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Technology #598
Realistically speaking is VEGA even going to be able to compete with Pascal...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Can Sup Forums make an AI as advanced as Kizuna Ai?
It's another "Windows turns my computer on in the middle of the night just so it can try and force an update" episode
What's the point of a quad core CPU in a laptop?
Her browser isnt using electron
Why is KDE so huge and buttugly?
Give me one reason for using linux over windows that doesn't involve being poor
Why aren't you using Bing for porn?
Cs courses
Why do you hate him, Sup Forums?
I wanna die
Hey um can u pls tell me tell me that i'm cute and that you love me ty
Give me the 411 redpillerino on Firefox
CPU idles around 34C
'update' app
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How can the association of Android phones with cheapness/low quality be removed?
Wow guys, I'm really glad this is open source
<1080p is unusable
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tfw almost pulled the trigger but chickened out last minute
Stallman THAT desperate for volunteers. Madman put humongous text on the whole screen
A good g therad
How the fuck does Youtube manage to store everything when several hours of video are uploaded every minute...
When did you realize that we could never have true A.I because it's going to be racist...
Low quality bait, only tangentially tech related, does not belong here
Richard Stallman uses a house fan to cool his thinkpad XDDDDDDD
What will happen once Linus dies? Who will take control of the Linux kernel...
Every single other IDE is a meme
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why isn't there are thread for the Scorpio?
Your are not an audiophile
/wt/ watch thread
Password rating thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is CodeCademy Any Good?
So who's having fun with the leak?
Brian Lunduke finally released the Stallman episode
What search engine does Sup Forums use?
Hey Sup Forums is the XPS 15 still the best Windows laptop on the market?
Why aren't you using Manjaro?
Jesus fucking christ
As someone who has NO experience programming, is this book meant for a reader like me?
What happened to Windows ricing, Sup Forums?
Speccy thread
Name a better cooler
Brave Appreciation Thread
RAM prices are all time high again
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Skylake-X is going to be big, projected of a 15% IPC increase over standard Skylake and thus Kabylake...
I don't get it. Why isn't there a single good laptop manufacturer anymore?
How to torrent properly
Am I the only one that thinks Windows 8.1 is underrated?
/sec/ - Security - Anonymity - Hardening
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Revision 2017
Vina: App that finds friends for friendless autists
How come browser worked fine on old hardware from early 2000s and late 90s but they can still lag modern desktop...
Hacking a mysterious encrypted file full of nudes
Blackberry PRIV
Redpill me on refurbished tech
FreeBSD / OpenBSD as daily driver
After all these years improving it is it a good idea that Cannonical ditches Unity??
Are PC games the pinnacle of software development as far as difficulty is concerned...
How deep inside the botnet is Sup Forums?
If you had $500 to spend at Best Buy, what would you buy?
Biostar is about to release an mitx form factor AM4 motherboard somewhere in the end of this month
Left or Right?
What editor/setup does Sup Forums use ?
It are warms
Tiling WMs
Before reading: hiroshimoot said meta threads are allowed now, I'm not breaking the rules
Gnome is more lightweight than Unit-
Is there any point using BSD other than to be a special snowflake? like a practical reason?
comes with a built in ad blocker
Show me yours thinkpad edges
Tfw fell for the meme
I am thinking about getting a mobile faraday cage the government can't track my movements when I don't want them too...
I got an old XFX R9 390 what the fuck am i supposed to do with it, no one wants to buy it and those that do...
How long is this supposed to take?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Gf calls me
Chairs are technology
Show me when your OS was first installed
ITT: stone age technology
How much energy do you use?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Twenty fucking seventeen
Anyone here using Chrome OS? How is it?
64 bit processor
Yo waddup Sup Forums just copped this x1 carbon they're good right?
10GB 4G LTE data for $55
It's got holes like swiss cheese, man!
Can Sup Forums discuss neural networks and deep learning without resorting to memes?
Who uses pic related?
OOP more like OOPS
Why there is no more pixel-perfect fonts?
Do people use alcohol related apps in bars?
Microsoft is experimenting with tabs in File Explorer and other apps on Windows 10
Is there a Desktop Environment that honestly holds a candle to the UI of based Windows 7?
