So, this is the power of open source?

So, this is the power of open source?

how sterile

Niggers can have aryan babies?

They should fire the guy who did that garbage image.
Even a 12yo can do a better job with photoshop/gimp

yeah wtf, rare example of reverse cuckoldry

Look, this is a well doing household, obviously the black dude is not the father but the husband is at work and mom is cucking the husband with the black dude. If you didn't notice ait at first, it being open source should have cleared it up right away.

apparently niggers read too :^)

that nigger must be

So, why should I use this over Alexa?

he's a slave you racist fuck

my fucking sides

>OP makes thread about GPL licensed personal assistant
>Resulting thread consists of 7 posts by 6 people about how the promo image has a NIGGER in it
I really don't remember Sup Forums being this shit when I first came here.

That's why I made the thread.
I knew it will fly with that picture.

You shouldn't.

Blame Sup Forums, they ruined this website with their cringy activist bullshit, aggressively breaking rules 1 and 2, promoting this website to normies and inviting literal redditors here

>implying SJWs arent the real problem
>implying Sup Forums wasnt infested with SJWs back in the "good old days"

Oh look, there's one of the aggressive Sup Forumstards now

>>implying Sup Forums wasnt infested with SJWs back in the "good old days"
This is how I know you came here in 2014 at the earliest.

I'm probably more old fag than you. Pic related is what we saved you from, no need to thank us.

I honestly dont see how that was any worse than you are now..

At least leftist SJWs are occasionally tech literate. Unlike Sup Forums newfags, who consider doxing and shouting people down IRL to be some kind of 31337 act of justice.

>open source
>blue text bubble

pick one

>I'm probably more old fag than you
t. 2014 redditor

'Oldfag' is one word btw, if you were an oldfag you'd know that

Someone go post the OP on Sup Forums and send link for lulz

>company uses interracial bait advertising
>Sup Forums falls for it and promotes the product for free every time

This. Machine pictured is just a transhuman

that's just the house-nigger taking remote orders from his massa.

>promotes the product

I know what mycroft is and what it does thanks to this thread, how is that not promoting the product?

controversial advertisements are often pretty effective, you're doing what they want you to do by showing it around

fucking this

Sup Forums is a slave to the cosmic jew and they don't even fucking know it

alias marcus='jerome'
alias book='bicycle'
alias library='police'


>le Sup Forums bogeyman

Any type of publicity is good

Consider 3 market segments

1. SJW retards who value depictions of special snowflake transgender black gay marxist otherkins in advertising
2. Normal people who don't give a fuck about identity politics and want to know if it's a useful product or not
3. Angry triggered Sup Forumstards on an outrage crusade because they saw a black guy white a white woman once

Type 2 vastly outnumber type 3 or 1.

If you can make a "controversial" ad, it will appeal to the virtue signaling tendencies of type 1 and type 3 will spread it around for you, leading to increased brand recognition with type 2 who evaluate the product on its own merits.

>he thinks Sup Forums isn't reddit-lite
my sides

The reddit meme is idiotic mostly, after the obvious difference that Sup Forums is an anonymous image board and reddit a discussion forum, they both have their fare share of idiots, also reddit does have SJW owners and your posts could be removed or you banned just because someone didn't like something you said, but for something like questions and answers, it's still a good platform.

>liberals get triggered by a black male doing what could be considered servitude and about women living up to a gender role of nurturing and raising kids instead of being independent
>polacks get triggered at the prospect of a racemixing couple and the falacy of a black man being a successful parent
Whoever made that image was a marketing genius

...can we talk about IPAs now?

>cosmic jew
thats something a Sup Forumstard would say

Alexa is the best though, you can even control Raspberry Pi GPIO with it and it's an actual commercial product that doesn't sound like ass and gets you wrong every second time.

Tried this IPA last weekend, was pretty meh. Too bitter and a lack of 'Hoppyness' IMO

>try to make a joke
>sound like a tech illiterate retard instead

brewing beer is technology


The woman is transgender.
The baby is adopted.

>no one mentioned mycroft at all

has anyone even tried it?

Outside of the normiesphere, Reddit is pretty decent. Subreddits like /r/linux are way better than Sup Forums for actual discussion.


Take a closer look. Not even a year old and that baby is already bald. He has bitch genes.

it's shit


>My wives white son

She's an open source

No, just public domain

>implying off-color humor, such as racist humor is Sup Forums
>cringy activist bullshit
The only cringy activist shit was in the opening months of '08

>implying that Sup Forumstards aren't cringy twitter activists

>The reddit meme is idiotic mostly
It is based off them uploading content from here and claiming it as their own, much like ebaums back in the day. Irregardless that website is a garbage fire because the upvote/downvote system with the presence of usernames allows for ideas to become accepted based on popularity instead of accuracy.

>implying dark humor and off color humor poking fun at societal norms/values is automatically some twitter dingus

>missing the point

>reverse cucking
>black guy went to a library
>black guy set a reminder to return something borrowed and not steal it

Opposite day?

I outright said why it is a bad platform. Usernames aren't the issue, but when you combine it with up and down votes you make it a popularity contest. Again, popular posters are driven to the top no matter how wrong they are.

Same shit here, popular shit gets repeated over and over, no matter how wrong it is.

and Sup Forums is just a bunch of people who either got banned or couldn't pony up 10 dollars to post on something awful

if anybody reading this post is under 30, you're a newfag

Yet you can correct the poster here, or flame them to shit without your posts being hidden.

hell the windows azure forums are better for linux discussion then Sup Forums


Nigger pls every single fucking subreddit gets eventually bought out and turns to shit, some fag recommended me a few small ones on niche interests and even those got eventually sold out to some company specialized on that niche and they got filled with shills and corporate apologists.
Not to say there aren't shills and corporate apologists here but at least you can still call them out and call them faggots without getting banned.

Is this your first day? It's the opposite here, unpopular shit gets repeated over and over in order to piss people off.

>couldn't pony up 10 dollars to post on something awful
SA has been horrid for years now, it stopped being good more than a decade ago.

>if anybody reading this post is under 30, you're a newfag
At least we can agree on this for the most part.

But that unpopular shit is false, that's the point.

Can't you read?

Yes, that's why it's unpopular. Because people will constantly tell the shitposter that it's false. It's by no means what you are implying, where popular shit that is false that people believe to be true gets posted.

In this case it's unpopular shit that is false that everyone knows is false is being posted


The result is a shitty board with most retards actually thinking that's what the board is about and the other half thinks it's true.

No user. You're confusing open floor, with open source again.

>SA has been horrid for years now

i know, just pointing out that Sup Forums copped SA culture

Sup Forums hating on reddit is just like SA hating on their GBS board to me

haven't visited sa since about 2009


real life my name is earl

Is that the Santa Monica Mountains? Always wanted a house there..