1. Python (both 2 and 3)
2. C/C++ (C is a subset of C++ used for legacy code. Do not write new programs in C.)
3. Assembly language (x86, ARM, whatever you need)
Everything else is cancer. Do not learn anything else.
t. 4th year CS in last semester
1. Python (both 2 and 3)
2. C/C++ (C is a subset of C++ used for legacy code. Do not write new programs in C.)
3. Assembly language (x86, ARM, whatever you need)
Everything else is cancer. Do not learn anything else.
t. 4th year CS in last semester
>he needs Python
script kiddie detected
>he doesn't script everything he does
What are you, a pajeet?
It's a great hacking language, you filthy fucking faggot cuck.
Why not R and Ruby?
>he doesn't know that 'script kid' refers to people who exclusively utilise other people's scripts, rather than those who write their own scripts
Python kicks their asses.
What about ruby on rails?
what is the python equivalent?
from other_peoples_code import *
what's with C# ?
2/5 bait, wouldve been better without python
Replace c++ with Java and you got a deal.
4th year CS in last semester and you still don't understand that language is only a tool in hands of skilled programmer? what if you need to manage huge oracle database? you need SQL for that. Or make iPhone app (swift or obj-c), android (java), or native apps (C#). Fucking retards, just use whatever you need
the holy trinity
>not cancer
come back when you actually know stuff about programming languages
Do enlighten us about 'stuff', genius.
Do come back when you recognize garbage tier language semantics and implementations.
It's fine for prototyping. The rest is for C++
>Python (both 2 and 3)
If a language is so shit that an old version is competing with a newer version, then you don't need the language in the first place.
When you need to get a job, the only languages you will need are:
1) Java and/or C#
That's it, folks.
t. 3rd year CS PhD student
nearly not fine grained enough
second that
R is for statistical analysis and it excels at that. Why would you want to learn it if you're not dealing with data?
Ruby >> Python in terms of comfiness. There's no other criterion you shuold be considering when it comes to scripting language choice.
Or whatever the business requires. Lots of kids getting out of academia and into the corporate world end up shocked that no one wants to hear about their politicized views on technology choices. They want someone who is going to implement solutions for the company's problems.
Sorry OP, you meant to say
Honest mistake m8, no worries.
what languages do I need if I want to work for the academia
>garbage tier language semantics
make actual specific complaints, not vague and nebulous statements
I can attest to this.
I develop Android apps, so Java and XML are my languages.
MATLAB, PHP, INTERCAL. Anything else is basically useless.
Matlab, php, python.
Brainlet detected. It's used extensively in machine learning and scientific programming.
He's googling them now, he just parrots what other people say.
Python, GNU Octave (it has Matlab syntax)
I also used Bash and C when I interned in IT department of research institution.
Know how to use GNU/Linux too.
No. It's just that this topic is like some of those typical Sup Forums questions, in that if you have to ask this you can't take part in a discussion.
But here are two: Dynamic types (not dynamic typing) and opaque interpreter context (no interpreter solves the 2nd issue). If you have to ask why they're bad or even want to deny that they are bad craftsmanship you are not in a position to talk about programming languages.
200% cancer
basically useless nowadays.
learn shell, go/c and limbo/js/java kiddos
~someone with actual experience
>learn shell, go/c and limbo/js/java kiddos
t. google/bell labs drone
wow u got me
wow kekking so hard rn
no problem robert
second year cs
know java learning c# and learning web programming this semester
will learn sql databases next year
feels good to be on the right track
I don't even like Javascript, but you should know Javascript.
>Dynamic types (not dynamic typing)
Do you mean dynamic type generation, or the fact that you can assign to __class__?
Because former is very useful and literally nobody does the latter.
>opaque interpreter context
What the hell are you on about?
1) C
2) Matlab
3) Assembly
You mean Microsoft Java?
Literally all you'd ever need.
t. R&D engineer
if i know c, how difficult would be c++ to learn?
do tbey have anything in common?
