Why do people always have to be on their phones like cattle? Especially when they're all hunched over with the way they're looking down. It can't be comfortable or good for their neck and spine.
Why do people always have to be on their phones like cattle...
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Thats why I hold my phone up high. I look like a stalker, but any girl who accosts me wouldn't sleep with me anyway so Im looking out for my own neck.
Whoa man you're so right like wake up sheeple!
We gotta just live life without phones in nature
--sent from my iPhone--
Because it a fucking computer on your pocket and since normies aren't used to such wonders they're hypnotized by them
That's not what I said at all, user.
Cattle that uses phones? Those must be some smart cows
Because they need validation from people they barely know on social media. They know that their lives are otherwise meaningless and so they turn to the internet for artificial interaction. It's human contact without the possibility of any kind of physical harm, completely devoid of any personal commitment. It's one giant hugbox for normies. This is why I never use mainstream social media, only a few image boards an IRC channels.
>you have to be smart to use phones
Retard detected.
Cellphone is a collar for goyim.
Creepy waifu src