WHY does Microsoft get to reap the benefits of the *NIX ecosystem without open-sourcing their operating system? Literally all they're doing is re-implementing Linux syscalls from scratch and now GNU/Linux programs are running natively on Windows. And they've successfully cucked Canonical into going along with their plan.

What can we do about this?



i guess theres no reason to install gentoo anymore
install windows 10


It still spys on you so I won't touch it in 100 billion years

That stuff is laggy as shit. Took 3 Minutes to install fucking fortune

>That font size
Jesus christ

not use windows 10 because it's a shitty os


>re-implementing Linux syscalls from scratch
If they didn't use GPL code in their implementation then they have no obligation to do anything, this argument sounds a lot like Oracle's lawsuit against Google claiming they owe royalties for rolling their own implementation of a public API

Are you sure you're not just retarded?


Nothing of value will be lost however as Linux has been getting worse and worse over the last 5 or so years.

>install virtualbox
>setup VM with Distro of your choice
>have a complete environment for development

why did they even bother?

Don't you understand the peril we're in?

Microsoft is a business. They're trying to get into the business of Linux without actually buying into the Linux ecosystem. Being a developer curiosity is only the beginning. They want to be able to run Linux applications on Windows seamlessly. That's the embrace part. Then, once they're a significant portion of the enterprise Linux market, then they'll flex their muscles and Extend WSL in ways that are incompatible with GNU/Linux. Then comes Extinguish.

And before you call bullshit, they've already done this once. Look up Interix.

WSL is a problem no matter what operating system you run. They don't have to convince us to run it at all, we're not even on their radar, they just have to convince suits with money who actually make the decisions.

Honestly because they probably recognize the NT shell is so impossibly fucked because of two decades of legacy bullshit being left in that the only logical way forward is to absorb bash and re-implement it to deal with Windows hooks and handles.

Plus it's pretty convenient to have bash laying around without having to spin up a VM all the time

>Nothing of value will be lost however as Linux has been getting worse and worse over the last 5 or so years.
There is nothing unique about any of the alternatives to Linux that prevents Microsoft from repeating the same playbook with them.

If anything, the BSD's make such a task trivial, since there is no copyleft preventing them from just copy-pasting the original code.

>Extend WSL in ways that are incompatible with GNU/Linux. Then comes Extinguish.

so become incompatible with the the majority of servers and routers and other devices that run Linux?

see the problem is that EEE only works in a position of extreme monopoly, Microsoft only has a monopoly in desktop operating systems.

>Honestly because they probably recognize the NT shell is so impossibly fucked because of two decades of legacy bullshit being left in that the only logical way forward is to absorb bash and re-implement it to deal with Windows hooks and handles.
The NT team has known cmd.exe has been shit for at least a decade. Powershell came out in 2006. Where the fuck have you been?

>so become incompatible with the the majority of servers and routers and other devices that run Linux?
No, Extend as in Extend - add new features that are specific to WSL that you can't reasonably implement on Linux itself.

Then make it so their desktop OS (always phoning home now, remember) throws up false errors (like with, I believe, DR-DOS), oh, but you can use Windows Linux Serve that's totally compatible and wont have these errors.

You mean the Win32 subsystem right? NT kernel has fuck all to do with legacy crap, that's all Win32.

As a Windows dev, you seldom touch NT syscalls directly, you interface through the subsystems.

NT was designed to be portable first and foremost with the ability to add subsystems such as Win32, UNIX, OS/2, and now WSL.

>No, Extend as in Extend - add new features that are specific to WSL that you can't reasonably implement on Linux itself.

>Then make it so their desktop OS (always phoning home now, remember) throws up false errors (like with, I believe, DR-DOS), oh, but you can use Windows Linux Serve that's totally compatible and wont have these errors.

This shit only makes sense when you don't think about it.

It worked before. What makes you think it wont work now?

>see the problem is that EEE only works in a position of extreme monopoly, Microsoft only has a monopoly in desktop operating systems.
This. The only reason why Microsoft implemented this is because they're losing hard in any other area and in fact the desktop is barely profitable compared to the areas where linux dominates, if it weren't like this they'd be still trying to force everyone to use powershell or something made by them. Apple has a niche market but it's a market that point to the people who is actually willing to spend money constantly, so they actually get constant profit from their business. Microsoft should try to find their proper market instead of thinking that they're safe if they try to lock everyone into using their desktop operative system, considering that the mobile devices is what is growing now they're not even safe in their desktop monopoly.

