/bst/ Battlestation thread

last one dying

Just finished some bolt mods and managed not to fuck anything up!

Other urls found in this thread:


why does your keyboard look like a fisher price toy

/comfy/ team

Good afternoon Sup Forumsents :D

nice as always

hnnnnng poorstation

Early for once, now that's new.

digging the color scheme mate. those monitors look old though.


love the big ultrawide. i've always wanted one, but i settled for a much cheaper 25" 1440p.

>Mac pro case
>Purple underlighting
>Meme keyboard.

Well can't say you have to try hard to grab my attention.

What's that white thing poking out from behind the middle monitor?

Nice meme keyboard and school computer lab chair. Bonus points for Every Dell Monitor Ever Monitor

1/10 yellow lights in bathroom. Install bright white LED's so it doesn't look like it's coated in piss.

Just a random thing, but since I'm sure that's not a tube microphone, you really don't need to hang it upside down. I mean, if you're getting it head on with your voice, it's fine.

I installed a bigger driver in my 20 dollar subwoofer today. When do I become a meme?

salty virgin

This is really out of date. I need to dust and take some fresh pictures. Biggest add since is a Steelcase Leap


Living the fking dream. Maybe one day I will be able to live it too...

Oops meant

The two outer monitors are IPS 1080p and the middle is a 5k IPS
The mac pro case is absolutely stunning, I don't plan on ever changing it if I don't have to. And that 'meme' keyboard still remains my favourite after trying topre, beamspring, and capacitive BS
The middle thing is a USB hub

being poor is not living /comfy/ boy, sit yo ass down

Still deciding the layout for the room


who else wanna die

What kind of fightstick is that?

id post mine, but i moved back in with parents at age 30 and am sharing room with 17 year old sister lol. starting over sucks, oh well.

I mean the thing above it, not below it.

I'm not so much a connoisseur of keyboards, but if you like it I don't hate.

So how'd I hurt your feelings?

EnjoyPBT caps, and my other chink items are on the way! Soon I am going to be getting small decorations, and some posters. Hopefully it all makes my setup look better.

Because OP is a faggot.

>Always seeking validation from an anonymous forum

Pls Sudoku ASAP. You're the cancer killing humanity

>Not naming this "CloudComputing"


>this many namefags in one thread


lol deathadder


Oh my bad, that's the box for my macbook pro. I have nowhere else to put it.

That's the point in these threads, we all love a good circle jerk!

>dat C O M F Y tv setup
adopt me
[spoiler]moving out to my own apartment soon, gonna replicate this somewhat if I can[/spoiler]

No. This same faggot starts a bst. If it was someone else and he posted in it, no issue.

I don't understand what you're getting at... Many people start BST threads. If it bothers you so much then don't come to these threads?

Nono. The same validation fag starts every bst.

Clearly not.



Not much left to do. I'm going to put shelves on the back right wall to move the networking shit off the desk. I'd like to space my speakers out more.

Kys bronze nigger trash you dont deserve nice things

Cool webm.

Fucc, I love your setup man. Pretty nice and good feel to it. but I don't really like that wallpaper that much,

What I got, total cost $133CAD. including speakers and everything.

Thanks man.

As far as the wallpaper goes, to each their own I guess. I already use a different wallpaper, but I'm too lazy to take a new picture.

That's totally fine, put whatever you want on your desktop. Just anime girls isn't my first choice. Although for a pic i would think you'd chose something to compliment your theme,but also be colourful enough to show of that amazing light behind your monitor. I really want one of those

Simple and C O M F Y


I'm hoping that is a faulty temp sensor on your gpu.

I took this screenshot today, It's real, i was just playing overwatch and this happened. any ideas how to lower temp. it's not overclocked, case is clean, alright airflow. do you think it could be the thermal paste or something? is is a bit of a problem lately

I feel like i'm watching mtv cribs with this camera effect lel




Staying comfy


what desk setup?

This one is actually really nice, seems like a relaxed environment.

The sheets look cooler in person.


Breaking in the new new kb.

That launch pad setup is fuuuucking sweet

Nice shorts, bro.


>tfw want to get a 32UD99 but it's Freesync and if Vega turns out to be bad I'll be stuck with this 1080 Ti

You know I like the look of the wooden table a lot more than glass, it looks better without the cabinets on it to. Nice and simple.


It's a laminate kitchen counter from IKEA. Really fucking sturdy with 25 year warranty and it was cheap as fuck (50 USD in my country). My desk is called "Säljan" but I'm not sure if they still make this exact model. You will need a leg in the middle to prevent sagging.

Here you go bro.


Olov legs and Alex drawer?

i might go with a different worktop like Karlby or something

great speakers, i hope that amp has been serviced

anyone got small speakers suggestion that are a e s t h e t i c a l l y good?

first world problems

How small are we talking here?


logitech z200 or so

i bought a GENIUS SP-HF 1800A a few years ago without checking the size

it just wont fit my desk anymore

I really need to cable manage and get better furniture

>Sup Forums shit on Windows all the time
>Battlestation thread full of windows users

Huh? What is this?

It's a meme, nobody with any form of sense actually uses a Linux distro unironically because it's useless as a desktop platform and outperformed by BSD as a server platform.

what is directx

people who actually own computers on Sup Forums use windows and/or dual boot windows and linux. otherwise, they're just laptop shitters who installed Gentoo or Arch on their thinkpad or phoneposters

>tfw running Debian on my 5 monitors computer unironcally everyday

Seriously, the last time I'm using Windows was 4 years ago....

i need that wallpaper
pls based ultrawide

does it matter if i buy the windowed fractal design case instead of the non windowed one?

would it increase the noise?

here you go

Didnt think you were going to deliver so I found it already. Thanks bro for posting it for others tho :D


More stuff because I'm a lonely faggot


I was chasing a vintage keyboard like that for a while, but i settled for some chinkshit keyboard
you must really like that chair



Running 2 r9 280x on crossfire and my room is on fire

what speakers are those?

Monoprice 5" studio monitors


I paid $120 for the pair on sale.

You want some Q Acoustics 3020 w/ amp my dude

Nice to see that even after months the same people are posting the same garbage images of their shitty autism stations over and over again is still going strong.

Post wallpaper please

could you post a pic on how you use that.. thing? A very detailed description on how you manage to properly use the computer would suffice as well. I just can't wrap my head around it, so that will be a real relief to know

Qanba Q1 w/ Seimitsu LS-56



I want to die