Vim masterrace
Time for board, write FizzBuzz program
C can't complete a full race distance without breaking down
Why can't i uppload this Webm?
Best TV?
Why is there no good browser?
Need help with C++
How much is ungoogled chromium actually ungoogled...
I have some thoughts about an importance of sex robots. Why these devices of future will be very important?
Hostname thread
Internet speed in your country
Why aren't you running the Surface studio?
Seriously, what the hell happened?
What's the oldest computer that you regularly use?
Why are youngsters so useless with computers nowadays?
An eggsecutive running Linux?
Free social media is a mistake
Redpill me on heapsort vs quicksort
What's your Sup Forums dream?
I'm currently using a 300Mbps Wireless N USB Adapter from TP-link and an issue I've been encountering is that my...
Why did they wait so long to finally abandon blower style cooling for reference models?
Years and years of fearmongering over running out of ipv4 addresses
Techfu thread
I just spat up $140 and purchased Windows 10 because like some out-of-touch caveman I'm still on Windows 7 and I wasn't...
Stop having things
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Tips for C Programming
Dell’s Ultrasharp 30-inch 4K OLED Now On Sale
The Only Languages You Need
Is this a scam?
Can anyone recommend me an android phone with the following traits
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
We're tired of shitty discussion forums such as reddit and BBSs such as Sup Forums...
Whats a good pdf reader for Linux?
Top kek
Go on plane
File Compression
Good morning Sup Forums
Mysterious package
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Windows 10 Friendly Reminder
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Give me your screenfetches
Post your favorite PC cases. OP starts with the Corsair Crystal 570x
Fresh installed creators update 2 days ago
Revision 2017
Fresh Windows 7 install
Is anyone here interested in solving a crackme? It involves writing a keygen. x86_64 or AArch64 binary
Do you run a linux VM for watching all your porn?
/edc/ - Every Day Carry
Redpill me on h265
Guys, I'm scared. I just pirated like five books, and I'm afraid I will go to jail
Kill me
Look what I just went and did
Tbqh, Rust seem like the answer to my prayers in having a sane systems programming language...
Best headphones sub $150?
Is there a file manager on linux that don't look like minimalistic shit? Something like Windows Explorer, please
Is there any good C replacement for Unix?
Bought this piece of shit
How many years does it take to install VS 2015?
Why do people prefer BSD over GNU/Linux?
At a job interview
IoT Camera Backdoor
Im thinking about using tor. what should i know about it?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Explain this Sup Forums
Eight (8) GiB (Gigbaytes of RAM [Random Access Memory]) is all you need!
When will floppy disks make a comeback?
Free ryzen hoodie
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
All right give me one ((1)) valid criticism of this company
How secure is your laptop?
16:10 and 4:3 are fucking ded
Why is this still analog?
Currently running into decryption issues. I'm assuming that this hash is a MySql5 hash that's double encrypted
I'm thinking of throwing this into a VM and screwing around
Hey guys have you seen that weird #ourmine shit on youtube?
Homescrean thread
Robots are learning to be racist AND sexist: Scientists reveal how AI programs exhibit human-like biases
Internet speeds
Stop creating racist software, Sup Forums
Tfw fell for the Seagate meme and lost almost 2GB of data after 1.5 years
(3/3) Ryzen 1800X vs. i7 7700K: Gameplay/frametimes (Level 1 Techs)
Will C/C++ ever Rust away?
He bought Kabylake
Sup Forums memes you fell for
This is net neutrality. This is what happens when you let the government regulate the internet
ITT: Ask someone working IT in the car/vehicle industry anything
Praise based japanese portable technology
EGPUs have shit performa-
Chairs are technology general
But but but Windows 10 has telemetry!
ITT: Technology that were too good for this world
Sup Forums "Active Content"
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hard drive is kill
Unpopular messaging platforms thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Does anyone have a GNU / Linux distribution to be recommended? Possibly with a small number of packages...
When does everybody realise most people use 600 dollar for their entire build?
How can computers even into primes?
AMD Ryzen vs 7700k
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How do so many people seem to make a living from Youtube or at least put effort like it's a full time job...