Embrace extend extinguish


Having to work with the absolute clusterfuck that Powershell is every goddamn day.
It's a huge improvement in scripting utility over cmd, but it's still a fucking trashcan of a shell

Subsystem, shell, whatever.
There is no good command line system for Windows, and the ones that exist are so impossibly broken I can see windows basically just stealing bash for their own

Because this was implemented for the reason that a huge number of developers (except for game developers) use linux and they're trying to lure them back to windows. If they make that right now and their implementation becomes incompatible with linux is the same as not implementing anything in the first place, those developers that are already comfy on linux will just come back, they can only pull this when they're strongly dominating that specific market for the intended audience.

That's the 'extend' part, you big silly. They're used to Linux, fine, so now there's Linux on Windows, then they 'extend' the environment to one that simply cannot be re-created on Linux, and there you have them.

Because 20 years ago they extinguished OTHER PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE vendors.

How are they going to extinguish an OSS project? Especially one as large as Linux?

So what if Microsoft introduces some feature to WSL that isn't on Linux, either it will be re implemented on Linux or, more likely, it won't be used at all because Linux is the OS du jour beyond desktops, and Windows (and WSL by extension) is not.

Again, your entire prediction depends entirely on the assumption that Microsoft is in a monopoly position just as they were in the 90s to be able to pull this off, beyond desktops Microsoft is very competitive, but not even close to monopoly status.

nothing it will only ensure their decades long dominance on desktop platform

>There is no good command line system for Windows

Even the Windows team agrees with you there, they're working to fix the commandline environment in Windows 10. Idk if they'll be successful.

>the ones that exist are so impossibly broken I can see windows basically just stealing bash for their own

They already tried just porting bash and UNIX commands over, it didn't work very well. Windows is object-based; files, devices, etc are objects with properties that can be manipulated. Its very different from *NIX where everything is a file and is manipulated through string manipulation.

Its not for lack of trying either, the guy who invented Powershell (and is now in charge of Windows Server) is a huge UNIX nerd who is pushing hard for Windows to be entirely admin-able from command-line.

I've tried it and is amazing, good fucking ridance to my linux partition.

It's not so amazing if you have a cheap VPS specifically for Linux. You can even access them from anywhere.

> pushing hard for Windows to be entirely admin-able from command-line
From what I've seen dealing with 2012 R2 and 2016, Hyper-V and SCVMM, they're doing a pretty fucking solid job of it.

It's just a shame powershell is such a disgusting mess that reminds me of C# jammed together with Perl and pipelines

All Linux did was re-implement Unix syscalls from scratch

Why is it a disgusting mess? I've used it a little, and although it's annoying to type out long commands interactively, I imagine it works much better in a script. I also really like the conceit of passing objects with structure along pipes as opposed to unstructured text necessitating dumb UNIX hacks like "delineate my output with null terminators.....if you remember to XD XD XD"

yeah, I'll wait till you can mount network shares, without that its useless

>it's still a fucking trashcan of a shell

In what way, I use powershell almost daily for all scripting tasks and find it a joy to work with. It interfaces with Windows and Windows products and even other products in such a way that make it easy to get shit done.

Also, Objects > Text

Bash is a clusterfuck compared to Powershell

No, it's what cucked source was designed to do.

It's more that OP is upset that Microsoft has found a way to do exactly what the GPL was created to stop them from doing.

Because it's rife with shit like
Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry('LDAP://CN=Sites,' + $objRootDSE.configurationNamingContext)
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher

It's incredibly, incredibly powerful and is great in that sense, but as a language into itself it's horrible

This exactly, it is what MS has been doing for decades now. They just got dumb while Balmer was in charge. Now they just have a good undercover leader who managed to cuck Linux. Same plan and strategy though. In ten years Windows will be the better Linux.

>they're working to fix the commandline environment in Windows 10. Idk if they'll be successful.

They're doing a great a job. With the inclusion of package management features in powershell, and the ability to download modules via the gallery, they allow you extend your shell well beyond it's stock functionalities.

>Windows to be entirely admin-able from command-line.

And they're doing just that. And now with the inclusion of DSC resources they're making treating your fleet of servers as cattle easier than ever, and ensuring that what get's configured, stays configured, and changes are made in a central repository and pushed/pulled to the rest of the machines a-la-grouppolicy. And it's cross platform, so you don't need active directory to do this.

Sup Forums shits on MS a lot, a many times they do deserve it. But powershell is not one of those things.

Fuck look up Novell.

No be on those devices.

Except when your internet is down.

>Running unix shit on win 10
>Still can't play a wav file or draw a circle in linux

fucking lol

That's what GPL is about.
Microsoft haven't violated shit and there's nothing you can do about it.

Microsoft returning a favour would be nice, but they're a business and any return of favour results in them challenging their own monopoly which they obviously do not want.
They're a business, they want money.

And now that PowerShell development is open sourced, I will finally have it on my nix distro

How are they losing hard but still growing at a very healthy clip? They are just doing what they do, and it looks like it may be working.

