/spg/ - Smartphone General

If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you will be using it with, along with wanted features, budget and size.

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>Chinkphone news

>Recommended Chinkphones $80-$300 as of a long time ago

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>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone
>PRAISE THE CHINKPHONES unless you live in America you shits

New rumored specs for OnePlus 5 include: a Snapdragon 835 and QHD screen

Honor 8 now starts at $277.12

Huawei Enjoy 7 Plus goes official: big screen, big battery

Lenovo ZUK Z3 Pro Specifications, Price Leaked: Snapdragon 835, 8GB Ram

360 N5 Review: 6GB RAM Phone For $220 – Fast As An Airplane

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus vs iPhone 7 Plus - Battery Drain Test! (4K) S8 Plus crushes the iPhone

Moto G5 Plus: Budget Smartphone King?


Other urls found in this thread:


First for ZUK Z3 Pro

LineageOS has a built in updater

It will download the update then automatically reboot to recovery, install it, and reboot the phone

>More news

Xiaomi Mi MIX: A Closer Look at the Design and Display

Nexus 5X Hardware Modded to Upgrade RAM from 2GB to 4GB

OnePlus 5 Model Number Shows Up in Chinese Certification Page

BlackBerry Awarded $814.89M in Arbitration Against Qualcomm

Motorola Moto G5 preview

HTC One X10 goes official with Helio P10 SoC, 4,000mAh battery

Xiaomi Mi 6 passes the time by playing Geekbench, waiting for next week's reveal

Sony Xperia XZs review

Xiaomi Mi 6 rumor round-up: Specs, features, price and release date

Mobile phone insurance versus repairs – how do costs add up?

you can easily find the Honor 8 for closer to $200

right now its $239 on Newegg with a pair of Monster headphones you can sell for at least $35

>no band 12


>zuk z2
Great battery
Average camera

>le max 2
Shit battery
Average camera

Why are people recommending the leeco again?

This literally tells me nothing, other than the beta program for Marshmallow has ended.

Cool! Last thing: do I need to unlock the bootloader to install LOS?

Because they're not paid lenovo shills who recommend the zuk regardless of what someone asks for
Hope they've been paying well all these months

>HTC One X10
>Paying $350 for a phone with a MediaTek SOC

yes or else you cannot install a custom recovery

Ok, thank you again!

Newegg is no longer a site to trust with expensive purchases, their return policy is terrible. I almost bought one myself before researching a bit and seeing their business practices now are not for me
Yet another thing ruined by the Chinese

I use Nova Laucher and KLWP, how do I set my current home screen background as my lock screen background?

>Lenovo ZUK Z3 Pro Specifications, Price Leaked: Snapdragon 835, 8GB Ram
fucking typical, literally got my z2 pro on monday

It's pretty much the only chinkphone with band 12 and 17 LTE. Also it has a official LineageOS build, which the ZUK doesn't. The battery isn't that bad, around 6h SoT.

HTC U Play is like 500€ here and it has the same Helio P10 SoC that's found in sub-200€ chinkphones...

no one actually need LTE

just buy the ZUK Z2; you'll love it

pajeets on yt whine about its build quality since it isn't gorilla glass and the rest is supposedly fiber glass instead of alloy or whatever
is is good or not?

Don't listen to these zuk shills^^^^

You might have to change the wallpaper of the default launcher to change the lockscreen wallpaper. Are you using MIUI?


yes, I'm using a Redmi 4A with MIUI 8 (should be 8, at least).

The problem here is that I don't know how to save the WP that I have right now and use that on the default launcher, since it's actually the cropped version of a bigger image.

Have you ever used KLWP and could tell me how I can save my current wallpaper as an actual image file?

I'm not sure how it crops it. You could get a reasonable approximation of the image using photoshop. Post the original image and I'll see if I can crop it the same way it looks in your wallpaper. It might not be perfect but it should work.

still looking for roms or other ricing options for an lg spirit (h440n)
XDA has nothing,so feel free to suggest anything.

My iphone 6 just broke. Had it since 2014. Whats the news on the upcoming one. I like the 7's camera but lack of headphone jack is stupid

I recommend throwing it in the ocean and purchasing a phone with more than 1gb of ram

Is it possible to use icon packs (or custom icons in general) with the standard Xiaomi MIUI?

rumors are they're also going for the bezeless meme

>ifag gets quads
That's what happens for buying an iPhone, now go give them more money for building such an outstanding product

how's the motorola moto z play Sup Forums

does it break and bend with the touch of a manlets handlet, because it looks like it would

what's the best android phone that has the best camera and can be rooted? I have a galaxy s4 and a gift card at best buy

>looking for old phone to buy
>z3 seems okay
>It's $500 and almost 4 years old on amazon

what the fuck

where do I actually find old phones to buy?


>giving money to the google jew

Second hand. Brands don’t want you buying their old phones new.