Optical Drives
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Welcome home, white man
I'm completely fucking retarded, what's the best programming language for a stupid ass bitch to learn?
Ask a guy that just bought an iphone 5s and threw his poordroid in the trash anything
If Sup Forums could design their own DE, how would it be?
Which authority do you report offensive wifi names to?
Fleshlight Launch
Why nobody talks about Sabayon here?
LFS - Linux From Scratch
Will this be the end of nvidia?
Why aren't you using a Pentium 4?
Gee In You
How do people keep up with the latest js meme?
What is the /technology/ that makes this anti-crack protection so good
Ubuntu GNOME is shipping with 3.24. Arch refuses to update its obsolete 3.22 packages. Is Arch finally dying?
What use is there for a DOS operating system in 2017?
27 and I think I should just give up PC gaming and Desktop PCs
Sup Forums thinks its still 2014 when you mention KDE Plasma to them
Why itns impossible to create a throwaway google account ?
How would you implement collision for a 2D side scrolling game so it could handle pic related slope types?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums Approved VPNs
Post legitimately good reasons why you haven't installed/updated/switched to Ubuntu 17.04 already?
What the fuck just happened
How much would you pay for an AI fembot that would actually love you?
Will Ryzen 3 be the final nail in the coffin for Intel?
How do you design a client-server multiplayer game? I know how to write a simple chat application...
Why are video game consoles a dying technology?
Ryzen 5 update
Speccy thread
/hsg/ home server general
Do you really believe the "there are too few qualified software engineers available in the USA" speech that software...
Let me just freeze and crash all the time
/madvr/ - because we hate mpv
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
ITT Worthless Keys
Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Released
Your thoughts on the desktop ascension theory?
Why can't MPV draw window decorations on Wayland?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Purported iPhone 8 schematics show ‘bezel-less’ front, rear Touch ID, same thinness as iPhone 7
How is this shit acceptable
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Non-gamers of Sup Forums, why do you still use a Windows desktop? I seriously can't stand mine anymore. The rot...
Build rig a year ago
Bye bye f.lux
What's your reasoning for owning a phablet instead of a smaller phone and a tablet and/or laptop?
Alternative to JetBrains IDEs?
Home screens
Microsoft > Apple
/hpg/ - Headphone General
With Intel Processors(TM) you can expect a beautiful and stutter filled experience the developers envisioned for you...
he is so mentally retarded that he doesn't know how to clean his windows 10 with antibeacon and ooshutup10 to make it...
Can Sup Forums get hired?
What phone do you love?
Pi contains every possible combination of 1s and 0s
Using the cloud
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's the cheapest way to get a legit Windows 10 key?
Remove One Drive
RX 580
ITfag hate thread
Only decent language I know
How can this guy get any worse?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
I need help with a current PC build with parts
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Sit down to take a shit
Denial of service attack
Hello g Java script writer here
What are some European engineering companies in America?
Unformated text webpage needs JS to work
Some guy I know has been programming in his basement for 4 years working on his "start up" company
Sup Forumsreat ideas
CDE thread
Why isn't there any new news about quantum computers? Was it a meme all along?
What the FUCK is his problem?
Stay with Windows because muh games
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is there a cure for gay
Alright faggots i'm installing gentoo on a vm
Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus
Combating piracy
Windows 10 requires you to uninstall Steam to continue using it
The new fizzbuzz
What does Sup Forums use to download 1080 video off youtube?
Just clean-installed W10 creators update
Okay, now that Ryzen 7/5 are out and they're solid competitors, will AMD keep refreshing the line-up every 6 months?
Should I buy a PC or attempt to play WoW on my 2015 Macbook Pro Retina 15" 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Reminder: Swift is Garbage Apple is for Rich Pretty boys
Brave Browser is good holy fuck stop using Chrome botnet
Getting back in to loonix after pretty much only using backtrack or whatever the fuck it is now as a recovery thing
What are some Sup Forums related things that normalfags do that annoy you?
Want to buy a strong GPU
Hey Sup Forums
So this is the power of python 2.7
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Normies are mystified when you run something as simple as fdisk
Create a ""Gamer only"" ISP
"Free software" is an IYI philosophy
Are you using the world's best laptop, user?
