/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

No news edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker drama competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's that tracker at 2x2?

You mean hdbits.ro?

Where the fuck is the NEWS?

At this point in time, what's the best WCD replacement?

>GGN implemented a new system where by seeding you gradually, requests are now made with gold rather than upload, they also have a bug that affects some users perceived userclass
>.bz sites have been down for a few days for the second time in the last 30 days
>pooloo had an fl
I think that's everything relevant to the last week or so.


This needs to be in the OP so people can stop asking the same fucking question

>join Emp
>miss global freeleech by less than a week
shucks, I shouldn't have waited


.bz sysops in jail

fuck yeah

all the bz sites were shit so i'm glad to see them btFo

eating a carolina reaper on friday, not excited at all
>tfw no vapormax
>tfw trying to download the 1080 webrip of crashing from BTN but it just wont werk

hopefully we'll get a new ratioless e-learning tracker

>tfw just join endoftheinter*net

friendliness, warmth, and sharing

you mean stealing

why would you do that. whats the hottest pepper/food youve eaten so far?

rofl that site has been useless ever since megaupload got taken down

enjoy a non-anonymous version of /r9k/

>don't... uh, mind me, nigguh, just sharin' this hundred dalla bill

Me and my mate were watching videos of people eating it and we both ended up calling each others bluff pretty much
I've fucked around with ghost peppers a bit but not much, i'm sure this is going to kill me especially as we're just gonna straight up eat a whole one each

It's not the same, you're just making a copy siwwy!

put on a trip already

kind of the same thing happened with me, i watched one too many la beast videos and went out and bought a habanero and ghost pepper plant. tried a full habanero (which im pretty sure got cross polinated with the ghost pepper) and went semi delusional within a few minutes, then dry heaved over the toilet for the next 10. ended up making myself puke to save my butthole from the misery. never got around to trying a ghost pepper aside from minuscule bites, ended up drying them all out and grinding them up. that shit is basically dry mace

good luck!



don't forget about speed.cd

>no desi.cd
Sure is curry in here!

So I haven't been in the torrenting scene for a long time - stopped around 2010, and I'm only now getting back into it

What did I miss? Is piratebay still somehow alive?
I heard PTF is good. How do invites work for them?

>ab invites dont work
>ab FL till the 12th

>ab invites dont work

This, chink trackers are god tier. Also if you hit poweruser on OCD you get mteam access

fuck off chinky stinky

Not sure if this is a troll post because public trackers but...
Ascending the pyramid these days is mainly taking the red interview when you have the time, joining MAM when their recruitment opens, and joining .bz sites and getting a higher userclass on those. MAM is piss easy, .bz sites have a freeleech of the week, and it'll just take a month for MAM and two or three for .bz sites to get to higher userclasses and be able to apply for middle trackers. Red is a little bit slower and harder to survive on, but is a surer way straight to the top, whereas .bz/MAM takes you to middle tier trackers, where you survive until wait for recruitment to open for the top trackers.

haha trolled u good

.bz are gone

How to get a GGn invite?

pm me




:P yummy

How do I PM someone on Sup Forums?

you have to have Sup Forums gold

just pmed you instructions on how to

speaking of, why did people start using "dm" instead of "pm"? pm has been around for ages, dm sounds like something a nigger would say

DM predates PM on IRC and BBSs.

what's this?

big black sausage

Is that the new blacked.com series?

Bulletin Board System. Basically a forum that you phone into.

>le good feel when deleting 300GB of junk from your seedbox

That's how I feel when deleting GGn stuff

i have 2 friends i need to invite ;_;

make that three, please

I'm looking for an AnimeBytes invite but I haven't gotten any results.

Any of you kind enough to share an invite? I have a seedbox.

[email protected]

>using the smiley with a carat nose

sent ;)

Wow, can't believe someone actually sent one, I used to think this was a ptg meme.

Not samefag.


no, we're very giving people here

prove it!

does anyone recruit from AR?


pirate bay?


fuck yeah

been tryinta get in that bitch

niggers tongue my seedbox

/ptg/ had a real case of the Mondays huh?

How long does GGn take to get new games? I want that yooka laylee!

>been browsing and posting on /ptg/ for close to a week now
>still not invited to any movie private trackers yet

؜I don't think video game trackers releases like movie trackers do?
It'll get uploaded whenever some scene group releases it and another user uploads it to GGn.

game is shit. fuck off dany.


post your email it's your lucky day

؜Huh? Is what I said false?

I don't invite weebs


>[email protected]
wow it's the moderator of /r/linuxmasterrace

also sorry ab invite system is broken rn

I'm not a weeb though.


i only have 2 invites sry


It is truly a miracle these threads haven't been banned yet. Day in and day out nothing but inane shitposts. Your days are numbered faggots, marks my words.

I feel truly bad for any system administrator who has to struggle with Ocelot and Gazelle.

>no documentation
>installation procedure is hectic
>seriously, there is literally no documentation


They aren't that hard to install, and the wiki page on what.cd's github goes over most of what you need to do.

what is bp used for on btn?

>not a weeb
>posts anime



>not a musician
>listens to music
>not a gourmet
>eats food

that analogy doesn't work at all. It would only work if you said
>not an anime creator
>still watches anime
Being a weeb is totally different. Weeb

What's being a weeb then?

A weeb is someone who has ever watched even a single frame of any show that was created in japan and derived even the slightest enjoyment from it


Guys is there something I should get from AB that I can't find on Nyaa/Baka


I'm not a weeb then, I hate every single anime I watch.

Unironically post your MAL so I can tell you what to get.

I don't keep an MAL account or even a list of what I have seen anywhere

i've seen a lot but mainly the basics though. I just got done watching SnK and HxH which I liked a lot

Thinking about watching berserk or LoGH now, maybe even hikaru no go

not sure though