Feel free to suggest an alternative.

sup /spg/

I'm interested in buying a GSM phone with as many supported bands as possible to use primarily in the US and occasional use in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. I would probably be using AT&T or Cricket in the US. To my knowledge the newer US AT&T Samsung Galaxies and iPhones seem to do this the best as far as I know, but I'm looking to see if I could save money but am open to havng a phone that won't choke simply using google maps. I primarily use the phone almost exclusively for mobile hotspot, internet browsing, and navigation - I'm totally open to chinkshit or whatever.

Also if I were interested in dodging a subscription check for mobile hotspot, would a custom ROM like Lineage be a good idea as well?

Is the LG G6 good?
Do LGs still boot loop?
Store attendent was really trying to push the g6 on me. Apparently it even comes with a free tv, but my current LG is a piece of crap so I'm pretty skeptical

No, there's an user in the previous thread and he went on about it being meh and the camera is not very good

seems uglish and too samsung like for a normie like me.
ive dropped it countless times and it finally gave out but thanks for hating tripfag

I've literally never needed more than a gig of RAM on my 3rd gen Moto G. Because if I actually need to do some serious multitasking, I have an actual computer, which makes much better use of resources than these overhyped toys.

The bootloop was really just a V10 and G4 issue. And apparently the initial run of G4s were actually okay, just some idiot at LG thought saving $0.10 per phone at the cost of all the goodwill in their brand was a good idea.

I'm on a moto g with a gig of ram and just using kik and a browser causes problems
I can't imagine having any other apps installed, phone might explode

Try closing some of the 37 tabs in your browser

at the store thinking about upgrading. wait 2 weeks for a galaxy 8, or get the Droid MotoZ?

driod is way cheaper, and they dont have the galaxy left... is the motoz absolute shit?

the galaxy 8's edge screen is... different. dont know if I like.

what is the best phone to get for around 150$?

It's one tab, moto g is a cheap phone and nothing more

What mice has the better sensors? The g402 or g502? Which one is more likely to live longer?

What would be a decent phone for around $200. I would prefer something that's android with a decent enough camera and enough space on it to have some dumb games like Marvel Puzzle Quest. I currently have a shitty alcatel one touch whose screen is breaking and the battery barely lasts through work.

I also have large hands so something with a good screen size would be really appreciated.

Oh, I'm in the USA with T-Mobile if that matters.

Zuk Z2 probably

Anything but the zuk

Ok guys, I've found only four reasonably priced smartphones in my shithole of a cunt:
>Not in burgerland

>Moto X pure(300 bucks)
>Xiaomeme Redmi note 3 PRO kate(250 bucks)

Both have 32 gb of storage and 3 gb ram
The X costs 50 bucks more, and I really have no other choices (the G5 plus is 50 bucks more expensive than the moto X!)

I could also go for either a
>Moto G4 plus
>Huawei P9 lite
Both cost 250 bucks and have 32 gb of space and 2 gb of ram

Wat do? pls advice...

I ended up getting the Le Max 2 over the Zuk Z2 because it's the best value chinkphone that works with my cell provider

What are some just have apps
Any good mobile games?

redmeme if you want speed battery life and roms, moto is old as fuck but has better camera and speakers and vanilla android for those 2 idk

Please red pill me. I want to buy a weebo phone. Kyocera Gratina 4g, but i am not sure if it is gonna work as only one of the bands that it supports is listed with the carrier i will use(Fido Canada) does it needs to have all of them listed or one of them is just enough to enjoy the 4g?

>Zuk z3

Just why? Why they just cant use +4000mAh like in zuk z1?

>Kyocera Gratina 4g
>4G Network : FDD-LTE 700, 850, 1800 (Band 3, 17, 26)

You might get some LTE in areas where they have band 17 deployed, but the vast majority of the time you're going to be stuck on 3G because it doesn't have band 4.

Should I fall for the galaxy s8 meme or continue waiting for other new phones to pop up?

Samsung's galaxy 7.
Yay or nay?

Every year samshills tell us that touchwiz is great now, but I was just watching a video about the S8 and the reviewer complained that after a few months her S7 started slowing down and stuttering, even after a factory reset.

Samsung makes excellent hardware (although I'm not sure about the fingerprint sensor placement on the S8) but they CANNOT write good software. The Samsung parts of the "android competitor" Tizen are apparently written so poorly that its full of potential exploits.

tl;dr dont buy samsung

Moto Z is quite underrated, ask yourself if it's really worth paying a shit ton more for touchjizz and a better camera

>gaming on a phone

jk, I currently have pixel dungeon (roguelike) and simon tatham’s puzzles. don’t really need anything else

If you're not 100% certain, wait until September/October. By then, we should all get an understanding of the S8 flaws and if the Note 8 or other Android phones are worth it.

yeah i went with qhat was in stock. im liking it so far, but i cant find clover in the app store? and the music player isnt the same as the samsung... nor does there seem to be a normal gallery viewer other than google.

they said if i dont like it aftwr two weeks i can pay a 30 doller restock fee and get an 8 instead.

return it and get an iphone, you are too dumb for android

In one month we can get Nokias again, I'm going all out on Nokia boat and I will buy 3310 and Nokia 6

I have samsung mini 3phone with cm13 with 800mb ram and been using browser without issues or lag.

