Free ryzen hoodie

if you bought a ryzenTM you can get a free ryzen hoodie

this will go good with my dollar mousepad

>free clothing
shitskins will defend this

Someone post a serial number of their CPU
so we can overload their email.

>amd is already this desperate as ryzen isn't selling
Bankruptcy coming next year, lads.

Is the serial number on the CPU? I already installed the cooler...


of course the malaysians would do this

nah fuck you shill this hoodie is dope

>user walks into bar wearing a Ryzen hoodie
>Girl comes over, "Nice hoodie, what does that logo stand for?"
>"Oh, that's a processor and a graphics card company, you know, for computers. I got it when I bought a processor"
>her face when
>*turns 360 degrees and walks away*

>cuck hoodie

Why are you people so insecure? That's why you achieve nothing in life

thats a nice post user

*crumples it up into a ball*

*turns 360 degrees and throws it into the trash where it belongs*

heh nothin personnel

Typicla numale reaction. Enjoy your perennial virginity, asshat.

jokes on you bitchboi i lost my virginity at 17

>not mentioning the infinity fabric

Yeah I'm sure your dad fucks your asshole regularly

Good replay Intelfag would stutter

>Tons of people request for AMD to sell a Ryzen hoodie
>AMD gives it away for free because they're not complete jews
>Intelfags desperately trying to turn it around
Intel fags don't even get a decent cooler with their >$1000 CPU purchase
When will Intel fags finally learn?

great one fagtron

Why don't you go to McDonald's and order a McKys and ask them to suspersize

Because I'm not a socially retarded neckbeard who is afraid of opinions

Kys cuck

>posts unrelated image while shouting insults
You won't get paid if you don't actually attempt to shill

>Only Ryzen 7
I mean it's not a bad series I just want to settle for Ryzen 5 since I'm not doing fuckhuge workloads. Hell the computers we use at work are still on first generation i7.

This need an update with Gamer nexus and Salazar

What's wrong with free clothing? You Intel cucks need to shill better or kill yourselves

stop it.
And everybody here realizes that they're going to run out of XL, XXL, and XXXL in a few hours, right?

"S-s-stop it!"

serial should be on the box somewhere

"Hey bro didn't you get a new R7 the other day? Could you send me a pic of the box I want to show it to my friend haha"

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you had to provide proof of purchase to prevent this

Delet dis

You fags sure are quick to forget.

Thanks OP this actually applys to me and i needed to get a new zip up hoodie soon anyways since i got a hole in my current one

newfags can't justwaitforce


>win prize
>can't snowboard because autistic
wew lad

Chibks are stingy af. No surprises there.

Sabah invaded by Lord Duterte confirmed

I'm shocked nobody mentioned the fact this is very obviously serial phishing scheme.

Fucking this
All these AMD and Intel shills fighting over how this is a good or a bad thing when its not even fucking real
OP is a sneaky gook who probably already has several hundred R7 serial numbers

>malaysia only offer

>Nice hoodie, what does that logo stand for
For my dick
Its ryzen