
>999999 variations of linux
Why are there so many os? I just want to shitpost and watch CUTE anime while having drivers, a resolution above 640x480, not getting spied on, or having to mess with open source autism. Is that too much to ask?!

macOS is the best OS for cute anime

enjoy being spied on.

>I just want to shitpost and watch CUTE anime
>Want drivers
>Resolution above 640x480
>Not being spied on
>Don't have to mess with open-source
install linux?

>doesn't respect your freedoms

I'm not gay tho so macos for me sadly.

Sounds like you should be using Linux

OP specifically said he wants to avoid freetardation

>wants to avoid freedom

INSTALL 9front


He'll still be as free as he ever was, he'll just also be using closed source software. Nobody in the real world cares about you delusional retards and all of your redefined words.

>nobody in the real world cares about freedom

>enjoy being spied on.
Doesn't Apple have a reputation for NOT cooperating with the FBI though?

Like I said, nobody in the real world gives a shit about your redefined words. Do yourself a favour and seek professional help.

>seek professional help because you care about freedom

No, seek professional help because you're a delusional retard suffering from mental illness(es)



wait, are you just complaining about too many choices? this is a good thing...

if you're being true with your needs and not just being humble, openbsd would probably be a good fit

can you post that wallpaper? it's sugoku kawaii


arigatou gozaimasu

> claiming you has a mental illness because you care about freedom


Apple will cooperate with the FBI -if- they have a proper warrant.


FreeBSD just werks.

Install and forget.


>wanting to use a resolution above 640x480
You do want to go to heaven, don't you user? There's only one realistic choice.


All this shows is that the guy sucked horribly at opsec.

they don't ban pass users baka

tahrpup6.0.5 is your answer