1. Python
2. Java
3. Javascript and the current trendiest framework
>>Dynamic types (not dynamic typing)
>Do you mean dynamic type generation, or the fact that you can assign to __class__?
>Because former is very useful and literally nobody does the latter.
Both is utter garbage and boils down to the same issue that you can change classes at runtime.
It's basically the opposite of costless abstractions, it leads to slow, hard to optimize languages AND is just used for meme idioms anyway. That may be ok for small scripting, but for actual applications it isn't.
>>opaque interpreter context
>What the hell are you on about?
See, that's what I'm talking about. If you can't look at Python, CPython and its APIs and recognize it's pure shit you can't discuss it.
If you don't learn java you wont get hired anywhere. Java and C# are becoming industry standard for so much shit now it's not even funny.
Python will eventually be usurped by java in the long run. java just has more libraries.
c++ is really only useful if you plan on getting into game dev.
>t. university slave assistant of assistant
that what it sounds like to be honest
What's the matter user? You can't C the difference?
Simple types are same as in C(int, float).
Macros are same.
You can still use all C functions.
You'll just have to learn all new stuff like references and templates.
C++ is mostly a superset of C, so you already technically 'know' C++. However, it's a large superset which deprecates a lot of C idioms, so it is quite different to use in practice. Try reading the Core C++ Guidelines (somewhere on github), and learning all the language features you don't recognize
python is shit-tier kiddie script
python is so bad, i'd even use node.js instead -- at least javascript has SOME relevance, being the official language of the web client
c/c++ is fine
Python is cool for automating stuff and little hacky scripts but not real programs.
Java or C# is solid for server backend and client software.
C only if you are doing drivers or system level software.
C++ only if you are doing drivers, system level software or supporting legacy desktop programs on Windows (MFC).
how unemployed you are on a scale of 0 to python is the best programming language
its perfect for fast scripts and hacky stuff. of course its a language you need
>reddit frog
Opinion discarded.
Languages I need:
You fucltatds will learn it and code shit for me instead
Okay, it's very clear that you yourself have no idea what you're on about.
Or use D and combine all of the above.
>high level expressive syntax comparable to that of Python
>high performance comparable of that of C/C++
>supports inline assembly
>can interface with C and C++
>optional GC
English is all that I need.
>needing Python and C++
Way to fuck a good post OP. The holy trinity is ASM/C/Python, or it can be ASM/C/Lua.
Anything else is shit.
If I might interject for a moment:
What you are referring to as C/C++ is in fact two different languages: The C Programming Language and The C++ Programming Language (or as I have taken to calling them: ANSI C and C++ {ISO 98||ISO 11||ISO 14||ISO 17}, respectfully).
In the strict mathematical sense, C isn't a subset of C++. There are programs that are valid C but not valid C++ and even a few ways of writing code that has a different meaning in C and C++. Your computer has both C and C++ code running right now.
C++ is a direct descendant of C that retains almost all of C as a subset. C++ provides stronger type checking than C and directly supports a wider range of programming styles than C. C++ is "a better C" in the sense that it supports the styles of programming done using C with better type checking and more notational support (without loss of efficiency). In the same sense, ANSI C is a better C than K&R C. In addition, C++ supports data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming.
My basic point is that the current C/C++ incompatibilities are "accidents of history" that have no fundamental reasons behind them (though they all "looked like a good idea at the time" to some competent and well-meaning people). The C/C++ incompatibilities provide no benefits to the community at large, cause serious problems to a large section of the C/C++ community, and could - with great difficulty - be eliminated.
I imagine that if incompatibilities were eliminated (by making changes to both C and C++), there would still be entities called C and C++, but then C really would be defined as a subset of C++.
I hope that my explanations have worked to clear up some of the misconceptions you might have about the two languages.
>because working for google is the worst spot to be in
What is the recommended sauce for x86 assembly?
Thanks faggot. Feels better.
Lmao.... Here's my list
>you only need to have logic in place and documentation for any language that you wish to use
t. Software developer