I honestly believe I was born in the greatest country on Earth

I honestly believe I was born in the greatest country on Earth.


So why did you emigrate to France ?

Cool story bro!


honestly, probably yes, France is a pretty good country (probably the best eu country or the world but i dont know)

t.although you are very arrogant , too...


I didn't emigrate to France. I was born there, you salaud. I literally posted the French flag, get a clue.

Great and France don't work together lad

Same desu

I think you spelt gayest wrong OP XD

France and US: friends forever.

Ferme ta gueule bougnoule

retourne au maroc

For a Francophone probably yes

fills de pute de bicot

New Zealand is one of the only countries on the planet id seriously consider moving to.

How does it feel to be in a personal union woth them?

Youre pretty much equal in status

>Fellow countryman so convinced of our country's superiority that he doesn't even understand the bad joke
You. I like you.
>Lithuania trying to act relevant

Id rather be in a Union with England than let the SNP have unopposed power.

you were a few hundred miles off actually

Fermez la bande de con, arrêtez de poster de la merde.

fdesouche représente :)

pls send baguette to norway, we have no baguettes left

pls send petrol, we have no fuel left


Hi, little Britain. What are you doing here, posting on Sup Forums? Shouldn't you be at a Sadiq Khan rally holding a "refugees welcome" sign?

>this coming from a frenchie

and im not a londoner anyway fuck off

Because its a boat trip and a 500mile drive away.


Proxy : the thread

Shaddap, Ahmed. Go fuck yourself.


I think too.
You guys who live in a terrible country where has been being invaded by foreigner , cannot understand our sense of security I suppose.

More than 95% of people who live in Japan are Japanese.

>More than 95% of people who live in Japan are Japanese.
are 5% koreans? mate

>only 95%

t. English teacher

>sense of security
>invade whole Asia
>kill and rape millions of people
>get nuked two times
>bad relations with China
>about to get rekted in the third world war
>sense of security

ITT jealousy overblown

I love France desu

I-I don't actually dislike you, too.

sale arabe

This. Nique ta sale race, sale arabe de merde. Crève.

This is now a UK-France homosex thread

Thanks pal

There's nothing wrong with Scots
The problem lies between Brighton and Edinburgh if you catch my drift

bon post

Calmez vous chers concitoyens, n'allons pas nous embarrasser devant les posteurs étrangers.


The English are just tsundere towards you

you cant just say that and not post more

Every thread is a UK/France homo thread desu