Placebo or not?
Amd rx 500 series
Red-pill me on high-end audio equipment
AMD is in absolute PANIC after nvidia lowered their prices. Now nvidia is both faster AND cheaper...
Gee, I'm glad gnome devs have their priorities in order
Is file compression a meme?
Dead programming languages
I lost the silicon lottery. The best I can get this chip to do even at 1.35v is 3.8ghz.Its not even thermal throttling...
Want to buy a new macbook pro because I couldn't find a flaw
Why aren't you using Linux Mint, Sup Forums?
Stop using GUIs
BEST keyboard for programming?
Speccy thread? Maybe a cpu-z thread would be better?
My level and other things you can get on
Windows Creator Update
Why aren't you building your own phone yet?
How smart is Sup Forums
Go to small business to fix internet problems
Pronouncing mysql my school
Which is best?
Millennial designers are now ruining Korean sites too
Say something nice about his init system
ITT: Share Websites that are the Pinnacle of Sensible Web Design
ITT people who don't know shit about tech red flags
TempleOS General
RIP Ubuntu
Ok, faggots...
What is your opinion on software theft?
EDC Thread
Craigslist Thread
The only people who hate it are ones who program on their 7 year old memepads. literally the best editor out there
Windows is significantly slower and laggier than when you first installed it and you have no idea how to make it faster...
Why freetards can't define Linux?
/dpt/ Daily Programming Thread
This guy is retarded, why are you subscribed to him Sup Forums
Hardware encryption
Buy a thin phone
Monitor thread?
Any alternatives to computers?
Ryzen 5
Laptops are all MacBook clones
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
One thing I really hate is the language used in win10
/csg/ Chink Shit General
PC wakes up from sleep mode by itself
AMD Ryzen Part 2: 4-way Ryzen vs Intel: Double Blind Experiment (Part 2 of 3)
VirtualBox 5.1 or VMware Workstation 12.5?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Sold my android
Hello there, Sup Forums
Blender Cycles: OpenCL now is on par with CUDA
Do Germans actually use this?
How would you improve this Sup Forumsurus?
Is it finally time? Is it over? After the very disappointing reviews of AMD's Ryzen 7 and 5 processors...
Word or LaTeX?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Is there any reason to upgrade your computer these days?
RU ready for the 5xx Rebrandeons?
How did you learn how to repair your PC?
What the fuck is going on?
Why do poor people bash on apple
Windows 10 Creators Update
How difficult is it to learn what a CS undergrad knows?
Since you're so smart, Sup Forums...
Let's take a moment to thank AMD for releasing Ryzen
Ubuntu 17.04 General
/wt/ watch thread
United Airlines has a little problem
Windows 10
Sublime Text - New Build 3128
So this is the power of Windows 10
I have an idea for a website...
I wonder if anyone here has experience with the HP P410 and the IBM M1015 (LSI)
Dmitry Bogatov aka KAction, Debian and GNU maintainer...
Want to write my bachelors thesis
Can somebody explain that technology to me?
Running non-free software on your wrist
Killing Home Internet Is the Most Productive Thing I’ve Ever Done
How do Windows 10 users put up with this shit being constantly reinstalled?
Let's write a program, Sup Forums
How can we end Facebook cancer?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
"S8 is too big"
What does Sup Forums think of
Operator mono
AMD Ryzen + Polaris build vs Intel Kaby / Nvidia Pascal
Why are you not preordering the GPD pocket?
We're so lucky to live in the U-S-of-A where we have so much competition in the ISP space!
What the FUCK is this layout?
So, I just installed the Linux OS...
Apple is finished
Strongly typed languages are inherently misogynistic and impose harmful power structures on their users
Why does Microsoft let this guy on stage? He looks so fucked up, like he's gonna die
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is it possible to suspend a program to memory in linux...
Nvidia DX12 drivers are WORKING AS INTENDED
How do you pronounce SUSE? Suhse? Soozeh? Sooz?
/dpt/ - Delicious Programming Thread
My wife wants pic related for basic white girl shit. Will it break in a day or should I buy it?
