Stop using bloat

Stop using bloat.

>thinks minimalism is a solution

there's no problem but the software is too bloated

but it is

t. bloat master

Stop being an autistic cunt

Stop being a PL dummy.

minimalism isn't the same as simplicity though.
And I'd like to use simple software rather than minimal software.

>rob kike

If I used it, it wouldn't be bloat, now would it?

t. bloat

normies use bloat because nonbloat looks like dwarf fortress and is about as user friendly

I wonder who first had the idea that complex tools with many functions shouldn't need explanation and how rich they are now.

It is in some ways, but not in the ways it is often taken to mean. WordPerfect 5.1 is a "minimal" piece of software but it's far from featureless.

WordPerfect is bloat, use troff.

If you can explain to an office drone how to use troff then be my guest.

Office drones used to be able to fucking program postscript printers.

it's not that much harder than gui office suites. they're just different

Why? It's not like diskspace is expensive.

This. The "UNIX Way" is a meme that needs to die.

What if I don't?

rob pike eats you next time you sleep

No, but plain text files are far more stable than binary document files, and age better as well.

Groff can make some pretty cool text files. IIRC that's what they used to format the text files in FidoNews.

plain text is binary inside...

but someday we'll hit the upper limit of CPU speed