bêbado porque vocês estão muito casa.

now they are having LGBT parades

>And yet socialist policies have been successfully implemented in most western countries
The step between having socialist policies but a mostly private ownership of the means of production to full-blown socialism is pretty fucking big.

Go home leftypol. Shill for Billionaire kikes and muslims somewhere else.

they also have an elite that stores food away from the people to simulate an even worse crisis

the situation there is terrible

Policies=/= state socialism, which is the socialism Marx advocates for.

Every country has some kind of socialist policies, even the US where socialism is a boogyman has limited-access socialized medicine and socialized highways. That doesn't make them socialist.

>state socialism, which is the socialism Marx advocates for.
It's called leninism IIRC, not marxism.

I read some theory long time ago.

Cuba works because of tourism mostly. Havana is nice, but the rest of the country is like any other place in Latin America.

he wants to kill everything related to communism in the east....and that's the reason why russia told him to fuck off

70%+ of the Russian population voted to preserve the USSR

listen to my favorite album, machado and jucá, great songs about stop washing cars and geting power

>young people too

That explains.
Only people who have never tasted it dream of it.

This level of autism

maybe because they have relatives who liver under it

Gonna have to agree with the American on this one. Fuck socialism.

>And yet socialist policies have been successfully implemented in most western countries.

Where? Scandinavia? Yes. In a homogenous society where hard work and honor exists then maybe it could work. But those societies don't exist anymore. Sweden was a wealthy country before it entered socialism. Now I can guarantee it will be impoverished by the time it gets out.

Though I'm surprised a Canadian likes socialism lol. You enjoy paying large taxes for long wait lines at hospitals? Bro you live in heaven already. You should go to Venezuela, I've heard they have it even better down there now.

Individuals who happened to be Croatian helped the Nazis. No need to castigate an entire nation.


Leninism is more about establishing a vanguard party that spearheads the revolution.

Source? It's a bit strange to sponsor pro-immigration, leftist organizations and marxist activist groups if that is his goal.

i am ultimately anti political because I never follow the rules and I want full freedoms. I know it's edgy but thats just way it is. i am animal


That sounds like a conspiracy tard meme, you really have to give a source for those kind of statements.

That figure does not translate into public approval of communism. Dissolving the union meant that not only did Russia lose a lot of power, it also had put in a very exposed position while transitioning. Additionally something that radical put people out of their comfort zone and most people don't want radical change.

and also old people too. when It's old people It's nostalgia when It's young people they ''never tasted It''. Why do people who have double digit IQ's try to talk about concepts they can't comprehend?

Russia wasn't the only state in the USSR

you may want to look at some anarkiddie ideas

This isn't going to go anywhere. Why are marxists in favour of the EU? Every communist and anarchist I have ever meet was in favour of the EU. The EU forces muslim immigration into Europe, and that seems to be their only appeal to leftist, why is this so important to you?

And 70% of the confederates voted to preserve segregation and slavery.
The Russians can have all the unions they want as long as they keep it inside their own boarders and leave the rest of us out of it.

and they were right, the dissolution ruined Russia and its people, only 20 years later they are showing signs of recovery


Go anarcho-capitalist.