Fuck up my final project
AMD ryzen
Why does hardware industry cuck us all over?
Why do people always have to be on their phones like cattle...
How to completely disable temeletry in win10?
Guts Thread
Heart vs Camera
Sup Forums humor thread
Intel vs AMD
Japanese Cell Phone
Why are you still using the stock YouTube app or OGyoutube instead of newpipe+RSS reader...
Once and for all: Is DuckDuckGo a botnet?
Enough chit-chat, let's see that Bubble Sort
What do you think of Xiaomi Gamepad to play on pc?
Outta good coding music
Shutting down computer will log off all users
Salvaging Parts from Old PC
Fuck you, Google
Is python the best scripting language out there, or do better alternatives exist?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
So now that Unity and Mir are getting trashed, is there any reason left not to use Ubuntu...
Post classic moments from Sup Forums's history
Why is it so hard to make a glass protector for a curved screen?
What's your favorite RAM brand, Sup Forums? I've always used Kingston, but shit's overpriced as fuck...
This weekend, I upgraded my OS from Mint "Petra" to Ubuntu "Xenial Xerus" and I have to say, this is great...
Got pissed off last night and broke my Mac book pro. Is it worth keeping at all? It still turns on
Tidal Becomes First Service to Offer “Master-Quality” Streaming In Partnership With MQA
Gcc freaking sucks
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This was my wishlist from 8 years ago
NetSec Thread
Aesthetically pleasing phones
Tfw I'm still using an Xperia Play as my daily driver because I travel and ride the train a lot and hate having to use...
I fell for the 16GB of RAM meme
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
What sort of faggot closes down a website because of an e-mail?
Alias sudo='sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root ;'
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Any news on the memedrive?
Aight Sup Forumsents, I've fucked up...
Format as NTFS
Stop adding 'GNU/' to Linux
Find a flaw
Stop illegally obtaining music
Intel = BTFO, Ryzen R5 wins
Lets download illegal things Sup Forums
Linux exclusive things
What the fuck?
Raspberry Pi
Screenfetch thread?
What are some Sup Forums approved mice? My g303 is having some serious issues with its sensor skipping, it's a dud...
Why do we still use binary? Using only 1s and 0s is terribly inefficient especially as clock rates increase...
Google rolls out AutoDraw
I want to buy a lappy for mommy, for about 200 bux, what would you recommend? Use cases are pretty much email, internet...
To be honest, $6.99 is a phenomenal price for 1 TB. It's amazing how cheap data storage has become
Find a flaw
Ryzen 1600X
What is the cheapest computer you own?
Tech stories
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What the actual fuck Sup Forums? I'm actually fucking spooked right now...
/bst/ Battlestation thread
Linux Desktop Environments
Are you gonna buy her cpu?
So, which browser is Sup Forums approved?
I hate you all
Does Sup Forums use a sound card?
Why are you Sup Forumsingers still using plain vim when there's atom with vim plugin?
Is Ryzen compromised?
Is this the power of nvidia? is nvidia sabotaging ryzen?
Home server general is a general thread to discuss building...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
MIT vs GPL [2|3]
RED HAT LINUX = NSA .rpm based distros are NSA backdoored
How am I supposed to use this crap?
Screenfetch Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linux is a viable alternative to Windo-
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Evie Launcher Masterrace checking in
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Name a worse piece of tech
Should I pre-order this?
Another Massive Dissapointment (AMD)
When are the i5 and i7 price cuts coming?
Is this the future of Linux?
SSD vs HDD thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
So is usb 3.1 dead now that every mobile device is going for usb c ?
Ubuntu Telemetry
1500X RRP: $190
/osa/ Open Source Apps General
What does Sup Forums think about Pico 8?
Honestly, fuck linux
Find a flaw
Have you downloaded torrents with real IP?
Stop using bloat
What's more important
/spg/ Smartphone General
When will we finally merge with machines, Sup Forums?
Something freetards seem incapable of understanding
Ryzen 5 Release Thread
ITT:What does Sup Forums think about linus
/wdg/ - Web Development General
I want to become a desktop developer, and code cross-platform applications. Should I choose C++ + QT or Java...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm a hipster NodeJS developer but NodeJS isn't swag anymore and I want to jump on other bandwagon
Is there such a thing as a good wireless mouse?
