>Accidentally bought 60TB of hard drives at $2000
What should I do with this? Mine burstcoin? Rent it out to a bunch of hipsters? I can't return them. I think I might sell them or hoard 4k films.
>Accidentally bought 60TB of hard drives at $2000
What should I do with this? Mine burstcoin? Rent it out to a bunch of hipsters? I can't return them. I think I might sell them or hoard 4k films.
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eBay or Amazon
Sell them.
give me one, bro.
Wha.. How.. I mean... How in HELL did you manage that?
I want to marry Mercy
Generate 59TB worth of dictionaries and run a hash cracking service
are they new? cause if not, I wouldn't trust em.
I've got a server for a client company that wanted to run their software on it. I impulse bought the hard drives, then forgot about them. They arrived like 3 weeks later while I was gone and the return period is past due. The client, who is an autist programmer said they didn't need it at the moment so I'm stuck with them. I like being prepared for things like this but I've learned nearly every programmer is a literal autist who can never make up his or her mind, ever even if they sound so sure of themselves. You'd think after this happening a few times I'd learn by now, but no.