Clearly the problem is Netflix erroneously trying to use Silverlight rather than any actual problem with Fedora

Clearly the problem is Netflix erroneously trying to use Silverlight rather than any actual problem with Fedora.

Clearly they didn't tip enough.

Netflix uses proprietary closed source software, and won't allow you to view videos over a VPN. At least amazon prime video works on linux by default and allows you to access them from VPNs. Netflix doesn't even pretend to respect your privacy.


lmao. Just use Chrome on Ubuntu like everybody else.

GENTOOLINUX does not have this problem

same in Arch GNU+Linux

yes but they're doing it through the user agent in the browser, so if you change to ANYTHING besides Fedora, it works fine.

They're specifically blocking fedora users.

lmao just use botnet on top of more botnet bruh


Is Netflix the only thing that still uses this? I haven't heard any word of it in years

How the fuck does someone use linux and can't tell the difference between a browser and an os, and if you have problems with Netflix on Firefox on linux that's because they disabled drm by default you fucking nigger. Just enabled drm content in settings and you'll get your Netflix

They even said in the article they got around it by changing the browser user agent to anything besides Fedora.

Obviously the DRM setting isnt the issue.

I don't think they use it anymore. They've moved entirely to HTML5 last time I checked. Chrome and Edge don't even work with Silverlight anymore, but Netflix works fine in both of them.

>wastes his and everyone's time by writing a blog post when he could've just used chrome and enjoyed his movies
I'll never understand some people. This is like the definition of autism

He even said it only worked in chrome by using an extension to black-list fedora from the useragent on netflix.

Good. Fedora users need to understand where they lie in the world.

I imagine it's to prevent users from sharing their accounts to be used from other places via VPN, a good move against normies but someone more clever would merely buy private proxies or something like that

>t. salty arch linux user

Only older browsers need silverlight.

>t. fedora cuck needing to change UA just to watch a movie
I use the superior OS that Just Werks.

>t. brainlet retard
It's Netflix fault for not parsing the user agent string properly.


fuck Netflix and fuck black people

>Paying money to watch movies.