Describe your perfect smartphone
long battery life
So.. i5's are obsolete, I guess?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Nokia Wants To Make Its Android Phones The New Nexus Phones
Creator's update
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Your portfolio is impressive, user
Language select
Account got hacked
Linux users, what's your DE?
Compiled binaries suddenly stop matching supplied md5hash even after compiling from source manually
What is the best OS for my tech illiterate grandpa? Pic related. He has been using Windows 7 for years...
Yo Sup Forums this shit happened to my nexus 6p it was a great phone but now looking for a better replacement...
Can I write an OS in Python ?
Hi g
Who around here is
Homescreen thread
Find a flaw
Aren't stores that accepted credit cards or rewards programs just as much a botnet?
Amazon gave me $14, what tech should i buy
Hello and welcom to the anime thread
How does Sup Forums hide it's porn?
ITT: Open-source programs that are just as good as the proprietary one
RIP Windows Vista (2006 - 2017)
Find a flaw
Thank you based AMD
---------------------- ~ Sup ForumsOS ~ --------- FUCK LINUX FINAL SOLUTION EDITION ~~~~-----------------
New uses for old computers?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is there a bigger cuck in the tech world?
Why are you a batterylet Sup Forums
So are there really people out there still using Pentium 4's?
Sum all the diagonal values of a 1001x1001 clockwise integer spiral or you're not a real programmer
The Ryzen 6 core Linux benches
Find a flaw
What Software do you use Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
How come closed source software never looks this good?
When will the flat UI meme end?
Screenfetch Thread
What kind of future does Python have? Will it be used for non-scientific programming 5 years from now?
What certifications does Sup Forums have?
What are you downloading, Sup Forums?
What does ibm do these days?
Ryzen 5 gonna be released today, which model has best price/performance ratio?
So Sup Forums, redpill me on the printing jew
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
"I fell for the 4GB VRAM meme" edition
Your face when Windows 10 still has pifmgr.dll
Best US Cell Wireless Carrier
What must have applications do you install when you've installed a fresh copy of Win10?
Best text editor?
What are some good technology related youtube channels?
ITT: Defective design
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Are Kingston/HyperX SSD any reliable?
What's a quality thermal paste? Does it matter?
Sup Forums raid
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
People who actually use keepass
Battlestation thread /bst/
How is ryzen suddenly faster in Tomb Raider on Ryzen?
Stop using dark theme
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/sft/ Screenfetch Thread
Electrxxxx Engineering
Are dry herb vapes a meme? are they designed for quality vapor or marketability?
Anyone know how to access the source code of a Word (2016) document?
Nintendo Switch confirmed for running Linux
What is the very first programming language one should learn if they wanted to get into web development?
Preparing for algorithm test
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows Vista Appreciation Thread
So is it pronounced as sequel or S Q L?
I just installed arch. whats your excuse Sup Forums?
Which plan?
Did Microsoft just make the desktop computer obsolete?
So, which is it Sup Forums?
Are clients that are this stupid worth keeping? Last invoice took 2 months to pay
Itt: micro-controllers and shit
Does anyone else think the Red hat shilling is getting out of control here...
Mfw GNOME shills are trying to convince to use such shitware
Ryzen 1400 vs i5 7500
Favourite Torrent client?
Should I buy X1
Have multiple monitors
Command prompt opens and closes really fast
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Mark Shuttleworth
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Ancient Tech
Let's have an appreciation thread for the only free and open OS company with revenue in the billions of dollars...
Unity 3D
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Linux SUCKS. Why? Because:
Silicon Valley
Bought a 2$ VPS, what should I do with it?
Is OS X open source? I've heard that the underlying operating system is an open source fork of BSD...
Has google finally overstepped its boundaries?
Study computer science thinking I will have a cool and interesting career
Audiophile thread
Clearly the problem is Netflix erroneously trying to use Silverlight rather than any actual problem with Fedora
How do I escape the botnet while still keeping functionality?
