/balt/ + /ausnz/

Normies need not post edition

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm very kinky


love me long time?

t. normie


Sveiki draugi, the thread is offensive.

Kranklr is dead.

Fuck off trash

I'm Baltic.

Nice double doubles me, but not really, my previous comment was just kind of a joke.
And what I meant in the previous thread wasn't in regards to INT, more like POL or something like that.



I thought he was Latvian?

did i let you screencap my post?
fucking hate aussies

Why are all my countrymen weebs?

Im not
Kranklis is not lithuanian

I am Lawyer do you want to sue him for copyrights and take all his life savings?

Gonna take a poop

Something in the water supply I think. Not seen a single an*me fag with an Australian flag in these threads, at least not one as dedicated to shitting up threads as Latvians are

Delete this.

good, it was a dumb meme anyway

try and stop me ;DD

I emailed myself a meme today.

has it already arrived?

where did it all go


le monke

Being anti-kranklis is to be anti-baltic. To be anti-baltic is to be pro-communist.


fucking daffodils fucking my field up, fuck

Ayooo haha

le m_ _ _ e

fill in the blanks

No it's a dumb meme forced by newfags.

Leave you fucking communist

>le memee

le m_ i _ n _ e


Leave you fucking communist newfag

t. Master detective

Nah, you newfags should leave and take all your dumb shitty memes that ruined balt in 2014 with you.

Dubs and trips, good stuff. Keep on fighting the good fight against these vile communist incursions lad.

says the newfag, back to tmblr you go xDD

Leave you communist newfag

i fuk ur ass bitch!

How to say 21:30 in Latvian?

I've been here longer than both of you combined.


i fuk ur mum bitch!

prove it

it's a shit unfunny meme, dat boi is 1000x better

cocks taste good



Pus desmit or trīsdesmit pāri deviņiem
Numbers have spoken

oh shit waddup!

Tell me more about Arab emirates culture.

I'm doing it by not posting those forced memes and not acting like an idiot. I'm the few of the elite /balt/ posters who still stayed after 2013 after this place went downhill

half 10?

What about 21:45?

Newfag normie

Haha lol look at all these newfags must be summer amirite lmoa
Ahahah ayooooooooookkk

your woman sleep with other man? head off
your goat sleep with other man? its ok

Bez piecpadsmit desmit or četrdesmit piecas pāri deviņiem

I've been here for years, sadly.


i have a new friend, what should i name it

Kranklr is dead, long the Kranklr

>not normie

You ALL need to fuck off to reeeedit desu


This is probably the worst thing that has come out of balt. A sort of a mark of the newfags.

Lithuania, because it bugs you haha

Siim or Uku

I've been here since 1995. Even before /bait/ I had visions this general would exist and started typing shitposts via email.

Don't reply to my posts.



>„Neptūnas“ eliminavo „Lietuvos rytą“ ir žengė į LKL finalą

:^) A mark of a newfag is an insistence on trying to prove they're an oldfag by rejecting anything even remotely new



Haha get a load of this newfag lmao I bet he just learned about Sup Forums today

literally (read: L I T E R A L L Y) this: smoke shisha, eat caboose, and sleep with russian hookers 2bh

I think even in 2014 there wasn't a constant meme spam

Funny how you bring anime into the mix out of nowhere.

I don't post anime.

If it's actually good. These days it's all the same regurgitated "ironic" poorly drawn shit that everyone posts for months, that's not OC.

The reddit meming craze basically made everyone think that posting dumb memes is the in thing and after that balt turned into a sort of /s4s/

Don't mind me - I'm just sorting out some files here.

This desu

>Funny how you bring anime into the mix out of nowhere.
Because literally everyone who has claimed to be le epik oldfag Xd has always claimed "xDD anime baltic lmao"

>tfw pepe is probably a govt. experiment to try and run any decent community into the ground and it works too

Must be nice being a Chad. Give pleasure to one women and she hook you up with other. Can you now leave thread okay thanks


looks like the finns are not gonna win against canada today. this will be bad for alcohol sales.

i gave u an idea, just cuz u have a female friend doesnt mean u have to fuck her, female friends actually r the best at helping u get laid

don't loose hope

I don't like female they are evil and manipulating

Lose to Leafland = mass depression = alcohol sales increase in their efforts to suppress the knowledge that Peru+ beat them

whatever fits ur worldview kid

What kinda lame ass exercises are these? 20 sit-ups, 20 sq, 10 pu, you literally wont even worm up with that,

How fat you have to be to feel like its a challange?

idk man, i'm watching the stream and it doesn't really look like they have a chance

happy drunks leave more money in pubs than sad drunks, it's a proven in practice thing

like ur mum haha
your name is scary, jurgen johvikas

why not viasat sport or tv6? estonian commentator is pretty based. know a lot about hockey

I dont think you're gonna have to worry about them too much.

i actually don't have a tv

inb4 le intellectual shitface
no.. i just don't have money to buy one ;__;