Is there a bigger cuck in the tech world?

Is there a bigger cuck in the tech world?

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I've seen prettier ladybois than her.

didn't he also cut off his balls

Yes, at her request.

Why the shitty shop of his hairline? What are you trying to prove?

A vasectomy does not require removing your testicles. I had it done because raw dogging your wife is a lot better than using condoms or making her manage birth control.

You are a faggot white boy with no taste if you went down this path and the best you could do is a shit skin chink. A post-surgery gook would be my next guess (without surgery is just as bad).

Its called humor.

>is a lot better than using condoms or making her manage birth control.
I guess if you don't have the balls to make your bitch take some pills, then there is nothing wrong with cutting them off.

same cuck shit, I've fucked my ex gf daily for 3 years w/o any protection except she took pills.
also she swallowed everything. if you're not in control you're a beta cuck like linus

Spoken like true neckbeards

spoken like true cuck

>spoken like true cuck
Who's true cuck?

your step dad

>muh pin-dick masculinity!
considering Linus is a hook nosed, baby faced manlet with a voice so camp people genuinely assume he's gay, he did about as well as he was ever going to do.
An asian guy with those same shit qualities would have done no better or worse.

If you've already had all the kids you want then there is no reason to not get a vasectomy (Its reversible anyway)
You can basically fuck all you want with no worries


thats a man

looks exactly like the bald asian guy from dexter, but with makeup and hair

as someone who has hurt the veins that the testicles hang from, I'm way too scared to ever get a vasectomy.

getting a vasectomy is cuck tier. you paid somebody to cut your balls off

I've heard the procedure itself is actually painless (they give you painkiller) but it does feel like you got kicked in the balls for about a week but after that theres no pain
No worse than a tattoo IMO

it's pretty dumb since there are multiple forms of male birth control that are in the approval process.
An injection as well as a pill that stops sperm from being able to swim rather than halt production.
If you get a vasectomy now you'll probably only get 5 years of fucking before it's redundant anyway.

my vasectomy healed itself because I am too powerful

literally all facebook/google/apple/microsoft/linux/AMD64/cellphone users

basically everyone who uses modern tech. all of us. we are the cucks.


9000 hours in GIMP

keep this shit on Sup Forums I literally left Sup Forums right now so I wouldn't have to read this kind of horse shit.


AIDS Skrillex?

Idky but wheen i c linus i think how do i not

I guess I'm old enough that the idea of getting a vasectomy doesn't bother me

/r/incel itt seems to hate the idea though

What was the Sup Forums given name to that chick?
Shes pretty fuckable but I can't lookup porn if I don't have a name

His kids are all so ugly too.

Sup Forums gave her a name? I just remember aids skrillex and carl the cuck in the back there

mixed race kids are either ugly as sin or gorgeous, there is no middle ground

neither linus nor his wife are over a 5/10 so the odds weren't in his favor

t. asian

t. faggot jealous of commies

It was Banshee or something like that


Yaw wanna make it a personal beef wit a nigga

It ain't that serious

Hey guys looks like we got the King of Cuck right here

fuck off black linus

So when should I schedule your helicopter ride for?

if its AMWF then the kids will be fine.

>making fun of a man because he loves his wife

Are you 12 years old? You must be 12. Son, let me explain something to you. We don't choose who we fall in love with. It just happens. You can't explain how or why. Love is a thing that emerges out of nothing and grows. Perhaps it is a result of grace. Perhaps it is chemical symbiosis. Who knows, and who cares. Falling in love with someone who has fallen in love with you is one of life's great mysteries and one of the great gifts in life. The very essence of masculinity is to husband a wife, which is something that Linus proudly displays on Twitter. But don't lose hope, user. There is someone for everyone, even for basement-dwelling, 2D-addicted, MLP-obsessed neckbearded chlo-bros with a trap fetish like yourself.

This guy gets it. Also chloe is ugly as Fuck. Anyone who finds her slightly attractive needs help.

didn't he get beat up in an airplane before?

thanks for the hearty kek user

retarded meme probably propagated by self-hating half asians. they can't seem to explain why the males that come out of WMAF marriages often end up with white women, which itself is a AMWF couple.

I thought Linus was a single basement dweller...

Why the fuck is /g suddenly turning into /pol. Keep the race debate in /pol. Except pajeets of course lol.

>There is someone for everyone

fuck off CIA nigger

This is why I use ReiserFS
>hans reiser did nothing wrong

Things just haven't been the same since he finished the Linux kernel.


>There is someone for everyone
comically wrong

> The rest of it
lol fgt

>vasectomy (Its reversible anyway)
you have been lied to:
>Although vasectomy is considered a permanent form of contraception, advances in microsurgery have improved the success of vasectomy reversal procedures.
please do tell as where you had it done, so others can avoid that place.

>Wanting your girl to take pills


Can you shoot cum after a vasectomy? If not, then what happens when you orgasm?

Who the fuck tweets this kind of beta shit?

You can still shoot cum.

Someone who also thinks it's a good idea to make thumbnails for your videos that only show your ugly shitface and not the product that it's actually about.

B-but he's cuck! XD I said the word again! Now I'll call you a cuck! Haha, I love this cool word I leaned from reddit yesterday!

Then how the fuck is it not getting her pregnant

If you're sterile you're just shooting blanks.

Semen and sperm are produced in two different places. Cut off the source of sperm, and you have spermless semen.

I had no idea. So you can still creampie her and fuck raw ?

Can you still get STDs

>American education

STDs don't depend on whether or not you have sperm, it's if your fluids make contact

>Implying you could ever wife an 8/10 qt like this

So you watch her take the pills, every time?

>fluids make contact

like sperm? I'm not american btw, jsut a virgin

Didn't you have sex education class? Where are you from?

