/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


first for debian nsa distro

Debian is trash



Looking for a cheap wireless NIC for a desktop. I can use either PCI or x1 PCIe, any recommendations? Should I just find anything that uses ath9k?

is manjaro good

Why not try it?

Try it. I'd rather use arch at that point.

nice meme

Just use Arch imo

What's meme about it? Manjaro is a meme.

i have tried it and the user experience is definitely better than stock arch but i don't like the arbitrary holding back of packages

what is systemd and why is it bad?

So, I've been tinkering with the Bink (.bik) file format under my Debian Jessie KDE system, and I'm having a hard time troubleshooting why one Bink file will play, while other won't.
Preliminary: the file that plays doesn't have sound. I've mixed in sound with RAD, and the sound won't play while the video still will. For other files which have both video and sound, the sound plays but the video does not render (resulting in a black screen during playback).
I've used RAD to check the file info, and nothing I see in that report tells me of any significant differences between the files. They all use the same color space, color depth, etc. File size, data rate, and audio encoding do not seem to have any impact, as many of the files I'm attempting to play have differing values and these all play without issue; it's just video. I don't think resolution has an impact on whether or not these files will play either, as I've Binked the files to the resolution of the file that does play without effect.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to use hexdump to see if it can render more useful information about the individual containers. For instance, I'm wondering if (as per this link: multimedia.cx/bink-format.txt) analyzing the dump will let me know if one container is a Binked .H264 or an .AVI, etc..
If anyone can offer insight, or an outright solution, I thank'lls ye.

They don't hold back packages and there are no security issue. It's a stupid meme.

Arch pushes updates directly into the system, things may break and/or require manual interaction. Manjaro fixes shit before it pushes the updates (takes 2-3 weeks). They don't do this for the whole repo, just vital system stuff, other stuff goes through directly aswell as security updates. That's about what Archfags feel as "useless delaying", since they manually read news and fix things.

Use arch, Manjaro hold your hand too much and as soon as something breaks you have no idea how your system works and will be nagging us for help.

its the other way around, manjaro just werks so it's basically stupid arch fags who nag with stupid questions about zsh: command not found screenfetch

Arch is a meme.

Yeah, because alot of people on here use them so they get to post in the screenfetch threads and refuse to read the wiki to fix there problems.

So I'm trying to learn about setting up preferences for packages but I don't know if I'm using the right method. For example I'm trying to setup redshift as told in his page. I need to create the .conf file with the instruction for the package behavior then somehow say that ubuntu needs to autostart redshift every session?

Can I just open the terminal, type my preferences and save this somehow so every time I start the computer redshift will be running? I'm my case I just want to set temperature to 3500 K all the time. No need to play with geolocation.

>In other words, the "big news" of Ubuntu dropping Unity and its phone to focus on the enterprise is only the tip of the iceberg. Going forward, it appears, Canonical will be more tightly focused on profitability, which in addition to job cuts, will mean eliminating projects that aren't being monetized. This means the desktop edition is probably destined to eventually be dropped, especially since users will have the numerous independently developed (and officially sanctioned) "baby *buntus" as options.

You mean add the program to startup applications? What distro and desktop enviroment are you using?

If you are using an Xsession client

vim ~/.xinitrc
add whatever the bash command is to launch redshit to the top line

i'd guess

Been with void for a while, but the templates thing is getting out of control. What do I do? How easily does arch with ruinit breaks?

I'm using elementary os. I installed youtube-dl but it's out of date, I tried updating it but there's no updates available. How do update it then?


Build it yourself.

Hello Sup Forums i'm new to ubuntu/linux (inb4 install gentoo)

So, i'm trying to optimize at max my notebook ubuntu boot speed without a ssd
this is my dmesg
justpaste it/15br3

I see that there is a 5 second pause here

[ 15.764596] ath9k 0000:03:00.0 wlp3s0: renamed from wlan0

a 7 second pause here
[ 20.021736] Adding 6138876k swap on /dev/sda6. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:6138876k FS

and a whopping 13 second pause here

[ 27.213099] audit: type=1400 audit(1491699788.416:11): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/bin/evince" pid=694 comm="apparmor_parser"

can i fix it somehow? i also disabled from bios my gpu (since i don't use this for gaming just for well, having a pc when i'm away from home)

Till now having fun with tweaking it, may switch to something else more advanced soon

If you install it from you're package manager, you only get updates through you're package manager.
If you want to get more frequent updates via
youtube-dl -U
go to the youtube-dl github page. Scroll down to the installation section. (Just a simple matter of wget or curl the script and chmod it executable.)

I don't know how to do that. Ins't there a .deb package I can install?

>read story about horrible mediatek driver
>find out the company doesn't even release the source code

This is the reason why mediatek wireless driver is garbage.

You can remove the 7 second delay from /dev/sda6 by commenting out that line by

$sudo nano /etc/fstab

add a # at the beginning of the line that has the /dev/sda6 partition. This disables the swap, which unless you have less that 8gb of ram you will probably never use anyway.

