Ryzen 1400 vs i5 7500

>ryzen 5 actually a bigger flop than ryzen 7
What went so fucking wrong?


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>gay men benchmarks
there's a board just for that, you know

J-just wait for Ryzen +, i-it's a brand-new architecture give it time.


>What went so fucking wrong?
Bad single thread performance yet again. Ryzen 5 is worthless unless you overclock, and you can't overclock the lower end chips


R5 1400s are the entry level products. they are placed in-between that i5 and i3 in pricing

isn't the R5 1400 the "grandpa needs a new computer" cpu? if so shouldn't they be comparing to the i3? i7-7700K user here so idk.

The whole Ryzen lineup is overclockable you dumbshit. And besides, the R5 1400 is closer in price against shit like the i3 7350k and the i5 7400. And the performance is great, given the prices and core counts.

>7700k user

I doubt anybody who shows sympathy for AMD could afford an i7

Fuck off pajeet

why would any fuckhead consider anything below the 1600?

i bought the 1700 and overclocked it to 4.1

it beat the living daylight out of my 4670k @ 4.6ghz.


Reviewers always pick the worst comparison products. Like if I'm considering buying a GTX1060, I don't give a fuck how it compares to a GTX1080. I want comparisons against a 960 and a 970.

I'm surprised they aren't taking the 1400 and comparing it to a i7-7700 and saying "lol the i7 is faster".

Idiots who think 4 cores should remain the standard. 6 cores and up are much more relevant now.

>shows sympathy for AMD
just calling out a bad apples to apples comparison. besides, what faggot is going to try to play games on the lowest ryzen processor? nvm probably everyone in brasil.

probatly slow ass memory
at 3000mhz+ they should be way closer

>yfw apple puts ryzen in their new imac
>and sell it as $1000 part.
>call it special

anything below 1600 is retarded until the $70 athlon ryzen with single ccx gpu disabled.

Enjoy running at over 1.4 volts and keeping your processor for a week, user.

>it beat the living daylight out of my 4670k @ 4.6ghz.
ITT we pretend we don't use our PC for gaming. Grapes are disgusting. Fuck grapes.

I've been watching these reruns for yeeeeaaaaaaars
Don't know why you AMD fanboys can't accept reality
I like competition but they've been a disappointment for years

>CPU you can't overclock vs CPU that you can overclock

>lets leave both at stock frequencies, that will be representative of final experience


>Enjoy running at over 1.4 volts and keeping your processor for a week, user.
Is this an intel shill trying to scare people away from overclocking or something?

Yeah this is a repeat of Bulldozer, although Ryzen is much better since Ryzen 7 CPUs aren't infernos.

We're pretty much at the limit of what we can do with silicon anyway. Skylake, Kaby and everything after that will see very little to no improvement.

I've been waiting to find out if the 1400 is outmatched by the 1500x and 1600 by a large margin. The 1400 has lower clock speed and also 8MB L3 cache compared to the R5 SKUs with 16MB L3 cache and higher clock speed.

This isn't a repeat since Ryzen has both strong and numerous cores this time. Not just one or the other. The difference in gaming performance is minor in most scenarios. And the 8 core Ryzens are destroying the i7s in performance per watt.

Whereas Bulldozer was almost completely insignificant for the most part. Competitive does not equal Bulldozer.

Is this the fantasist pajeet with his '''''''''1700 at 4.1ghz'''''''''? Nah mate. Nah. CPU-Z or gtfo. Let's see dem volts.

>The difference in gaming performance is minor in most scenarios.

Yeah, pretty much this. Bulldozer was a complete failure whereas Ryzen had been on a good run despite a rocky launch and few issues regarding memory speed and bad optimization. But the good thing is that these issues can resolved once AMD has a complete understanding of the Ryzen architecture.

kys fgt

>Is this the fantasist pajeet with his '''''''''1700 at 4.1ghz'''''''''?
>Enjoy running at over 1.4 volts and keeping your processor for a week
Is stupid statement. Unless you got really unlucky you can run a cpu over 1.4 for years.

Fucking this, in addition there's no image of the testbench or any footage or any proof this fag even has the R5 1400 at all.

It's probably an underclocked R7 with cores turned off

>It... It's n-n-not real! DELET.
Which stage of grief is this, pajeets?

what do you get for shilling intel? surely they can't be bothered to pay you

>not proofs outside a meme image and fancy colored bars
>this is concrete proof in the eyes of Intel shills

>Enjoy running at over 1.4 volts and keeping your processor for a week, user.
I've had an FX 9590 running at 1.47 V for four years now. You're grasping at straws.

C'mon man. Muh brand loyalty.

It's just an extension of the console war cancer Sup Forums has brought here.

>tfw /pcbg/ convinced you to wait for Ryzen 5s
I can't believe I fell for this shit again. I should have learned by now.

how can you possibly be loyal to fucking intel of all companies
my 3570k still performs on par with 7500, that's 5 YEARS of straight up stagnation
what kind of retard would shill for this piece of shit company

/pcbg/ is half AMD shills and half trolls. The OP of their thread usually says "only an idiot would buy an i5" or something similar.


