Seriously, what the hell happened?

Seriously, what the hell happened?

Was it a poor business model that caused it?

Other urls found in this thread:

You tell me

underfunded, too much legacy code to maintain from the days of netscape...

I still use it and they are still innovating.

Firefox rulez. Just get accustomed to it. And if you can't, choose one of the bunch of other browsers. Why beat the egg's white when you have so many alternatives?

Firefox died at the time when they stopped advocating freedom of thought.

Firefox died when WebExtensions and "muh Chrome compatibility" got implemented.

TL;DR: No CTR, no DownThemAll, no other complicated and great addon

SJWs ruined it.

>CEO donated to a cause the employees didn't like years ago
>gets forced to step down
>nobody there now knows what the fuck they're doing

it just works

>donated to a cause the employees didn't like years ago
more like google took advantage and launched a massive social justice campaign

Firefox still the best.

>All that crap sbout NoScipt, RequestPolicy, etc etc.

I wonder who made that bullshit list

(is right about Ghostery though)


It isn't completely dead and I still use it. I mean my only other alternatives are fucking dogshit like Chrome and Internet Explorer.

What other alternatives are out there?

Chrome, IE?

SJW types took over Mozilla and kicked the creator out because he didn't like homosexuals.


Does Smart HTTPS work with third-party requests?
Because it doesn't explain anything about that.

Umatrix is nicer than no script though

Or uBlock Origin with advanced settings

I hate to claim "IT'S LE SJW BOOGEYMAN XDDD" but I think this is certainly a contributing factor. Too many people got involved that wanted to be more than "just a stable, powerful browser."

Be specific, what is wrong? Seems to be about the same as always.

Can you believe that ie11 has more market than this dead trash?


There's a Mozilla corp and a Mozilla Foundation ALL OF THAT SHIT SITTING ON A DYEING BROWSER!
You can't make this shit up.

What? Do you speak english?

Still using it since 2004 and mozilla before that. Still better than chrome.


Can you read?

reminder that firefox is the ONLY 100% open source browser! that is VERY important since the browser is the most used program in your computer.

so is everyone else, also i rather have SJW than botnet

Smart HTTPS sucks dick, it won't even detect https on Sup Forums unless i make a rule for it.
HTTPS Everywhere is clunky and relies on a list but at least it works on most sites.

just grabbed ublock origin. Can it also replace Adblock popup blocker?

Mozilla corporation and on top of that Mozilla Foundation they have 1 product they still develop which is Firefox, which is a dying browser.
Think of the bureaucracy to run those institutions.
Most of the money comes from Firefox ofc but it doesn't go into the development of the software and you can imagine where it goes...
And basically YOU'RE A MORON!
Look, Mozilla runs like any other charity institution 90% of the money/ donations go into running such institution(too many employees, lavish parties, large commissions etc.) and less than 10% go to the actual goal of the institution, which is helping people, and in Mozilla's case is developing a decent software.

>reminder that firefox is the ONLY 100% open source browser!
What is Pale Moon?
>the browser is the most used program in your computer.

set it up right

Then what can be done? Can we silently and systematically blackmail SJWs that reside in the foundation until a point where I don't have to see niggers when I visit their page? Every other browser is either botnet or shitty snake oil so we have to fix what Mozilla is today.

>What is Pale Moon?
it's a firefox fork

Set up what? i either make a rule or it won't work, there's nothing to set up. Stop shilling it already.

of the major ones it is.
>pale moon
firefox fork
>kek, browser isnt the most used program
liar, it is and you know it. prove me wrong.

its a demonstrable fact Chrome is faster and better. I've used both browsers a lot on my machine and Chrome is noticeably faster. I think the settings menu is easier to read than Firefox's too.

As for as moral support, Mozilla screwed themselves by being anti-constitutional anti-free speech libtards.

But it's not firefox

It needs to be broken and trashed so a small company buys it and puts some real talent in it and make it great.

This is actually good. I'd recommend you add stylish to this and recommend stylrrr as an alternative.

If you really want to bring ethics into it, I think Google's botnet is far worse than anything Mozilla could do.

Is it bad that Mozilla needs devs so they pay for them? Should devs work for free? Why is it wrong for Mozilla to pay devs but not Google or Microsoft?

how about you prove yourself right? You think you can spout bullshit and have it taken as gospel? If you think a browser is the most used program in a computer you're a fucking clown

NO, devs should be paid ofc, but Mozilla expects a lot of freebees like it's the 90s or something.
My point was they pay a lot of people just to have a Mozilla corporation and a Mozilla Foundation on top of that, and those people ARE NOT DEVS. They are a bunch of paper pushers.
And if you can see this shit, you're a fucking cretin.

the evidence of mozilla being SJW's is much more believable than Sup Forums's botnet conspiracy theories. If Google is spying on us, everyone is. Especially Apple.

>Then what can be done?

Nothing, Firefox is dead at this point. The only thing you can do is learn from the mistakes. If you ever happen to run a software project don't let a bunch of zealots join in and eventually outnumber you and corrupt the propose of your project.

>anty white company dying

couldn't be happier.

sigh.. im not going to argue with you, look at your task bar and check what program is always there.

are you going to say you use the calculator more than the browser? maybe an IDE or text editor? only if you don't ever read documentation.

the browser is the MOST used program in any computer nowadays, and it has been for years.

just stay in denial whatever..

