How deep inside the botnet is Sup Forums?

How deep inside the botnet is Sup Forums?

Now is this good or bad?


I only have one box checked, intel.
That is if you don't count my sandboxed windows vm inside my gentoo install.


Well arent you a special snowflake

What's the deal with foobar?

>tfw no bingo

t. butthurt

>6x7 board

Oh wait, I counted wrong. Carry on.

Why the hell are you still using uTorrent?

what the fuck

everywhing is botnet now?

What the fuck is wrong with telegram? Nice bait

closed source botnet



There isn't a 'deal', it was proven not to be, apparently some user used some chinese plugin.

>HTML and CSS are botnets
Fuck, we're on a botnet right now.

wow kys

Don't see why Opera's there, unless you meant Chropera, in which case pretend I didn't mark that one.

too lazy to switch

am I kill

Noscript is botnet? How so?

Stop using Discord - Chat for Gamers you fucking jews

im curious as well

>private trackers


private trackers track everything you download. they're the epitome of a datamining botnet

>every noscript update redirects you to the creator's site so he gets ad impressions
>it updates like once a month
>he gets big shekels from that

I'm all up in the botnet.

*of a dataminer
They are not botnets.

autosnatching seedboxes are pretty much bots. so yes, botnet

You're dumb.

>can't refute argument
>starts ad hominems

wew, look at the tracker cuck

You're operating the bot, not the tracker. Now if you installed some program on your machine and the tracker was using it for bitcoin mining or sending spam, that would be a botnet. Dumbass.

you're operating a bot that is in a net with other bots. it's a closed botnet for copyright infringement

That's not what a botnet is, you goddamned moron.

the tracker is the botnet herder, the clients are the bots

Whatever you say, retard.

>implying duckduckgo is not a botnet
see pic

>a website knows what your IP is


First for first actual bingo in this thread. Cuckblocked by myself on the vertical one by preferring Google Keep.

Yet I am dead inside.

Can't you read nigger?
Its not that its:
>connection to data collection and sales company
>keeping track of past searches
>bing ads
>servers hosted by amazon

>Foobar = botnet
They know what music I'm listening to, I better get facial reconstruction surgery in a shady back alley in Somalia before they get me.

>tfw 22 of them and still no bingo

jesus christ dude

Just realised you fags were checking the ones you do use, so mine is inverted I guess. Kek

wew lad
you are deep in the botnet

>retard doesn't know how to play bingo

I'm not a senior citizen.

Dating app was for 2 days before I deleted it (didn't want GPS on all the time). Still probably enough to get my info in there tho


Why the fuck is css a botnet?

Why is Sup Forums never listed?

It's the ultimate botnet.



FUCK I did'nt knew and I used it with tor since nearly one year daily
Should I use startpage ?

You can literally delete the tracker


simply eric

So what? Think about it as a mandatory donation. I would do similar on his place, it doesn't make problem or abuses your privacy.

What's wrong with Java? OpenJDK exists and works good "enough".

>using my browser as a botnet is okay when the good guys (tm) are doing it!


It's obvious.


>tfw literally only Steam, Intel on my chinkpad and Java (Java isn't a botnet you dumb fuck).


Is android with custom aosp based ROM and no gapps/play services botnet?

Any cellphone is

I think I'm good.


>le everything is a botnet meme

Ens yourself

None of you have beaten my score of 1, and that only one is Intel.
Get on my level faggots.

aware me how paypal is a botnet

am I safe enough?

not that deep into the botnet

What the fuck is a botnet anyway?

A network of infected computers used for things like sending spam


How's this

it's made by jews and spies on you


> Facebook
> Android
> Google
> Xbox
> WhatsApp
> Steam
> Foobar
I just like comfy stuff.



Am I deep into the botnet?

How is PSN botnet?

Which search engine are y'all using.

>MAM, APL, some other trackers
>Netflix and Hulu
>HTML and CSS (really makes you think)
>Amazon Drive
>Google Play Music
If you're defining "everything I dislike" as botnet, I'm pretty deep in it, because I like using the Internet and not drawing stick figures on cave walls for entertainment.

searx or startpage

>I like to get datamined and spied on because that's the way of the internet

wew kys

tfw freelance game developer has to be in the botnet

How tf do you not use HTML?


I'm good

>what are adblockers
what the fuck are you on about

almost bingo

Bad, but not the worst.

they don't turn off the page visit