The first one is just system d doing system d things, not sure about the last one

Like Arch is any better. Manjaro - install from installer. Arch - copypasta shit you don't understand from wiki

I swear to christ I have searched. I have read article after article on downloading torrents, that was easy. Can't find a great d damn thang on how to install the file once downloaded in ubuntu. Help me g, I fear I am retart...

What exactly is responsible for the colors in my terminal?

I've only recently started looking into "ricing" my terminal color schemes, for easier readability and aesthetics.
I want to know if it's possible to change any text (ls output, for ex.) to any color I want in a 6 digit color code.

Top to bottom:
Mate-Terminal (current)

terminal settings/preferences

I don't understand your question.

Uxrvt uses a configuration file ~/.Xresources


$LS_COLORS, for ex.

So I downloaded debian, installed it, all good

But it needs firmware for my wifi to work.

I got the firmware, I got it on the machine, I got it on a USB stick, I type the commands this page tells me to and it just doesn't work.

How the crap do I install this? I'm willing to learn as I go but without internet it's kind of futile ya know?

I download a torrent in Ubuntu. It is a .torrent file. When I click on the file it just re-opens transmission. In other words, the program is not installing??? Btw, I do understand exes don't exist in Linux so far I have liked the hand holding Ubuntu has offered when it comes to installing new shit.

All these lignux people talk about how something is "light" or "heavy" or even "bloated" but why does almost no one tell what it exactly means?

Sometimes you have RAM usage comparisons, but not much more than that.

Annoying, I'd like to use Gnome 3 on my laptop but it isn't that powerful, so I am afraid it might be too heavy. But at the same time, lignux people may sometimes call text editors heavy...

tl;dr I have i3 Core i3- 2367M 1.40Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Intel graphics. Would Gnome 3 be too much for me? Will it lag? Or does "heavy" in lignux terminology mean "it's still as light or lighter than Windows"

What is it you are torrenting?

Transmission will download the file and save it in it's default location ~/Downloads

open a terminal and change directory into ~/Downloads

now press 'ls -l' to list the files

is what you tried downloading there? what is its extension/file type?

I had a 2.4Ghz celeron with 4gb on an old laptop and installed Gnome for my dad, and it lagged horribly. Try unity or Xfce.

These terms are usually in reference to 'Unix Philosophy', which dictates that each program should do one thing, and do that thing well.

That's why very simple and small programs are generally favored over larger, more feature rich programs. For example, it's common for people to install mpd, ncmpcpp, and some scrobbling program just to setup their music player instead of downloading a complete player already.

The idea behind this is that it gives the user more control over what's on the system. If I want to accomplish a certain task, then I shouldn't need to download a program that can do 50 other things I have no use for.
So really it depends how much this 'unix philosophy' appeals to you. If you don't really care about it, then go ahead and install whatever you want.

XFCE or MATE is the best option for you.
GNOME might lag by itself and definitely will if you use a web browser.

XFCE and LXDE are the lightest desktop environments, but LXDE looks like shit so most people go with xfce instead.

Of course, you could always just ditch desktop environments and install a window manager like openbox. That requires much more setup and initial configuration, but it will perform better than any DE.

Do I have to unistall the version I already have installed?

in bash scripting, what is the difference between trap function EXIT and trap function INT

I would uninstall it. unistall might be ok tho.

Currently using, thank you.
I might start using urxvt more.
Am I limited to this 256 color palette because of urxvt, bash, or it's just the way it is?
A few colors in a color scheme I was looking at aren't present in the 256 color cheat sheet I just looked up.
ls_colors is exactly what I was looking with ls output, thank you.
I'll have to look into it and see if I can change colors based on filetypes.

I'll try out XFCE I guess. I previously used lxde actually, but it indeed looked like shit. Trying out gnome currently, it is indeed a lil laggy at some points, especially if I quickly switch between things or open new ones.

I'll also try out some wm setup at some point, my only gripe is that I'll need to find good + fitting applications like file managers then.

I'm using standard lubuntu. I have no .xinitrc file.

Well the GNOME file manager is called Nautilus.
The XFCE file manager is called Thunar.

You can run them in any setup.

gnome is probably the heaviest DE, so you should switch from that asap.

As for using a window manager, it really can seem like a lot of work at first, but it isn't that bad. If you choose to install something like openbox, there aren't any keybinds you need to memorize, and there are gui programs for almost all of the configuration settings.

Having to pick out your own file manager, as well as other programs, may seem like a pain at first but once you start you'll realize that you don't actually need everything a DE comes with. On my desktop at home I pretty much only have firefox, urxvt, and the nautilus file manager.

$nano ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
add it on a seperate line in there


save + exit and reboot

nb. if your desktop doesn't load on boot press ctrl + alt + f3 to launch a tty.
nano ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
remove that redshift line and reboot

Is there any significant reason someone shouldn't manage some packages by himself using self-contained directories in /opt?

