Combating piracy

I run a paid podcast and somebody is buying my videos and sharing them on YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud free. It's cost me at least $3-5 thousand these past 2 months. How do these people do it without getting caught? I want to know how these "pirates" work. The files are MP3. Is there some type of software I can use to track them if someone downloads them?

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Rekt cunt

> He asks on a board full of poorfag pirate faggots who can only afford clapped out chinkpads

>being this jewish
1 view does not equal 1 lost sale you greasy mongrel. Go gargle some razor blades.

>It's cost me at least $3-5 thousand these past 2 months

How are they stealing your money just by sharing a podcast?
That's pretty sophisticated.

In all seriousness you can't really
You can send takedown requests for each file on each website
You can stop providing direct downloads which might make it a tad bit harder depending on how you distribute it. This is a problem that big media companies can't really solve so you're sol

Give each customer a slightly different mp3. You could put in some tones or something. Then when they post it, you know which customer did it, and you can stop selling to them.

That's the principle, everything else is just implementation and automation.

just hunt and put them down like the criminal scum they are

>someone purchases your videos and shills you for free
>you're mad about this because reasons
what a fucking retard

I run a business and need to pay my employees son.

Content ID

You can keep them off of youtube, vimeo and soundcloud using their DMCA takedown stuff.
What you should concentrate on is people who take your content and then upload it somewhere they then make money from it.
You won't be able to stop 'free sharing', but you can stop other people from commercialising it for themselves.


Hello dick masterson

It didn't cost you 5000$ dollars. You never had those 5000$ in the first place, retard. It literally didn't cost you anything when those people acquired the content. You didn't pay for the hosting, you didn't pay for the electricity when they downloaded it, you didn't pay for hardware, you didn't spend time on their downloads. It literally didn't affect you.
Kill yourself.

The people he is sharing with would never have paid for your podcast anyways. You've lost nothing, and gained viewers.

One pirated podcast doesn't mean one lost sale. Instead, it's more like .01 lost sales

start running non-paid podcasts or quit

>It's cost me at least $3-5 thousand these past 2 months.
That's what you get for exposing your bank details over an audio broadcast.

this. but instead of making it different for each person (because you probably have a lot of buyers) split them up into a couple of groups and keep narrowing it by group.

>It's cost me at least $3-5 thousand these past 2 months.
kek'd fucking hard. how the fuck did you arrive at this number, genius?

protip: these people you're counting as your non-paying customers probably would never give you a dime and probably just listened because they're bored and wanted to kill some time on something non-specific.

ps: that guy did u favor by giving some extra attention to your shit podcast.

Link to podcast?

Lol like Dick gives a fuck. He is rolling in that Patreon dough

Lol what is this shit? Why would anyone pay for this?

thanks ill dl the latest one and mirror it :^)

flood the torrent sites with fake files

you'll need a botnet

Watermark the audio with the customer's identification.

>Here is the Reddit piece we talked about on Wednesday. What do you think about this?

You have to go back

Wow this is terrible.

Just go on these sites and find the function to file a bunch of DMCAs.

YouTube is especially good at punishing people who do this.

>people are stealing my podcast

Don't put something on the internet if you don't want people sharing it. Make a good enough product and be a good enough performer/communicator that fans that pay for your shit even if its available for free. "Pirates" do pay for shit, they pay for shit all the time.

The only way to handle entertainment sales that reasonable is
>see performance
>give money

The idea of
>give money
>see performance

Is fucking retarded, it results in the creators being able to take less risks and not being able to do what they want. It results in a viewship that has entry level tastes because they can't actually develop taste and learn to love the medium. It means niche performers and viewerships will pretty much never exist because people need to be rich as fuck in order to try new things, viewers will only watch stuff they know is going to entertain them because trying new shit is a waste of money.

You're the type of jew thats literally killing his own viewership and medium. Fuckoff I like podcasts, stop ruining podcasts you nigger.