/sw/ - Software General
Books on computers
Current state of Firefox
Why is Chrome unbeatable?
GNOME is clutt-
Running non-free software on your wrist
Any "youtube partners"(youtubers who sold their soul to Google) here?
Is C# just Java with an added layer of pajeet?
Mozilla FireFox Nightly
Will technology ever look fun again?
Come home to KDE, Unity user. True love awaits
Could one live with *BSD on a daily basis?
Fell for the loonix meme, installed arch
Is macOS flawless?
Arch is shit, it breaks constantly, just look at these meme comics!
Is this the most frustrating hack yet...
Keep shitting on windows 10 for spyware
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is proton mail worth using? Or should I just stick with gmail
/pcbg/: Kaby i5 Suicide Edition
Sup Forums recommends me to install firefox nightly
/ptg/ - Pirate Tracking General
IPhone Unlock?
The Linux desktop in 2017
Retro Apple discussion
Fuck you goddamn assholes
Ryzen beats Jewtel bios update
Is it possible to teach yourself how to program?
UK tourists to US may get asked to hand in passwords or be denied entry
People that use linux are losers. and they are also fat
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Start repairing your MacBook, Sup Forums
Ryzen 5 (1 day left)
What is with this trend of making shit thinner?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
He uses mod 2 instead of bitwise and 1 to test for odd/even numbers
Work in IT
How long until females will become technology?
So, this is the power of open source?
Nexus 6P thread
Do you think future hipsters will bring VHS back when VCRs and tape start getting hard to find?
Hey Sup Forums
Typical day
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What kind of keyboard are you using Sup Forums?
Job interview
Can someone help me to install linux? /fglt/ and /sqt/ are useless as fuck...
What's with the annoying trend of languages being *almost* good, but then including some crippling flaw?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
H-How's my fizzbuzz guys? Am I ready to finally get a job?
Be honest: did Sup Forums ever trick you?
Opinion on bitcoin?
Russia and the US decide to go to war
Learned programming in rust
Why does Windows always become so slow...
Don't mind me, just "pirating" this iPhone
Hey Sup Forumsuys, one question for all of you
27 years in development and still no stable release. What went wrong with GNU/HURD?
Seeing as ryzen got a patch for Warhammer, that means 1800X SMT0 is now better than the 6900K for total war
What is the superior browser? Why?
/spg/ Smartphone General
Brackets Placement
IPhone SE
Just rooted phone
How do you deal with unzipping files on linux? xarchiver sucks dick
What are you waiting for?
Sup Forums on gaming
Accidentally bought 60TB of hard drives at $2000
Tfw still using my 13" rMBP from late 2012 and it's still running silky smooth...
Is connecting your phone to your monitor instead of using a real PC the next big trend...
Bell labs not even once
Artificial Intelligence
Hey Sup Forums im 20 tired of working a shitty retail job
Why did the give up on it?
Tidus competition
Is this gif botnet?
The new x270 is ugly as sin...
Tips on using public wi-fi hotspots?
All these video gaming winbabbies saying you need terabytes of ram while all you need is 39 mb
File Systems
Classic environments
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How did Fedora get so far ahead of other distros so quickly?
Help a beginner out
Write a fizzbuzz and then write a formal proof of it's functionality
3.5 base clock, housefire TDP AMD wins again baby
Community fork of unity starts with making a logo
I'm an author who will be travelling the country, and I want a robust...
Favorite lossy audio format?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - RX500 Will Be a Stupid Refresh Edition
No more infinality bundle on arch gnu/linux?
Can anyone here help with part of this assignment for Java...
Watch Thread /wt/
Uptime thread
Ryzen 7 turns out to have pretty average gaming performance especially for its price
What didn't go right?
Hi, Sup Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Audiophiles, one question
UNIX philosophy alternative
Should I get iridium or ungoogled chromium?
PewDiePie and Sup Forums
Need to Look Good DGAF
Should they bring back the headphone jack on the iPhone 7S?
Gnome masterrace
Lets post our battery life menu after the phone is charged and super low state of non-use to act based
Macfags, would you consider it tacky to buy 3rd party apple alternatives to match decor?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Which fork of firefox should I use and why should I use it?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...