What's your Sup Forums dream?


To make an app that helps masons like myself. Maybe give recommendations on what to do in certain jobs or something.


autonomous cars for everyone

computer built-in inside humans

lubuntu 17.10 lxqt
thing better than keyboard

My dream is for you to stop posting here

Grow weed, become rich, fuck bitches, do drugs and partying till I die. Computers is for virgin nerds

probably the most realistic
probably the least realistic

programming gf
coding and fucking everyday

extinction of the human race

what's holding you from just replacing LXDE with LXQT?

probably the most realistic
probably the least realistic

>leaving 4chinks
probably the least realistic

>short term
Not dying
>long term
Not dying, ever.

being not depressed enough to actually find a job.
Or at least finish school.
Or maybe just get a projector for my digital catan board so I don't have to use a monitor that's full of glare

1. Normies get out
2. Normies stay gotten out

To be an embedded systems engineer for a company in Idaho or montana, or an international one so I can work overseas.

to destroy the world

finding any job
live in the first world
suicide cabins

10 petabyte home server filled with porn

First, I want to pretrain a ML modelwith and subs of cute anime girls.
Then, I'll take the model and train it separately with data from all K-On girls (also possibly some fake data because there's not much).
Then I'll embed the ML models to in a VR world. If VR technology and speech synthesis progresses nicely, I can have K-On S3.

To find a gf without actually searching and putting any effort to it

Petabyte hard drives.

To be lain

home fusion reactor


because I want it