I have employees to pay that's why I'm trying to stop the piracy. These people are stealing my intellectual property.

switch to using patreon

the people who want to pay you will

then put the podcast up on youtube and put ads on it and you'll make money either way

>He commercializes his podcast and hires employees before having a solid viewership. Sounds like you fucked up.


>It's cost me at least $3-5 thousand these past 2 months
Yeah, ok, but how did you measure this? Did you look at the YouTube views? Do you assume that anyone who deems your entertainment worth for free would also pay for it?

>assuming that every pirated view/download = lost sale
what gave you that big idea?

>intellectual property

How do you deliver your podcast?
Since it's subscription based you could watermark every podcast unique to the user and when it gets uploaded the guy gets caught.
Pretty easy. All you need to do is implement it.

>He thinks he'd get even a tenth the word of mouth and advertising if it wasn't for the pirates
You've probably gained money from it but you're too stupid to realize it.

32 years after Stewart Brand, OP still doesn't grok that

"Information wants to be free"

>paid podcast
that your problem right there; you confuse the service you're selling for the actual product.

the podcast itself ain't the product, it's a mean of advertising. what people actually pay for your opinions & wisdom.

you need to open up that podcast to the public for free (it's advertising) and focus on making money from premium services, merchandising & spin off products.

that takes like lots of processing power dude

I can record anything that passes by my sound card and you won't be able to intercept it =) You can do that even with simple software such as Audacity.

>It's cost me at least $3-5 thousand these past 2 months.
No it hasn't.
"Money I didn't earn because people didn't want to buy my products" is not "Money taken from me"

Compete or die.

Why not give away your money?

I like to sit on top of a big pile of it like a lusty dragon.

>Create a torrent file of your podcast
>Post torrent online pretending you're a listener
>Start posting on the YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud links about your torrent
>Get people to migrate to your torrent instead of the other links
>See who is connecting to the torrented file
>Find out who they are via IP address
>Find where they live
>Murder their families in the name of Allah

Build your own video codecs and create a brand new type of video file like .fag that only runs on your built video player that is embedded in your website. As for sound, good luck. Tons of ways to rip that off

>people aren't paying for my artificially scarce content

Get rekt shitface. Your content costs $0, deal with it.

Everyone knows that pirates would otherwise purchase everything they currently download if downloading was no longer an option.

Every consumer has infinite money and loves the value added (to you) tracking of throu purchases. They love the culture of entryism you foster.

Fuck privacy. I use Google Chrome with sync enabled.
I got no privacy at all

This. Use two mp3 variants. Split the group's evenly. Identify the guilty group, and keep splitting until you have it down to a manageable number of customers. Then stop selling to them.

Wow. Coulnd't stand more than 10 seconds. I think this might be useful as a form of torture to our guys in Guantanamo if blasted at full volume.

>muh potential income that implies people would ever even buy the shit
get fucked

So he spends months narrowing it down only for the guy to start buying with prepaid visas under a fake name instead brilliant

why are you even asking. Sup Forums is full of commies

This. With automation this becomes pretty easy.


Make sure the people that watch the pirated content know where you run this service and that they can support you by paying the subscription. Don't treat them like robbers, but make them feel guilty about not supporting you.
And remember, piracy can also be publicity, because this pirates might then mention your content elsewhere and get others (non-pirates) interested. Pirates wouldn't necessarily pay for it if it can't get it for free, the would just listen to another podcast.

What a little bitch

Yeah they won't give a fuck because they wouldn't have done it in first place

No Sup Forums is full of deadbeat trumpsters

Use the videos as free publicity. Then make merch of your shitty podcast and sell it somewhere. Start your own monetized channel sharing your podcasts, etc.

Evolving is the only way of dealing with piracy.

>america is full of trumpsters

>the world is full of trumpsters

Good luck enforcing non existent laws in my third world country faggot jew