EXIT happens when your script exits
INT happens when you interrupt it (with CTRL+C)

I uninstalled youtube-dl and followed the instructions on rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html
sudo curl -L yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

When I tried to run youtube-dl I got an error
>bash: /usr/bin/youtube-dl: No such file or directory

>bash: /usr/bin/youtube-dl: No such file or directory

not the same

Have you at least tried a more recent version of ffmpeg? Just a VM with sid or something?

So what? I tried use it and it gave me that error.

try hash -r
then update again.

is it possible to play a video from cli/tty? I heard it is possible with some combination of libcaca and other software

Thanks that works. What if I want to uninstall it in the future? Do I just remove the /usr/bin/youtube-dl file?

Is Debian unstable on the same level of unpredictability as Arch? Should I even us unstable on older hardware like my X220?

just use debian testing.

Unfortunately, you will need to destroy your computer at that time.

>move all windows operations to my 500 gig Western digital blue
>Linux on SSD with both terabyte drives dedicated to Linux
>Stay like this for all time

Is this a good idea? Does Linux have support for dual shock 4? Windows recent decision regarding removing emulators from it's store has me on edge thinking they may soon start classifying emulators as malware and trying to keep them off windows entirely

I'm still using the linux-nvme kernel for my xps 13, because the nvme powersaving tweaks gave me about 15% more battery than mainline. Are the nvme power things ever going to get merged into the main kernel?

it should be fine. you don't have to worry about windows trying to delete your linux bootloader if it's on a different drive. PS4 controller: if you plug it in with a cable, it should just work 100% with no changes. If you want wireless, you just have to set up bluetooth, so make sure your motherboard's bluetooth works in linux,

actually, /usr/bin/youtube-dl was the hash table location that couldn't be found.

>get new laptop
>drive/partitions show up as /dev/nvme0 instead of /dev/sdx
why is this?

Oh no I wire the controller I avoid wireless wherever I can

according to arch wiki it got into mainline in 4.11, but I don't think any distro, even arch has it yet

Non-volatile memory express, also known as NVMe or NVM Express, is a specification that allows an SSD to make effective use of a high-speed PCIe bus.

You have an nvmeSSD i would guess.


using tar:
tar cvf compressed.tar.gz tocompress
why does this add my username to the output archive? is there a parameter to null the username? I only wanted to make an uncompressed volume, from a directory.

Go to github and clone the repo, then run make or whatever else the README tells you to do

>directly in to the system
No,stop spreading FUD.There is a testing repo that ALL packages go in to before they are pushed to the main repos

man tar

>Fixes shit
>Implying Memejaro devs patch shit

Surly I'll believe you.

what's a good 2016/17 laptop for gnu/Linux? Preferably something that can be run deblobbed out of the box. I was looking at the xps 13 because everything should just work, given they can come with Ubuntu, but it only has dual core. Is the i7-7560u dual core (up to 3.8ghz) good enough in 2017?

Considering switching to Wayland+sway on arch. Is there anything I'd miss out on compared to i3-gaps on xorg?

There is zero reasons to use wayland, all you're going to do its en up using xorg-wayland and emulate everything

is there anything else? I can't find anything to generate volumes that don't contain variables of any kind, I tried a bunch of stuff all the same.

Is it literally impossible to generate 2 volumes using the same software with the same parameters from the same directory and expect the output files to have the same identical content? MD5-proof identical I mean.

I tried it for a while, doesn't have any multi monitor support and sway is not fully stable yet.

See reproducible-builds.org/docs/archives/

Is this true?

Mark Shuttleworth on the death of Mir:

"We have lots of IoT projects using Mir as a compositor so that code continues to receive investment. I agree, it's a very fast, clean and powerful graphics composition engine, and smart people love it for that. The whole Mir hate-fest boggled my mind - it's free software that does something invisible really well. It became a political topic as irrational as climate change or gun control, where being on one side or the other was a sign of tribal allegiance. We have a problem in the community when people choose to hate free software instead of loving that someone cares enough to take their life's work and make it freely available. I came to be disgusted with the hate on Mir. Really, it changed my opinion of the free software community. I used to think that it was a privilege to serve people who also loved the idea of service, but now I think many members of the free software community are just deeply anti-social types who love to hate on whatever is mainstream. When Windows was mainstream they hated on it. Rationally, Windows does many things well and deserves respect for those. And when Canonical went mainstream, it became the focus of irrational hatred too. The very same muppets would write about how terrible it was that IOS/Android had no competition and then how terrible it was that Canonical was investing in (free software!) compositing and convergence. Fuck that shit."

What are you using it for, nice laptop btw? For programming that will be fine unless you are compiling large projects.

As for desktop enviroment I would use Unity XFCE or a tiling window manager and stick to Ubuntu.

>first for debian nsa distro

what wrong with debian

>baiting an 5 hours old hook

I use linux a lot at work, but i'm definitely not savvy with it, however...when would I ever want to use 'awk' ? It seems completely redundant.

that looks like a pain, I'll try anyway.

Poor judgement on my part

I just came in here trying to decide what distro to go to from mint, since it holds your hand too much.