Is this trolll bs or accurate? I use a number if these.

its pretty accurate

They decided to be chrome 1.2 despite the fact that if people used firefox instead of chrome was precisely because they didn'y like chrome in the first place

Mozilla Corporation only exists to make partnerships between Mozilla and other entities. It's mostly for search engines. It's basically irrelevant to Firefox itself.

Foundation leads Firefox's development and is also partly volunteer based. A lot of people work on Firefox because they like the browser and the like what Mozilla stands for. Unlike the alternatives which are either proprietary or proliferate proprietary standards Mozilla exists to spread free software and free standards.

It has things that are true (ghostery is a botnet don't use it) things that are bullshit (https everywhere is better than that shitty alternative) and things that are the just plain opinions.

Yes Mozilla needs to pay for devs instead of spending their revenue on bullshit. See:
Its the audited financial report from official Mozilla website. Take a look at page 18.

Yup, that day in April of 2014 was surely the beginning of the end!

>Mozilla Corporation only exists to make partnerships between Mozilla and other entities. It's mostly for search engines. It's basically irrelevant to Firefox itself.
>Foundation leads Firefox's development
God you're thick!
They just need Mozilla corp and even there fewer employees that push paper around.

Not seeing anything of importance there. Mozilla isn't about Firefox or any other piece of software in particular. Mozilla exists to spread free software and free standards.

>Mozilla Corporation only exists to make partnerships between Mozilla and other entities. It's mostly for search engines. It's basically irrelevant to Firefox itself.
What partnerships that are not relevant to Firefox?
Oh you mean the failures they don't develop anymore or other money holes.

Just another case of freetards stalling on a half-finished product.

Firefox only ever went anywhere because IE6 was utter dog shit, not because Firefox was good.

>Not seeing anything of importance there

Pale Moon is proprietary.

>Mozilla isn't about Firefox or any other piece of software in particular. Mozilla exists to spread free software and free standards.
Firefox is the only project they didn't abandon.
What free software do they spread, it's all shit including firefox the best they got.
If you're going to spread free software and free standards you have to have something of value or else YOU'RE JUST A JERK!


>a bunch of programs to spread free software and encourage people to contribute to free software
seems pretty in line with their mission desu

What is people related investments?

There is lot of work to do on this infographic, I will consider every suggestion. I'm planning to make graphics about configuring browser, addons using etc.
Firefox just need more love, flawless things don't exists.

They could take that money, pay a bunch of young team of talented devs and be miles ahead of the competition, but instead they squander on some sjw bullshit network expecting coders to just drop freebees and handmedowns cuz wez da gud guyz.
Posting nigger pics everywhere they can find a space hoping that the white nerdy coders will get impressed and hand over the gibs.


>What is people related investments?

Things like pic related

Uhh Rust, Servo(including all it its sub-projects like WebRender), Emscripten, the media codecs released by the Xiph foundation, asm.js, pdf.js, shumway(currently dead), NPAPI(obsolete), javascript, APNG, SeaMonkey(maintained by community hosted and supported by Mozilla), Thunderbird(same as seamonkey).

umatrix and noscript do serve different purposes, but for the most part, one could say its pretty accurate yeah

>Uhh Rust, Servo(including all it its sub-projects like WebRender),
Those .js could be done by any other addon dev.
>currently dead, maintained by
Why post that shit?

Although this is nowhere near a complete list

Oh yeah and MozJPEG, that's another neat thing.


Mozilla provides security updates, build infrastructure, and hosting for SeaMonkey and Thunderbird. They're leaving functionality up to the community to decide on. They've haven't completely left these projects behind.

Shumway is currently on hold and assumed to be dead but it could technically be revived by anyone whenever. It's partly functional also it just had problems rendering stuff at times.



I wonder how much they have wasted on FirefoxOS, Pocket and Hello

Pocket and Hello were just some HTML+CSS+Javascript. Not very much I'd imagine.

Nothing, normies just migrated to Chrome because it was "faster" and Google plaster the sites normies use 90% of the time, YouTube and Google, with "This site runs better on Chrome!" ads.
They've bought a whole company responsible for Pocket

God I hate Chrome users.


Also, don't comment if your post looks like a slide attempt to derail the thread. Fucking shills.

there aren't good alternatives

>receive truckloads of cash from Google
>spend it all on a HQ in Paris that puts banks and luxury brands to shame

I unironically hate Mozilla so much

Infrastructure is a must on any good software wtf you smoking?!
The rest you keep blabbing about "could be,not completely but 99%".

This is the power of getting the Chrome installer into as many software installations as possible.

What the hell!?

>bought a whole company responsible for Pocket
Cause the pocket thing so doing so well in their browser they said :what the hell, let just buy it!
Fucking morons!

google chrome
google fox

funded by same people

Thank god i never donated to furryshit

Who needs devs right when you have other priorities.
Can't wait for it to crash and burn into nothing.

And then what?

>The new Firefox Performance settings page also includes an "Optimize Firefox" button that will restart Firefox with all extensions disabled.

Disabling ad-blocker will "optimize" Firefox?
Seriously Mozilla?

Firefox has had that for a while now.

Use Thunderbird eeryday and have done for over a decade.

Mozilla gives them developers who work on security issues and compiles and hosts binaries of each application. Mozilla is still very involved in both projects they're just not leading the development of them.