>>Still can't draw a circle on linux
>t. brainlet

>omg you're able to do what you've been able to do for the last 2 decades with cygwin and similar environments but shittier
oh wow, totally a gamechanger

This is GNU/Windows

Novell, Apple, OS/2 ring a bell? Shit they basically pimped DOS from IBM as well. And before you say Apple is still viable. They are as a media company their OS division is a side business and their PC division has been irrelevant since MS saved them in the 90's.

That will only work if those developers migrate to Windows, and use Microsoft's tools, which will hardly work on Linux.
As long as those devs stay on Linux, there is no danger.

cyug my dick

Cygwin requires user-mode recreation of kernel functions that don't map well to Windows.

WSL implements system calls in the windows kernel. It will always be faster than Cygwin.

What are you trying to accomplish? You only go that direction when there isn't a module/cmdlet that does most of the heavy lifting for you.

speed isn't worth the botnet

When will they learn?

This is the real reason ubuntu ditched unity, mir, and mobile. So they can better partner with windows and that massive market.

Don't worry, OP... nobody on Win 10 is gonna use programs that look (and run!) like they're straight out of 1989.

You're 1337 club is safe from the normies.


Seems like you're the one that needs education.

freecuck desktops are continuously getting btfo and its hilarious


>t. nsa

>implying that corporations don't shill here
You're fucking dumb if you think they don't. The OP is a clever shilling tactic.


>not recognizing the meme

Well that's funny, I could swear the post said "k*ke", not "corporate".

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as WSL, is in fact, GNU/NT, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus NT.

>being a faggot
Wow you're dumb, who do you think is running shit?
Pic semi related

>caring about stupid memes

Its a bit more interesting. I recall wine developers are not allowed to refer nice the leaked windows source in developing their compatibility layer.


Those "aliens" immigrated legally though, most of them generations ago. And it's perfectly legal for you to start your own newspaper. If you think the voluntary association of private individuals is harming you, you're basically a Communist. You're not a Communist, are you?

>damage control


You realize what open source means, right?

>i'm retarded and i've never used or heard of cygwin ever
>i'm retarded and didn't know that it's free as in freedom meaning microsoft has the ability to do whatever they want

Please cry more you autist.

Also are you really complaining because a company that's contributing to the lunix ecosystem and codebase allows you to run lunix in some subsystem in their system?

>What can we do about this

This is operating as intended, you can start showing concern when there's an actual problem.

Well iirc they contribute to the kernel sometimes

More importantly they've been pushing linux a lot lately - at least dev wise. ASP Core is now 100% possible on linux. meaning any site willing to transfer over and new sites can be run on Linux servers including windows servers with this subsystem.

Also C# in general has better and more official support with this new .Net core thing they're doing which was described to me as more portable C# in that official core libraries are portable using the same DLLs. So like Mono had their own implementations of .net libraries, where as there is one implementation and it works on linux\windows\mac\...

bra, VS code is open source so microsoft is literally stallman

>ganoofaggots rag on BSDfags for having a cuck license
>Windows users now happily running native GANOO programs
Wew. You faggots got cucked hardcore.

It is fair

Windows 10 users are cucked up the ass with hidden route to NSA and telemetry

Wanting to use anything microsoft EVER

They only make minor stuff open source. VS Code is just an editor, and can't do anything pre-existing open-source editors can't do. But their compilers, libraries, update packages? That's all still closed source. They have 100% control over those and we have no way of even knowing what's in them.

>EEE Phase 1

don't take the cheese

I'll be worried if microsoft buys the linux kernel off Linus

I'd be worried too if they spent money on a free thing

Linus doesn't do copyright assignment, so it's literally impossible to do this.

But given what they've done so far with WSL, it doesn't look like it's necessary.

>In ten years Windows will be the better Linux.
linux has a lot of nice stuff on it, but overall it sucks's cute and all, but it doesn't really feel like a complete operating system.

If they make a better product, you have nothing to blame but yourself for continuing to make a shitty one.
>And before you call bullshit, they've already done this once. Look up Interix.
Remember that big Unix genocide that happened because of Interix? No? Neither does anyone else. Literally all they're doing is re-implementing something Windows has had for years, stop getting your freetard panties in a knot.

>Damage control over not acknowledging a stupid meme in an unrelated discussion

Sure man :^)

enjoy /mnt/c and having no netlink sockets

Open source doesn't mean free software dumbass.

eg. open source. Open source is literally letting another programmer cuck you, letting them develop your software with they're greasy unclean code, and you just sit by and watch while they do it.

dude... it's an anonymous imageboard, you don't need to get the last word. you got wrecked, pick your pants up and move on.

Say thanks to cuconical.