>format as NTFS
>click next
>get pic related
>"b-b-but it just werks!"
Lmao. This is the LTSB version too. You literally can't make this shit up. Back to Debian I guess.
Format as NTFS
decent bait
Not really.
>having to use the command line in 1999+18
Hahahaha get fucked
>delete main partition
>expand system partition
it just werks
Op here. Also forgot to mention, that's a 250GB HDD, not 243MB.
it's not even bait, just some Sup Forumstard who never installed windows before
Christ you're dumb.
It's a fucking system partition, you moron. Install to the partition that actually has any space
>trying to install windows on a 243MB partition
>not even attempting to format the partition as NTFS
wow, it must really suck being retarded
well, to be fair that ui is a bit stupid and with uefi/gpt you get a bunch of extra partitions, it's not all very obvious.
>have 4 hard drives
>first one is 250GB
>format as NTFS
>it shows up as 243MB
>it shows up as a system partition
The power of Windows 10(TM)
Good luck with Linux :)
How you format your disk? I'm curious
this is you.
You don't have 4 hard drives, you have one that got split into 4 partitions
oh no, my Sup Forums rep is tarnished. how will i ever recover.
>makes thread saying stupid shit
>surprised when gets called out for saying stupid shit
why are you even on Sup Forums?
or i should probably ask:
how did you ever manage to start a computer correctly, then log in, open a web browser, and type in Sup Forums.org/g/?
must be hard for someone who's missing their brain.
This thread is just proof that the majority of Sup Forums is a bunch of anime technology fetishist neets who somehow spend 14+ hours a day on computers yet never manage to learn a single thing about how they actually work
End yoyrselve
>how they actually work
>actually work
>implying you actually know how NTFS works and not merely know how to partition to NTFS
Back to brainlet
Fucking retard, that's the system partition.
You need to understand
They are differentfags
>he doesn't know
>being too retarded to install fucking windows
average Sup Forums user
>try to install windows on 243MB partition
>fails then whines
fuck off. if you knew anything about windows installation you'd know that the selected partition is the one it will try to use when clicking next and you selected one with far too small capacity, and probably not even NTFS to start with
Fool of a took.
Click ok and take another pic of all the available disks and partitions.
That's the boot loader you fucking idiot.
> trying to install OS on EFI partition
delete all of the partitions and just click 'ok'. this shit isnt rocket appliances
Only 14 hours?
>trying to install Windows 10 on a 243 MB partition
>boot partition contains the operating system
>system partition contains the bootloader
How the hell did Microsoft screw up this badly?
How about you close that error message and show us that full drive list, sir.
Are you sure it's formatted with a correct NTFS version? If you used an older partitioning tool it might have formatted for Windows 2000-era NTFS, which is probably not compatible.
It's just bait. The image shows he's trying to install on a 243 MB bootloader partition instead of a proper partition. He's also trying to claim he has 4 physical hard drives, which if true, one of them would have to be a
You probably have some arcane filesystem or partition layout scheme on the disk.
You need to load something like gparted-boot to completely wipe the first 40MB or so of the disk for Windows installer (or any OS installer, really) to work on that drive.
If you have multiple hard drives, turn off your PC and disconnect all of them except the one you're installing Windows on. Yes, this is the current state of Windows in 2017.
Obviously low quality bait but...
...maybe you're too stupid for Windows?
Back to Debian (and Reddit)
list disks >check whats disk number u want to install (0) for exm
select disk 0
type clean enter
go back format and install
>people actually pay money for this product
The triggeriest part of this thread is that you can just tell this guy is one of those fuckheads that thinks he knows what he's doing so he just keeps clicking "ok" "continue" "next" without looking at anything that's happening.
Anybody who's ever SUCCESSFULLY installed Vista on up knows you're stupid and full of shit and you'll never post what this Sup Forumsentooman is requesting because even people who haven't ever used the installer will instantly see how you fucked it up.
It's past your bedtime you underage faggot.