/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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Writing a Haskell compiler in assembly.

Why is Shinji dressed like a girl?

gcc made this nice loop for me.
but what does it do?

It's Kaworu

Who are you quoting Sup Forums?

Why is Kaworu dressed like a girl?

Because he's gay

Whom quotest thou?

cuz he took lessons from you

they do show his dick in the first rebuild movie for a brief moment though.

c++ garbage

Maybe I should wait for a few years. Then it will be possible to fuck an actual anime.

I like her when I see her as autistic. I don't know if she's meant to be autistic though.

Am I autistic?

Trying to balance all my engineering pre-reqs with going through SICP

That, and complaining about how cancerous /dpt/ has become with desperate attention whores that post the same fucking drivel each time

>going through SICP
how far are you in? when did you start?

I've been going kind of slow, but I started last week and I'm at 1.2.4 - Exponentiation... I'm actually kind of motivated to get ahead in my classes to have more time to read this book

>at strip club
>all i can think about is telling the stripper you can find the pair of closest points in O(nlogn) time

help me

Does SICP cover compilation?

From what I can tell, yes!
(Chapter 4 is titled " Metalinguistic Abstraction", and Chapter 5 has a section called Compilation!)

From whom did you reference this statement?

what is this

just tell her
post results

>Metalinguistic Abstraction
>In computer science, metalinguistic abstraction is the process of solving complex problems by creating a new language or vocabulary to better understand the problem space. It is a recurring theme in the seminal MIT textbook, the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, which uses Scheme as a framework for constructing new languages.

>1. (of a work, event, moment, or figure) strongly influencing later developments
>2. relating to or denoting semen.

english was a mistake

I didnt. But I did refuse a lap dance with one

Its probably the funniest shit ive ever seen

Now I don't know if I should read it or Lisp in Small Pieces.


>Its probably the funniest shit ive ever seen
ok, story time

Nice faggot book, can't believe cs fags are such semen slurpers. Well I'm not surprised in the slightest in the end.

Define work Xd


that's a really cute girl user.

/dpt/ challenge: write a repeating digits detector. It must detect all repeating digits in a number.

Next level: write a bot that automatically shits up the thread when it detects one such digitworthy post

You couldn't get through the first chapter, could you? I bet your uni taught Java

Well, I don't know about "Lisp in Small Pieces", but SICP seems to e universally acknowledged as a good book. I'm having a lot of fun with it, for what it's worth, so I suggest you give it a try!

If you knew latin you would find the joke extremely dull

You drank the cum of all your schoolmates while they wrote console apps didn't you?


went to atlantic city for my friends bachelor party
we went to a strip club
some latino stripper asks me if i want a lab dance
shes like 2 feet shorter than me and is doesnt even look 21
she tries her hardest to get me to say yes
still say no
as a last resort shes gives me the ole "are you really gonna reject me?" with a playful face
still say yes

idk man i think it was funny


Whats the joke?


im not good at telling stories

You're not good at accepting lap dances either.

Would it be worth trying to program in something like Python using a Dell laptop running on 16GB of RAM and an i3-3217U? Everyone keeps telling me it's a bad idea.

No, it's not worth it.

its not like it was free

wouldn't accept it either desu

What is then?
Or should I just get a new computer?

Unless you're trying to do some very computationally heavy shit, you can program on a toaster.

What book about clean code would you recommend /dpt/

bool has_repeating(int n)
bool ret = false;
for (; n != 0; n /= 10) {
int last = n % 100;
if (last % 11 == 0) {
ret = true;
return ret;


bool has_repeating(int n)
bool ret = false;
auto n_str = std::to_string(n);
for (int i = n_str.length() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
if (n_str[i] == n_str[i + 1]) {
ret = true;
return ret;

Is there a way to launch a node.js server locally in order to test a project in development?

Or is there a free service that can launch node.js and let me dick around with server/client side ideas.

>Is there a way to launch a node.js server locally
u serious bruh

just run it on localhost

what type of work would an entry level python dev do on the job?

can you dance at all or just code python?

i can write shitty scripts with my limited knowledge
no good at dancing

Trying to make a dumb endurance game for betterfap via greasemonkey but the damn next button is killing me, nothing I do works to trigger it. I've tried document.querySelectorAll('div[tip="next"]')[1].click(); but that doesn't work. I know it's getting the right element because document.querySelectorAll('div[tip="next"]')[1]; ran via console returns as expected, also tried via making a mouse event and calling it on it and that didn't work either.


found a SFW image that should work as an example- I am just trying to trigger that next button up at the top, but I'm not a web dev so I am at my wits end

>just run it on localhost
For some reason I wasn't getting any proper results when I looked up how to launch a node.js locally. I typed in localhost node.js and I got the results I need.

Thanks for honoring my tardism.


alright well the scripting will take you pretty far bit if you wanna be famous and you wanna be a dancer you gotta show a little skin alright?


Basically Python is a terrible language


void copy(char to[], char from[],int x);

/* print the longest input line */
int main(char *argv[1]){
FILE *f;
int lines = fgetc(f);
int c = 0;
char name[80];
char name2[80];
char first[1];
char second[4];
f = fopen(argv[1],"r+");

if(f == NULL){
perror("Error in opening file");


rate my prime checker
def check_if_prime(n):
if n

shouldnt it be the square root of n?

>int main(char *argv[1]){
That is not the correct signature for main.
Seriously, your compiler should have warned you about all of the shit you're doing wrong.

Fucking retard nigger. Why do you have 'else: pass'? Explain yourself.

>he doesnt code in notepad

That has literally nothing to do with what I said.

/dpt/ challenge: implement Euler's method.

I'm in my first year of a CS degree. I haven't done any of the work and have an assignment due in python at the end of the week. Is it possible to learn python enough in a week and code the assignment.

>/dpt/ challenge: do my homework

I changed it to

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

and I'm still getting a segmentation fault. Anything else. Using emacs + gcc by the way.

You can learn python in like 30 minutes lmao senpai

You code produces more warnings than that.
Please tell me you're at least compiling with -Wall.

What's the right way of passing command line options to a program in linux systems? I mean is there some sort of library everyone use so they don't have to parse command line arguments like ./myprog -n "name" -abcd -o "output" ?

I already did it though. Here's an animation I made showing how the points approach the solution as the number of subdivisions increases.

yes, but remember to watch a whole season of $currentAnime before you get to it!

Is it that easy? I'm a complete noob to programming

why are you wasting your parents money?

depends on the assignment

Fair enough. I'll try to do it tomorrow when I get home because it's sleepy time nao.

let him waste. the economy needs retards like him.

I'm paying for uni.


void copy(char to[], char from[],int x);

/* Usernames from names*/
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
FILE *f;
f = fopen(argv[1],"r");
int lines = fgetc(f);
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;
char name[80];
char name2[80];
char first[1];
char second[4];

if(f == NULL){
perror("Error in opening file");


why are you wasting your own money

the assignment is:

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”."

how so?

Now you need to learn how to debug your own programs.

not him, but you didn't have to work through your uni, did you?

You're paying for classes that you're skipping and then trying to teach yourself everything at the end of the year anyway.

Have you heard about this brand new concept
free education

I accidentally loaded a file into IDA at the wrong offset then saved the database without realizing.
how do I undo that?

why are you wasting the taxpayer's money?

Low tier bait

I know what's wrong with it but you should follow 's advice. Standard C debugging protocol calls for sticking 'printf's at various points within the program and seeing where it makes to to before segfaulting.

>printf debugging
I don't think so Pajeet.

Its the 7th week of class. I will admit I skipped about half of them but I don't think I will do that again.