But yes, you can creampie and fuck her raw.

Yes sperm, or vaginal juices, or secretions from open sores, or blood, etc. Any bodily fluid that can carry the disease. Some routes are more likely than others.


>>vasectomy (Its reversible anyway)
>>improved the success of vasectomy reversal procedures.

>implying she is 8/10
>implying she is cute
Kill yourself , you fucking weeb

>call it Linus Tech Tips
>it has no Tech
>it has no Tips
>it only has lots of stupid, 9gag, shilling, and misinformation
>its target audience is 14 year olds, which is the audience we should be flipping off on Sup Forums since underage is not allowed as a global rule

Sup Forums would have its quality massively improved by increasing the standards of the shit it posts.
A good start would be to ban LTT from being posted on Sup Forums and put it where it belongs (Sup Forums, or /toy/).

The best camera and angles if you wish to analyze tech based on appearance.

Louis Rossman:
The best in-depth hardware overview, if you wish to learn what every component on boards is, how it works, why it works that way, how it communicates. If you wish to truly learn how hardware works.

One of the few YouTube tech channels lead by a guy with a college education and actual knowledge. Point isn't to be idiotically entertained, but to learn.

Another tech channel which describes tech in a very detailed and educational manner, how it works, the physics behind it, designed explanation, repair, etc.

Plenty others that can be mentioned.

If "game developers" count as in the tech world.

There is no one bigger than "Anthony Burch", just google this huge liberal cuckold.

LinusShillTips isn't Sup Forums. It's .

He is a dumb label reader.
He doesn't know even basic physics, math, or coding.
He doesn't have, and never had, a legit tech job.
He doesn't have any tech related degree/diploma/course certification.
His Linkedin is full of management bullshit, swimming instructor, and boyscout.
Yet in spite of all of this he acts as if he knows anything, and as if he represents the tech collective.

He is a fucking marketer. His hardware reviews are about as informative as reading the fucking PDF.
The average Joe is more likely to get fucked over by listening to his idiocy.
His "humor" is 9gag level.

He is so fucking tech illiterate that he had to employ a special writer for his TechQuickie channel because he's too stupid himself.
The same faggot who tried to push a spiritual book as a solution for Carpal Tunnel or something.

His group is a marketing group, not a tech group.

He had to Internet beg for money in order to move to an office, which he managed to get ripped off on because he is a dumb faggot (admits it).
A fucking hotel cleaner in Las Vegas who gets paid on average $2400-$2700 a month can sooner or later afford what Linus has to beg for on the Internet, or beg to the manufacturers and labels.
He depends on his wife's BJ income, and she looks like those roach monsters from Terra Formars (pic related).
He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke], his ad revenue has halved in the meantime, and YT revenue is shit in the first place.

If you want computer case angles and proper feature description with objective reviews, you watch those faggots HardwareCanucks, who even go as far as reviewing fucking dust filters.
If you want to post on-topic Sup Forums related YouTubers, you post people who actually have tech jobs, tech education, and practical application; like Wendell from TekShitdictate, or Louis Rossman for board repair and reading blueprints.

Fuck off to .

He is prosumer trash that appeals to the same audience as CSI: Cyber. They're both packed with about the same amount of useful information.

He couldn't make his Cisco router work. He couldn't make his pfSense router work. He couldn't build a 1u server so "1u servers are teh sux". He clipped parts off his 2u server to get components to fit. He tried to build a NAS. He did that terrible 10Gbe LAN implementation. And He tried to water cool his house with hilarious results.

He is as amateur as they come but he's too stupid to see it. His viewers are ignorant fools if they take him seriously. Good on him for fleecing them but anyone who follows his bullshit is dumber than Linus. I've only ever seen part of one of his videos and I thought it was an April fool's day show until someone pointed out they were all like that. I've gotten wind of all his other fuckups second hand.

If someone advertises in his show I won't buy their product. I'm assuming it doesn't work and they have to pay someone to shill to the ignorant masses.

His show looks like a high school project that didn't work and he's always trying to figure it out at the last minute while the judges are watching.

His wife looks like a Japanese urban legend monster. I know she's probably Korean or Viet but she looks like something out of Japanese lore that greets you on the street after dark and eats your skin if you don't tell her where her dead daughter is buried.

you have to be +18 and literate to post here

This is why I won't leave Sup Forums no matter how bad it gets.


Toothy lady on level1 is cuter

>His wife looks like a Japanese urban legend monster. I know she's probably Korean or Viet but she looks like something out of Japanese lore that greets you on the street after dark and eats your skin if you don't tell her where her dead daughter is buried.


I think his content is original and often times entertaining when he does dumb shit with expensive equipment but he has done too much clickbait lately.
Really don't gice a fuck about his marriage or personal life take that shit to /soc/ or whatever.

IUD = best birth control

>I think his content is original and often times entertaining
Your thinking will change once you hit your 18th birthday.

I don't go there for serious tech news, performance testing or reviews. But shit like whole room watercooling or scrapyard wars are amusing.

Holy shit i always thought this guy was a faggot.

> Willingly polluting water supply with estrogen

>He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke]

[Citation Needed]

No way that he would pay min wage for video editing employees.

Look for the WAN show in around december 2015 or thereabouts. Luke whined about it in the show.

>Asian whore who has actual higher education and had an actual job unlike Linus
>gold digger
It's Linus who is the gold digger in this story m8.
Most of his financial management as well as support comes from her.

Jesus christ this is autism.
If you want an actual review don't go to fucking youtube. And Rossman is a whiny cunt as well.
Just don't fucking watch ltt if you don't like it.

Quite literally virgins

>And Rossman is a whiny cunt as well.
*Rossman is a whiny cunt, who actually knows shit and can teach you something.

Don't mix personality with skills user.

What age are you?