Sup Forums memes you fell for
i'll start
>moto Sup Forums
>mechanical keyboard
>5:4 monitor
>hating Java
>K series processors
your turn
Sup Forums memes you fell for
i'll start
>moto Sup Forums
>mechanical keyboard
>5:4 monitor
>hating Java
>K series processors
your turn
Any idiot knows that gentoo is a troll.
>mechanical keyboard
Enjoy your awful Dell POS
So this is where you gave up eh?
2/10 take your (You) and fuck off back to your surface.
calm down user
why are you defending a retarded """technology""" board so much
do explain how the moto g family is bad in your opinion. I'm considering purchasing one as my galaxy s5 is kinda dying
Was bamboozled
>C++ should also be used for non performance applications
>Raspberry pi
Not a meme
>Windows 10 LTSB
>Ruby on rails
>Python because muh packages
>Nexus phones
>moto Sup Forums
I am still thoroughly enjoying my first gen.
>ThinkPad T410
>Arch Linux
>Mechanical tenkeyless keyboard.
I have fallen in love with these memes.
only one is
>mechanical keyboard
I guess, i dont usualy fall for that many memes
im pretty carefull whit spending money on tech
Posting from a Moto G4, very satisfied.
Gentoo is not a meme.
You're an idiot for thinking Sup Forums has any good advice to give for even one second.
>mfw I fell for the Radeon meme and bought a card that failed in a couple of months
>mfw cursor bug
>mfw overheating issues
What mechanical keyboard did you buy?
>Mechanical Keyboard
>Microsoft Intellimouse
>more than 2 monitors
>mechanical keyboard(s)
>linux on desktop
i was pretty close to falling for the chinkpad meme but instead bought a dell latitude and couldn't be happier with it
Sup Forums advice is literally rubbish
it's a long running one, too. I fell for it on my first build back in 2009.
>>moto Sup Forums
that's real, not a meme, if you need more for a phone you're either a woman or a gey
I fell for arch, pacman is just awful
>>mechanical keyboard
if you have nostalgia for aero, I don't
refer to gentoo
that's just retarded
the meme is the other one
not a meme
:4 monitor
not a meme
not a meme
not a meme
DEFINITELY not a meme
>>hating Java
not a meme
>>K series processors
>Raspberry Pi
i can see the 16gb being meme (i never close tabs and chrome just ate that shit up) but the ssd? nah senpai, well worth it. mech board depends on your preference but im p happy with my choice.
the only "meme" i fell into was probably the chink shit and slightly the K series - my 4770k is a K because "resale value" but its been 3-3.5yrs since i bought it and most overclock ive done is 4.0ghz, and wont sell it for a few years to come either lol
i'll let the rest slide, but
yea, fuck off to your TN panel land then
Memes I explcitly fell for soley because of Sup Forums:
>moto Sup Forums 1&4
>zenphone 2
Only regret the zenphone because asus doesn't update their shit and packs a ton of bloat.
mpv is the best thing to come out of this shithole and the moto g is a solid device.