Is this the future of Linux?

Is this the future of Linux?

Other urls found in this thread:

>homemade distro
>maintained by only a handful of people
>rolling release that aims at new users
>no KDE flavour

>bumping forced meme
>giving free (you) to a shit bait

>no KDE flavour
That's a pro though.

only if you're a retard feminist koder

maybe not, but it's a nice testbed for some devs to throw around ideas while providing a fairly complete desktop distro to whoever wants to install it. budgie as a new DE, moving away from gnome, unconventional (snobby) repo curation, the mate menu rewrite in C, etc. i think there's a lot for the "desktop linux" concept to gain from small independent projects like solus. not everything needs to be ubuntu/debian/arch with [some DE] bolted on

fuck off Kevin

It's just Clear Linux patches on top of budgie.

use your time fixing budgie instead of making this stupid threads kevin

Does it support AMD drivers? Does it use X or wayland? Does Wayland also suck with drivers? Specifically referring to this:



nothing supports this shitty depracated drivers

Still better than the open sores ones.

[spoiler]seriously though, is there anything wrong with solus?

What do they use for 'third-party' software in their software center? Is it flatpak/snaps? It's pretty cool.

it's fine for babby's first linux.
It has a visually appealing DE, and it's easy to install/use.

That's about it though. It doesn't even have anywhere near the software support as other large distros, like Debian or Arch.

You have no idea why Nvidia went closed source with the drivers, do you? Meanwhile AMD freetard drivers are essentially the same as closed.

>You have no idea why Nvidia went closed source with the drivers, do you?

Well, tell me then



>Why is Solus so great?

The big appeal of Solus is that it's essentially taking the best bits from every other distro, and smushing it all into one cohesive whole.

For instance, it has the newbie/user-friendlyness & ease of use of Ubuntu, combined with the rolling up-to-date nature of Arch, while still being rather stable. There's really nothing else like that in the Linux world right now.

It has easily one of the best App-Store/Software Center of any distro, which is essential for app discovery, and users of all kinds.

It really is blazing fast. Boot up and shut down times are some of quickest I've ever encountered.

The budgie desktop is pretty awesome. Lightning quick, intuitive, and no screen tearing out of the box! :D (Take that xfce fags!)

While it doesn't have the sheer amount of app-selection of other major distros, what is there is the creme of the crop, and almost guaranteed to "just work".

And to be honest, Ikey is a cool dude, and exactly the type of person you want spearheading a project like this.

Fuck off Kevin


Its pretty much the best thing that has happened to loonix lately, and its pretty meh, so it gives you an idea of how the community has been lately


Go to sleep, Kevin.

>not using Windows 10 with heavy registry edits

>taskbar on the top

Install Kevin

bugridden crap

nice. fedora master race here *donates to redhat* don't want my intellect to leave my skull.

>The budgie desktop is pretty awesome. Lightning quick, intuitive, and no screen tearing out of the box! :D (Take that xfce fags!)

It's resource heavy, less responsive than xfce, 1000 gnome dependencies and apps, and it is still full of bugs. But yes it's nice looking and has a newbie friendly concept. I would indeed like to see a budgie style notification and settings-center screen in xfce

t. xfce fag

Friendly reminder that Solus is not secure

That's hilarious

wtf i love arch now

Posting the superior Kevin, who prefers Slackware.

Pasta time.
If you've spent any time trying to do any OpenGL work, you'll know the answers to these questions - and it's the same answer to all of them. The nvidia driver is the only one out there that actually has full OpenGL support. The Mesa guys will happily tell you how it supports the full 2.1 spec as well - and then mumble something about a software renderer - yes that's right, as long as you don't need any hardware acceleration, Mesa is the tool for you.
The sad truth is that none of the open source drivers actually offer the hooks necessary to enable full OpenGL support, even when the hardware itself is capable. Publishing documentation and having paid fulltime developers in house has not fixed this problem for either ATI or Intel. (Full disclosure, the closed-source ATI drivers have support for some of these features but no freetard is interested in them anymore). Why? Because there's no infrastructure - the Linux DRI/DRM layer is broken and efforts to fix it continue at a glacial pace.How did nvidia avoid this? They bypassed it completely - the nvidia driver may look like a regular Xorg video driver but it's actually very invasive and replaces the bottom third of the X server (Most bits of X are driven through overridable function tables - glorious eh?). They had no choice: You can have the world's most awesome hardware and developers but if you have to be compatible with DRI/DRM - you're screwed and none of that will help you.

It's a crude approximation but the most crucial difference between the nvidia architecture and DRI/DRM is that nvidia actually have a memory manager - and a unified one at that. Without a memory manager it's impossible to allocate offscreen buffers (hence, no pbuffers or fbos) and without a unified memory manager it's impossible to reconcile 2D and 3D operations (hence no redirected Direct Rendering). The Accelerated Indirect GLX feature that the freetards were busy raving about is an endless source of confusion - and ultimately a hack to workaround their lack of a memory manager.

Indirect rendering is when a GL application delegates 3d operations to the X server instead of talking directly to the 3D driver. This makes operations slower, but not necessarily unusably slow - as long as the X server itself is capable of talking to the 3D driver and making hardware accelerated calls. Now, in DRI/DRM land, the X server originally *could not* talk to the 3D driver because only one direct client could run at a time - so the server itself was excluded because most people wanted their 3D apps to do the talking. However, they realised that if they forced all 3D apps to use indirect rendering, they could avoid the need for a memory manager because the X server itself acts as a single point of control over all 2D and 3D rendering - so they went and fixed things so that the Server could be a 3D client and accelerate indirect rendering, and thus AIGLX the born as a feature to be shouted about from the rooftops. Never mind that 3D apps would then have to use indirect rendering and be slowed down. Never mind that nvidia's driver offered Accelerated Indirect Rendering from day one back in 2000. Never mind that nvidia don't need to use it because they can do redirected direct rendering properly.

So, why do you think nvidia doesn't give two shits about the all the petitions and ranting and pleading and threats to go use someone elses hardware? Guess what - >they write linux drivers because paying customers want them - and these places do serious rendering and need these full OpenGL features - otherwise nvidia wouldn't have added them in the first place! They aren't going to give you the time of day when you come to them with your shitty little open source driver that doesn't support features invented over 10 years ago (pbuffers at SGI - 1997)

>future of linux
the same as it always has been. Very specific use-cases and thats it. Why does there always seem to be this lingering idea that Linux is going to one day make it big and be the OS of common people. Android is the closest to that and its hardly like the desktop environment every "which distro is best' idiot uses..

>Why does there always seem to be this lingering idea that Linux is going to one day make it big and be the OS of common people

Cause Windows is getting worse with each release

>unironically using gimped repos

Why not just install budgie on any other distro if you like it so much?

sauce? It won't run on many cpu if it's right.

From Linux haters blog. Probably from 2011 or so.