I'm going for Nokia 8, just buying it for the sake that they can get back.

You got chinked. It has shit battery life and an average camera.

average my ass
also battery life doesn't matter too much to me since it charges in less than an hour

>tfw Verizon cuck and can't buy a chinkphone
Almost nothing will work off the shelf. Where can I find Verizon-compatible phones for cheap? Looking for $150-$300 or so.


Nokia 6 is repair dream.

Even other LeEco phones have better camera than Le Max 2. Devicespecification noted that both Le 2 and Cool 1 Dual have better cameras than Le Max 2.

LeEco is a dying company; they're not evening paying their US employees anymore.

American market is shit anyway. Chinese market is better. Americans should just stick to iphones.

Oh boy, I was hoping for a clear winner...

How are Xiaomemes in terms of durability, I know the note 3 is prone to bending, but a hard case would likely fix that, however, I'm concerned about the headphone jack/ charging ports, how durable are they?

Also, I read somewhere that the redmi note 3 pro had modem issues (drops wifi and other shenanigans) are they fixed?

>Straight Talk
My shitty 30 dollar phone I had through them just broke, what's the best phone my local Walmart will have in stock for the plan?
300 dollar budget.

I'm looking for a replacement for my LG g4 as it will bootloop inevitably .
I need dual SIM
Excellent sun light visibility
Great camera
Excellent battery life
And a good soc that will not give me heat issues

Should i go with the ZUK Z2 or the Le Max 2 X829
i want a phone that works in the us on lte im on metroPCS i would also like to root it

What's the current worthy successor to a Nexus 5?


is the Moto Z Play's battery life worth the meh camera and thicc size?

I'm torn between the Pixel and the Play (weird i know considering the price difference) and I think I'm gonna go with the Play for the battery life, don't give a fuck about mods though. but is the camera shitty enough to warrant just getting the Pixel instead?

design doesn't matter to me cause i'd just put a case on either anyway

Tomb Raider GO and Lyne are both good

>tfw barely any give on the bend test

I'm fine with it on broad daylight, otherwise it's a mediocre camera. But i think the other features make up for it - great screen and battery life (8h SoT with energy saving disabled, occasional gps usage), stock android, acceptable specs. The rear glass scratches too easily though, it sucks, but you'll cover it anyway.

I bought a Redmi 2 at the same time my friend bought a Moto G in 2015.

It's fucking falling apart on me, random reboots coupled with SD card corruption anmd sometimes an outright refusal to charge. Fuck these phones, the price is good and they seem great for the first six months but longevity is just not the Chinks' strong suit. Ironic for a people with a civilization that's lasted 2500 years.

Uhh... dunno which phone has the "most bands" but willmyphonework.net is a good place to start finding out.

>Good camera
>Moderate storage
>Large screen size
LeEco Le Max 2 or their other LeEco variants.

You can use the phone finder on gsmarena to filter by bands. There's a ton of LTE bands though.

Look at the date of the article.

Recently i got a oneplus 3t not knowing the 5 would be out soon. Did i get screwed? Should have i waited for the 5 to come out?

Why does it matter? Just use what you have you fucking idiot

5 is going to have 400 mAh less and 1.5 the amount of pixels to power. And it'll be more expensive.
I got my 3T in January and don't regret it. I'm actually really happy with the phone, apart from the weak-ass vibration motor.

Is the Motorola droid turbo 2 a good phone? I like the shatterproof display.

Like new factory unlocked v20 for $300


Get the 8, don't worry about the chinknovo moto fags

Hey /spg/,

I'm planning to buy my first smartphone and I have no idea how any of this works. From my time of browsing Sup Forums I have narrowed my preferences to the following

>android because freedumbs and ricing
>price isn't an issue but I want the most bang for my buck, so no high end
>some kind of sd card slot
>battery life that isn't shit
>cameras are for attention whores so I don't care about that
>screen resolution above 720p is a meme
>don't know anything about size

I mostly want to use it for web browsing, navigation, and email checking. I live in Australia too so that fucks my shit up.
I've currently got my eye on the moto g4. Is there anything better?

Cosplayer here replacing my poverty phone.

Should i get a plan for the xperia xz for 570 british bucks over 2 years(its good as new aka a returned model but unused)

Or risk my roomates or criminal mailmen and order a s7 from amazon for 420 bux and just do a 7 quid monthly plan?

I only care about pics, selfies and videos.

No im not fuckin bringing a camera only autists creepers and professionals(still autists) use that in cons.

Yes, good price

S7 has a better camera, XZ isn't worth £570