WTF I hate dualcores now

You're a stupid faggot.

This is the 150 dollar ryzen bring compared to the 250 dollar i5.

Intel supports Feminist Frequency. That's the main reason I buy AMD.

Kill yourself.

Anyone buying a dual core in 2017 is dirt poor or retarded.

>Torgue Tech
>53 subscribers
>graphics made on paint
Good benchmark, goy

What do you intend on using the computer for? If gayming then just go for Intel (i7 or G4560 for budget). Otherwise if you're doing 3D editing, Photoshop, etc then get the R5.

Thats not very progressive of you, user. Diversity is our strength!


you know 1400 can overclock right?

>AMD still failing to compete with Intel even after 5 years of stagnation.
Suicide watch.

>i5 7500
u wot m8. It's a

Stop trying to promote your shitty benchmarks, shill.

Intel fagboy meltdown number 1256.

Scraping the bottom of the fucking barrel on Intel parts is something to be proud of?

It's still getting its ass beat in dollar per frame by a 160 dollar CPU and a 70 dollar mother board that can overclock to be even faster.

>dollar per frame
Same old pajeet song, new tune. When the only argument for choosing AMD is poverty you've already lost.

What is it about intel the breeds elitism?

Then why are we comparing poverty level parts, Uzi?

Because the thread is about poverty level parts? Nobody with an actual job and actual disposable income is going to be buying either of these things.

Functional, contributing members of society buy a 7700K and get on with their life.

>tfw I'm going to buy a 1600 just to make you faggots mad

That'll show us.

Sorry. You'll have to find another buyer to fund your diversity programs.

Glad to know you're just trying to inflate your tiny dick by comparing poverty level parts that you have no interest in.

>Functional, contributing members of society
>CPU that's only saving grace is MUH GAYMEN and requires delidding/OCing to get it's money's worth

Kill yourself.

low-quality bait

Don't bother, they remind me of nintendo kids, more interested in shilling inferior products because they feel connected to a business


lol AMD drones coming up with infinite excuses for a shitty average at every thing excels at nothing chip.

I almost fell for it too but then I remembered bulldozer and other releases and how AMD hype always ended in disappointment

Ironic seeing as the Intel series are practically one-trick-ponies for having 25-30% higher single core performance. That's literally all they have left. They lose on price, lose badly on multicore, TDP, ease of OCing, not having to switch sockets every CPU, etc.

my 9590 ran for 3 years @ just under 1.6

>b-but muh optane

Yeah, 4.1 stable, I would love to she that...

>Unless you got really unlucky you can run a cpu over 1.4 for years.

the only CPUs that can do that are old sandy bridge and bulldozer chips, you will damage your hardware if you do that with newer chips, especially those produced on samsung/glofo 14lpp.

even AMD says you shouldn't run higher than 1.35v with zen chips unless you're suicide overclocking.

Any application which uses more than 4 cores should send it's workload to the GPU anyway

>We're pretty much at the limit of what we can do with silicon anyway.
Not even close. The Apple A10 has Intel i5-7300U performance but it only uses 2W compared to 31W of the 7300U.

Are you on literal drugs?

>repeat of bulldozer
God, the shills doesn't try anymore.

Is peerblock still effective?

>parallel processing tasks shouldn't be dumped to the GPU

Me too user, and I thought I was the only one.

Fuck that shekel grabbing she-kike

>tfw fell for the fx and ryzen memes

the 1700 is a piece of shit
>needs special mobo to OC
>needs special liquid cooling to reach only 4ghz because it gets too hot because>8 cores
>needs faster more expensive ram to perform
>power consumption skyrockets once you reach 1.4v, it turns into a housefire
>and since you need all of this it's not actually cheaper than the i7 7700k

fuck you Sup Forums and your fucking amd shills. never again.

gonna get a i7 7700k now.

please god delete this

>hey guise in this review we will be showing you an i7 clocked at 5.2ghz against a 4.0 1800x because that's the real world scenario for enthusiasts
>hey guise, in this Ryzen 5 review we will only show stock clocks because no one in their right mind overclocks their precious processors.

Shilltel has downgraded to sharing 1400 stats cos it's the only CPU they can beat these days xDD
Here's some pre-update 1700 numbers for you, can add about 20% to those frames assuming current patches and ideal RAM speed at 3200mhz on supported sticks like Flare X

Except even with fast ram, bios updates, win 10 updates, and game patches; ryzen still underperforms.

i will probably go for an r5 1500x



>>shillnexus bench
>still +8 .1% frames vs. shilltel 6900K that costs 3x as much as a 1700 that acheives the same frames at OC
seems good to me





>mfw reading this manchild
>mfw 1600X will beat quad core meme for $100 less
>mfw you keep raging on Sup Forums because you know you got ripped off but the only method manchildren understand for cognitive dissonance is complaining more

poor fag detected, not everyone on this fucking board is poor in a 3rd world country like you pajeet, go ahead and keep supporting a company that sells memes.
people sometime want the best stuff out there that is not 2nd place because they can afforrrrddd it for the lasstt time.
>inb4 intel shill



inb4 intel fag tries to respond to the true fact that he can't understand price/performance or how that equates to fair benches