What happens?

What happens?

paradise in europe

More Muslims in Korea and China

goodluck yellows love anglo country

Island Union when?

The British empire would reach as far as India by the 11th century

union with nz and straya. being the faggots we are we would ruin it by demanding PNG gets to join or something stupid.

Poles walk across all of Russia and then swim over to clean toilets

Would it be better if Japan was in Europe then

Irerand is rightfur Chinese cray.

Brits enjoy sunny weather


Germany would hate them

Bigger economy, good manufacturing and not willing to take any Syrians

China starts building airbases in Gloucestershire to assert his sovereignty on the archipelago.

I welcome exchanging places of Japan and UK.

the brittish isles looks like a fatter version of the philippines

it's funny because only countries in the West are freaking out over whether to take refugees or not while literally no one cares on the other side of Asia

you don't see John Oliver shitting on China/Japan/India etc not accepting refugees in droves

miserable lolololol

And better food. And friendship with our news neighbours :3

'cause they're not white innit bruv

But Koreans are already the Irish of East Asia


Europe would improve a lot


>implying Chinese aren't sucking British cock and vice versa

Would be pretty good for China.
The first island chain now is broken and Chinese navy ships could freely roam the pacific to raid British shipping.

Japan's banana-shaped island that was blocking China's navy access was the most unnerving thing for them.

what's wrong with PNG

The Dutch would've had to sail a greater distance in order to take it over without firing a shot.

kill all commies