Something freetards seem incapable of understanding.
Something freetards seem incapable of understanding
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Tfw don't get the joke
No user interface designer would do their job for free.
>but muh CLI
One evening, Master Foo and Nubi attended a gathering of programmers who had met to learn from each other. One of the programmers asked Nubi to what school he and his master belonged. Upon being told they were followers of the Great Way of Unix, the programmer grew scornful.
“The command-line tools of Unix are crude and backward,” he scoffed. “Modern, properly designed operating systems do everything through a graphical user interface.”
Master Foo said nothing, but pointed at the moon. A nearby dog began to bark at the master's hand.
“I don't understand you!” said the programmer.
Master Foo remained silent, and pointed at an image of the Buddha. Then he pointed at a window.
“What are you trying to tell me?” asked the programmer.
Master Foo pointed at the programmer's head. Then he pointed at a rock.
“Why can't you make yourself clear?” demanded the programmer.
Master Foo frowned thoughtfully, tapped the programmer twice on the nose, and dropped him in a nearby trashcan.
As the programmer was attempting to extricate himself from the garbage, the dog wandered over and piddled on him.
At that moment, the programmer achieved enlightenment.
>if I have to think it's bad
Well, that's funny. Every single touchscreen OS out there has a tutorial because touchscreens are fucking garbage as a primary input method; yet all you retards would defend them because "current year" and "m-muh Netflix"
Fuck you and your flamer thread, OP.
Wrong. The only way to make a UI people can figure out on their own is to base it on something they already learned. Even a simple UI requires learning. Things like i3 are still going to reign supreme.
>Every single touchscreen OS out there has a tutorial
Sorry you turned out this way.
>a user interface is like a joke
And that's why cuckware user interfaces are a joke.
This is pure unfiltered insecurity right here. Black dude in a pic and little Trumplet here whips out the crime stats.
>crime stats
Pretty sure that's called facts, jamal.
I recently started using Debian with KDE.
I can't believe how well it has just werked. The default applications are very user friendly and have more, better features then their Windows couterparts. The file browser and image viewer are useful and intuitive, the pdf viewer is good, the DE was really easy to install custom themes with, theres a plethora of things I can add to my task bar that I actually use, I was even able to automatically find my printer and use it perfectly which I thought would be a hassle, it was actually easier than Windows.
Network interfaces work out of the box, open-source radeon drivers work out of the box, flash drives, HDMI, speakerout out etc all work out of the box, etc. Theres really nothing I have to complain about.
I've tried Ubuntu, Debian and other distros with a few DE's over the year and had my struggle with finding firmware and drivers and configuring shit and starting to feel like Linux really is just a meme OS but this time I'm really happy.
Insecurity is feeling the need to post them.
Spics are less of a problem than you Jamal, just sad. Atleast spics like zimzam troll the media hard every now and again.
>an UI is a joke
Yeah M**s**t definitely agrees
It's a thread about user interfaces
k y s
Black man dosent think too hard. Was why I posted it. I don't like Trump
That's what I though, but when I learned how umatrix works it became very easy to use.
That's actually a good deal.
I dont understand
The problem is not the deal
>>an UI
Come on.
The joke is that without text random icons are meaningless, but I guess I shouldn't expect windows shills to understand.
So a User Interface is a manual?
>A manual explains things, doesn't need explaining
>After you read it you understand the thing it was a manual of
been using various interfaces and oses for decades. you cannot convince me there isn't a ui you need to learn to be able to use. although there is a group think mentality where people will say copy the main paradigm for a bit.
>cannot convince me there isn't
Go back to English class
*Looks at Gnome and KDE*
If there were no interface designers at work there,then the world doesnt need them.
I read this as
>it upsets me that other people can be productive with a UI that I'm too stupid to figure out how to use
>muh ux/usability/ucd
I've never done any kind of tutorial for a Iphone or Android device.
They are intuitive for even toddlers
Spic detected.
besides gimp and few others, freetards software is better designed.
enjoy your 10 hour windows 10 upgrades.
>A user interface is like a joke
You don't need them
fly nlack to lereddit, nigger.
>B..B...But the UI Is pretty clear
>Don't turn of power
hours later on a laptop without power
literal redditor & reddit meme
>There's nothing more to UI than simplicity
True for something the users uses very rarely. And I guess for things meant to be used on a regular basis by stupid people.
Master foo refers to "foo" in programming. Nubi is obviously a "noob".
The finger pointing at the moon is mystic lore. It implies that to find greater truth, rather than looking at the source of divinity many people look at its pointers (ie Jesus, Islam etc). Besides its clear implication to programming, his could be interpreted as being closer to metal, or a kernel.
The pointing to the Buddha and window is probaly a jab at windows.
The the programmers head is like a rock.
Throwing him in the trash showed him the real essence of what he was.
The dog peeing on him and the instant understanding it brought on is his transition to egolessness and subsequent state of satori.
Great story and underrated post.
not this shit again
Get a real parser.
Fifth post best post.
When GUI will be more efficient than CLI, I will use GUI.
But today it isn't, so I don't.
awesome post
I've never had a problem understanding the UI any Windows, OS X, or a major *nix DE. It's not like there's massive differences.
Took me some time to understand it.
the problem with open source software projects is that nobody seems competent or willing to do user studies, usability testing, etc...
seriously. go ask the GIMP mailing list or forum or whatever what their processes are for usability testing. they won't even know how to answer.
I'm so sick of this shit. If you want an intuitive one-size-fits-all UI use Windows/OSX and live with the drawbacks of not being able to costumize it to your needs. I prefer to use a UI that is not intuitive but fits my personal needs.
Dunno about apple, but you can't tell me anything Microsoft puts out is user friendly.
>I prefer to use a UI that is not intuitive
freetards, everybody.
Yes. I also prefer to organize my kitchen and my workspace and my closer to my needs, and not to some arbitrary cookie-cutter needs that would ensure a random stranger would immediately find the knives in the designated cupboard.
Intuition and obviousness aren't necessarily the highest values when you organize things for yourself.
you've painted a great false dichotomy. what cognitive load studies or TLX surveys do open source projects run? do they do *any*?
it's one thing to say that you have to tolerate a certain design because it's the most usable given a certain functionality. it's another to say that they're not even evaluating that dimension.
and for that matter, usability and "intuitiveness" isn't just about gloss and shine, the way you seem to think it is. it's about making the interface quickly navigable and usable to the user. the fact that lots of people give up in frustration is more telling than the fact that you soldiered through the learning curve that exists largely because nobody on the FOSS "team" wanted to do human studies.
Daily reminder to stay away from synthol kids.
ayy yo hol up. help me understand this graph all i see are numbers
Why do believe the developers have to fit their software exactly to the needs of the users, when they can just provide thex users with the tools to set up the UI himself?
Why should UI design be decided by Joe Schmoe who uses his Laptop to watch YouTube videos, and to whom changing the background is enough to make you a geek?
Why is intuition and "working on the first try" more important than setting it up once and then working perfectly?
Btw when the result of those studies is the horseshit software that MS paddles then I am glad nobody performs any studies.
Which open source projects have frustrated you like that?
five star post
I'm savin dis shit, real brain boner
>Accuses others of insecurity
>Proceeds to get triggered by numbers
Yeah you took the bait and now are flopping about in a fit.